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Szico VII

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Everything posted by Szico VII

  1. Anywhere you see a glowy yellow door, there will be an interior Probably..but need to finish the structure first
  2. I must play this 'fable' game...
  3. Then you must be bloody old... The basic layout is almost identical - with some minor differences in size and spacing. Some more update:
  4. Yeah I'm positive that I've applied the compatibility settings correctly - what exactly does this local.pref do and where is it? Cheers.
  5. Yes I have had to do that for saving - but it doesn't affect the 3d display problem unfortunately!
  6. This is Intel HD graphics, the UI is pretty much non-existent Certainly cant find any options about threaded optimisation! Ive tried all the various compatibility options including the run as admin to no avail.
  7. 1.6.2 is out but you'd need the special version for JK3, i believe mrwonko packaged up a jk3 installer/instructions. Least, that's what i remember using.
  8. Already tried that - sorry, still no go!
  9. I have just had a mess with the ansio, no effect. Doesnt seem to be an option for antialiasing in the intel control panel no surprise there. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  10. I just inherited my mums old iphone 3g and its proprietary crap os has been driving me bonkers from day 1. Previous phone was not a smartphone, was a nokia 6700 classic (good solid phone) 1) wanted to tether to my laptop. iphone wouldnt let me - had to jailbreak it and install a specific cydia app so it would throw up carrier message errors. 2) wanted to send/receive bluetooth images to my mums galaxy s3. Wouldnt even let me bluetooth to another iphone without downloading an app (which came out earlier this year, 4-5 years later than release?) Still cant find a jailbreak app free to do it to other phones 3) wanted a custom text message tone - had to SSH the phone and overwrite a file manually. 4) wanted to drag and drop some files from memory/sd card to pc. wouldnt let me. only images. Needed SSH access. admittedly this is based on an older iOS than i imagine there is on the newer models...but still pissing the heck out of me. Borrowed my mums galaxy s3 - did all this in 5 minutes. Have never had a smartphone of my own before. My judgement....I hate apple.
  11. My opinion, if its worth anything, is comments should always be edited, not deleted, unless its completely unreasonable (i.e promoting racial hatred) otherwise its basically censorship.
  12. Everything by apple is proprietary bullshit which doesnt let you do anything. FUCK APPLE.
  13. No sorry it didnt work with the original ones or the new ones!
  14. Just tried installing GTK radiant 1.4.0 on my laptop - works, except it only displays things in wireframe (even though bilinear textures is selected.) This includes brushes, patches, models, everything. Also tried installing radiant 1.6.2, also works, but also has same problem. Also updated to latest graphics drivers (Intel HD graphics 1000 I believe) Processor is Intel Core i3 330M. Windows 7-64 bit So in short, not the best rig, but i only want it to take a few tutorial pics for capping cylinders, but I cant even do that if the textures wont display properly. Any ideas? Oh, and Ive tried all the compatibility stuff if you're wondering. Cheers techies!
  15. Picture 2's cliffs are dying from a lack of phong shader support.
  16. I guess it is a bit like twilight, never saw it as an extension to that until now
  17. This = awesome.
  18. Gah, I have uploaded em to the personal site (szicovii.jkhub.org) but now it tells me i have too many images (error) and the last...3 i think only display as html links instead of photos. GRRRRR. P.S. This is on the horizon blending tutorial.
  19. Wont let me do that in firefox
  20. How do I get the urls for my uploaded files though? (Right click just opens the image in the viewer)
  21. It hasnt changed for me... also still dont know how to embed the full image rather than the thumbnail! Any idea?
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