This is a cooperative map for 2 players. It contains 5 challenges that you can complete with your friend in about 15 minutes.
Works in Jedi Outcast multiplayer and Jedi Academy multiplayer.
For Jedi Outcast download this file: coop_puzzles_Jedi_Outcast.zip
For Jedi Academy download this file: coop_puzzles_Jedi_Academy.zip
To install unpack your downloaded .zip file somewhere and put coop_puzzles.pk3 in GameData/base.
Type the following in console to launch map:
\map coop_puzzles
There is new model with this map that works only in Jedi Academy and JK2MV ( https://jk2mv.org/ ).
You can type the following to use it:
\model otso
Thanks to Willemoes who gave me permission to include his model "Otso - Buff Reelo Baruk 1" with this map.
Link to his profile on JKHub and model below:
Map author: Lomtik
Discord: Lomtik#5701
JKHub: https://jkhub.org/profile/7993-lomtik/