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Posts posted by Omicron

  1. I'll try to send to you the rest of the leg skin files tonight Angel, and I'll let you add the caps on them. Also, I think I fixed the ears showing on the helm for main4 and one of the skin files, but not sure. I'll send you what I have in the way of fixes and skin files tonight if I have time, and maybe get some more work done on the hilt as well.

  2. What he wants is to have Vader's walk sounds (and idle sounds, may not be possible tho) to have vader breathing. The reason being why it's not a lightsabre is because:


    a) The server may not allow custom hilts

    b) if it replaces a base hilt, people may want to normally use that hilt themselves, and wouldn't want the breathing

    c) if other people don't have the skin, but you do, and they have the replaced base hilt, you'll hear it breathing for them which you don't want.


    So basically Angel only wants the skin itself to have the breath effects.

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