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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. "get ready to be schooled" cause that would just be scary if that things metal teeth were for more then show, im actually looking forward to fighting this guy again, on a difficuly without rings
  2. how did I end up with so many maps on my plate? seriously whos scraping their plate onto mine

    1. therfiles


      Sorry, I didn't think you would mind...

    2. MUG
  3. wait, some oldergames, you need to use the classic windows theme, try that, seriously windows 7 and vista's dynamic theme's screw with older games, causing graphical issues usually, this is very true in games that could use direct draw, but JA shouldnt have this, but try classic theme just to be sure, or possibly check under compatability "disable advanced visual/text" for this game
  4. aw well it just confused me, since i was playing as Motoko Kusangi, and i was like, wait a minite, thats not my hand... took me a moment to relaize, lol aside the confusion, its a great model, accurate to the Original. I had to remove my ge_assets to truely appreciate the gun though, sounds conflict
  5. ive never had JA screw up in windows 7, at least pro and ultimate both 64 bit editions, since pro and ult support XP functions still home, I think you need to DL that support seperately, not sure i havent played with my 32 bit hom edition yet but try Cal's ideas, ever since vista windows has been grumpy on what it wants to run
  6. yeah I over looked that.... And whos hand is on the side of the rifle? it looks like a burnt turian's but i cant be postive in the map I tested it in
  7. its raining, and the roof that was redone yesterday is leaking....

  8. it wasnt this thing was it? http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Q3map2_Graphical_User_Interface;72276 sorry I dont know alot in the q3map2 prog, I know how to decompile, compile, etc but yeah....
  9. dam man, something thats not fantasy so to speak, impressive
  10. umm, whats on the side of the gun? it looks like a charred hand of an alien
  11. I stopped reading after so long, sorry my attention span is short
  12. it just seems a tad creepy, im surprised they dont have GPS chips in them yet >.>;
  13. not that, i just got the game mostly cause i played 1 and 2, and well if theres a 3rd game to a series, most people will go into it, doesnt help 4 is basicly happening too, i only played mass effect for the story, the gameplay was *shrugs* i got nothing to really compare it to
  14. Yeah I have no comment, who'd wanna hug their GF and her boobs randomly start playing unfitting music, no thanks >.> see this is a good example why the human race is screwed
  15. I know "npc_spawn_huge_rancor" im just wondering what scale Ashura's going to choose, i figured a human is rooughly x2 the size of sonic, if you go by Dr Robotnik/Eggman's size to sonic. so that mech/robot will be quite the thing to fight, actually according to the sonic wiki, Dr Eggman is 6'1" so yeah, I dont know if im keen getting into a fight with the Death Egg Robot
  16. Dropbox gives me a 404 error, might wanna double check your link/upload, cause you know...I want that gun >.>
  17. what modeling prog are you using Inyri?
  18. being jobless has sucked for these 6 months

    1. CaptainChar


      too much free time on my hands, so much that its actually hard to focus on things, lol

  19. Another thing I cant wait to see Ash, is the scale you chose for that compared to a player
  20. Well it only has 1 attack in generations, and about 4 in Sonic 2, so its limited but effective, and I never knew about the NPC file there Minilogo
  21. that, actually would be interesting to see, lol and scary to fight then.... Looks like Robotnik/Eggman might be back to kick some butt in JA >.> depending how hard his NPC file is
  22. which version of the game are you using? CD copy or Steam?
  23. now im curious, how will it attack? I guess that might be why I chose the at-st originally, before I knew about custom animations
  24. I have Orbital Extreme, but not the generator, im putting the Castle on my fileshare, it'll be avalable ina min Castle at Corellia (fixed version) http://www.mediafire.com/?9t5sdtxh0pbuivd
  25. I have 4gigs, im just wondering, what does this do on a technical stand point
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