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Posts posted by Omicron

  1. I'd like to apoligise now to the uploader's of the files which got removed due to me giving examples of ported content, had I known such drastic measures would have been taken, I probably would have kept my mouth shut, or atleast been vague about the existence of those mods here. :\

  2. So as the title says, I'm trying to make a texture have forced RGB, but whenever I do it, it makes it fullbright. I'm doing this for teamskins, as I want to use a specific shade of red and blue.

    Here is how it should look:


    (That's me typing the colour codes in the console without the forced rgb line)


    This is how it looks when I make the shader tell it to use that colour:



    As you can see, the shader then makes it go into fullbright, which I don't want, I want it to look like how it does in the first image.

    And here is my shader, with the normal RGB (not forced) and the forced blue rgb. I also added comment lines to show what is going on in it.

    // Normal RGB - Default Skin
    		map models/players/omicron_tm/textures/heada1	//What I don't want to change colour
    		rgbGen lightingDiffuse
    		map models/players/omicron_tm/textures/headb1	//What I do want to change colour
    		blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
    		rgbGen lightingDiffuseEntity
    		map gfx/models/omicron_tm/head_spec	//Spec
    		blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
    		alphaGen lightingSpecular
    //Blue forced RGB - Blue Team skin
    models/players/omicron_tm/textures/head_blue    //Worth noting that this texture doesn't actually exist,
                                                    //but I made the .skin file point to it.
    		map models/players/omicron_tm/textures/heada1	//What I don't want to change colour
    		rgbGen lightingDiffuse
    		map models/players/omicron_tm/textures/headb1	//What I do want to change colour
    		blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
    		rgbGen lightingDiffuseEntity
    		rgbGen const ( 0.000000 0.500000 1.000000 )    //The RGB values - 0, 128, 255
    		map gfx/models/omicron_tm/head_spec	//Spec
    		blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE
    		alphaGen lightingSpecular

    I followed what was done in this tutorial, but I can't work out why it goes into fullbright. The specular part isn't from the tutorial btw.

    If someone could help me, I would really appreciate it!

  3. allright :o

    I didn't know we hosted the predator model here


    where are those models from if they are not from a game (Savage and Maul) ?


    I cant believe someone let that grievous pass O.o

    about that fallout model... I thought this was a model from a mod for fallout ? It's not ?




    Can't find where the maul one is from, but a few people said it was a port in the comments


    the Fallout model, I think used textures from a mod.

  4. Might be , but whoever approved that file must have missed that it's a ported model and it can be hard to tell

    got any examples ? I havn't seen ported models here yet



    http://jkhub.org/files/file/1497-death-watch-maul/ <==Not ported from a videogame, but still taken without permission

    http://jkhub.org/files/file/1498-savage-opress/ <==Same as above



    There are possibly others as well, but those were the main ones that came to mind. I don't have much against ports, but you probably do, as they can lead to legal issues and such. :/

  5. I already tried that using free fonts it didn't work. I also used renegade's font .pk3 file for comparison. The main reason I stopped using Renegade's font was when I connected to jka servers i couldn't read anything. The regular font from jka and the other font were blurred together in an unreadable mess. I will try the font tool again.

    It's due to joining a ja+ server before loading it in the menu, so fonts and animations can get messed up. Putting the font mod in your japlus folder as well should fix it.

  6. What is the fov limit? Do you mean supporting widescreen?

    What is MP movement? How does it differ from SP movement?

    What does lua do?

    Yes to increasing limits, but I think OJK  all ready does this.

    FOV is Field of View. It's basically how much you can see round about you, but as red said, SP has no fov limit unlike MP.

    MP movement is much better than Sp movement in my opinion, I think SP has a slower acceleration, your speed halves when you jump, and you tend to slide more, as in stopping is slower.

    Lua is a programming language, but JA++ and JKG support plugins made in lua.

    OJK doesn't support increased fov limit in MP or lua plugins.

  7. It's just a question of changing MAX_PLAYERMODELS in code to something bigger, can definitely do that for next release.



    Possibly, but I don't know if it's worth it as people would want to be running other client side mods in MP.

    Well generally, the most popular clientside mod is ja+(+), and @@Raz0r released the source for that awhile back, but I wouldn't imagine it would be that easy to merge the it with your code, unless I'm mistaken.

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