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Posts posted by BlindDaThief

  1. On 11/10/2022 at 8:01 AM, NumberWan said:

    Updated Dantooine. The farmland and spaceport areas are expanded a bit, but are a lot more detailed as well. The gameplay is also slightly changed so that the mission is nothing like 'a very long corridor, you run through'. While on a mission with Luke Skywalker, Kyle encounters a few enemies near the landing area and has to deal with them.







    NumberWan likes this
  2. Hello all,

    I'm very sorry that I have not gotten started on this for those that are paying attention. BUT! it is part of my resolution for the New Year. My resolutions are to pay off my student loans, date only good people, and get to modding!!!! haha. 


    I will have a small taste of what I've been working on done soon and it'll be up as soon as it is. I have been spending about an hour a month on this, so its been a slow process so far but I'm gonna crank up the frequency of this hobby. Hang in there! I hope its worth it...

  3. On 10/9/2013 at 8:28 PM, MoonDog said:
    @echo off
    title Entity Recompiler - Wrapper made by BobaFett
    echo q3map2 entity recompile wrapper
    echo by BobaFett
    cd C:\Program Files\GtkRadiant-1.4
    q3map2.exe -v -game ja -onlyents %1
    echo Compiling finished, press any key to close this window



    Make the above text into a .bat file. Save it in the same folder as q3map2. (Usually your gtkradiant installation.) If you don't have q3map2, acquire it or just download any version of gtkradiant and install it.





    Now, get the BSP of the level you'd like to modify. If it's a stock map its going to be located in the jedi academy assets pk3's. I cant remember which, it's been a long time since I modded JKA.



    Open the BSP in notepad, search for the word worldspawn. You'll see a syntax structure looking something like this:


    "soundSet" "city_outdoor"
    "angle" "225"
    "soundSet" "city_outdoor"
    "classname" "worldspawn"
    Copy everything from that opening bracket to the closing bracket of the very last entity in the list. Paste it into it's own file. Save it as mapname.ent. (Must have the same filename as the bsp)
    Follow the proper entity syntax and create new info_player_starts with the origins you want and angles. 
    With both the BSP and the .ent file in the same folder, drag the .ent file onto the .bat I had you create. The new entities will be repacked into the BSP.
    Place this BSP in a fresh PK3 following the folder structure it had in the original PK3. Name your new PK3 something alphabetically senior to the original assets pk3. I usually just add zzzzzzzzzzzzzz's to the beginning.
    And there you go.

    I realize how old this topic is... But hopefully someone can read this... How do you know the "origins and angles"?

    DarthValeria likes this
  4. 4 hours ago, AshuraDX said:

    I did not mean to offend you, It was harshly phrased - harsher than intended to be fair.

    You used to be quite interested in getting feedback and learning new skills.

    Here's what a possible application of the feedback I gave can look like:


    This took about 20 Minutes, not counting the time I spent setting up the model in 3ds max and naming materials.

    All I did is bake a world space normal map and an ambient occlusion map then combine the maps with the diffuse textures to get this result. with a bit of polish and individual tweaking of the different texture maps you could get a more polished result. This was a quick and dirty job.

    Here are the touched up textures with the model_lit.skin variant.


    I love it how creative and knowledgeable this community is! Of course the advice AshuraDX gave is absolute gibberish to me... Didn't understand a word... Occlusion map? Bake? 3ds max? Haha but whatever! You're both amazing at what you do and I just wish I could plug into the matrix and download your knowledge! 

  5. 20 minutes ago, fullkevlar said:

    More fiddling around with this guy for a bit today:



    Added more aspects of the wiring harness and extra greebles placed, after looking over some more source photos.  Also repositioned and resized some existing aspects.

    He really should not take too long after getting all the pieces in place.

    Are you gonna make a playable version of this guy?

    DarthValeria likes this
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