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  1. Looking great, just need to do something about those crappy looking icons.
  2. You'll run into Entity limit issues if the corpses just stay there. But you'll need to do some coding to change it. I do not think it will be as simple as changing a few variables as you will may run into some network issues. But here is a good place to start. https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/blob/c1b347d39b6c069c73818bcd7fedd0da2be08342/codemp/game/g_client.c#L988 Edit: i did not read Smoo's reply lol. Yea, maybe Japro let's you modify it. But either way your gonna run into issues if you just have a ton of bodies just not being removed from the game.
  3. I'd recommend using the JKCommunity discord and speak to Fau or Daggo. They are the chief maintainers for JK2MV
  4. can you take a picture of your gamedata folder?
  5. You did not say if you wanted Multiplayer or Singleplayer. For Multiplayer JK2MV is the defacto option. Which you should be using if your playing Multiplayer. For singleplayer.. Some dude did it a while ago but I can't remember his name. But give this one a go for Singleplayer it should work https://github.com/sithmartyr/jaPRO
  6. I usually just extract to the desktop or wherever tbh. Doesn't really matter I think. I believe the gamepacks just add extra things like example maps and shit.
  7. Maybe this is the right place to put it but if anyone makes AI art in relation to Jedi Academy feel free to share. Here are some sites that can help you make it https://www.midjourney.com/ https://dream.ai/ https://openai.com/product/dall-e-2 There are plenty more but you can search for them yourself. Old Kyle Rosh
  8. People still use Pakscape?
  9. I imagine the reference material available is qutie low quality. They look fantastic.
  10. @ForceAdeptBeing Got a few hits on my discord question This is the mother (Abeloth) / Daughter. I'll see if I can get links if your interested. None for Father or Son so far.
  11. I'm using Maya just not for JKA. As I wanted to move to industry standard software. I also use Blender. Will prob have to switch to Zbrush at some point but for now Mudbox serves my needs lol..
  12. I asked around on a popular porting discord and the answer seems to be No, it has not been done. If they happen to be in another video game you can request for them to be ported though as we got a few porters on here. Unfortently they do not seems to be on Galaxy of Heroes. I have seen a fan made model on BF2 2019 but generally that requires a lot more work then porting from GoH. Prob be easier just to remake it yourself.
  13. I'm probably a little late to answer this but ah well. Firstly, the map will always be one big object. Because the importer does not import brushes but draw surfaces. You would have to manually seperate everything in Blender if you wanted to start modifying it. Which to be fair, is not too hard. Now, your first question is a little confusing so I'll assume what your saying is... You can import into Blender fine and the textures show in Blender fine but when you export as fbx or .obj and then load it into Unreal there are no textures correct? If so its because the .fbx will not store the textures so you would need to manually assign the textures in either Unreal or Blender I believe. I think if you do it in Blender you want to make sure they point to your Unreal Project Folder. You also said that the scale was not right. Well, your gonna need to work out the conversion yourself to match the scaling issue because your porting from one engine to another. But I'm presuming your using the blender bsp import tool and stuff so I could be wrong. It's doable for sure though. (What your trying to achieve) just time consuming.
  14. Yea. in particular environments. I'm hoping for some good detention areas on Imperial ships personally, I think it is pretty cool that its set in a time period we know but a lot of the designs and the look of things are quite unique. Some good opportunity for some unique maps.
  15. Well we got 3 episodes out now, So, why not make a topic about stuff you think is cool and would like to see in the game. I like the Bryrar pistol. It looks slightly difference to the one in game. (I presume it is a Bryar pistol lol) I also think the Uniform of the Imperial Mining guards was pretty cool.
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