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Posts posted by CaptainChar

  1. I did mention most games only have roughly a 10 year license where they can be protected, but since that basicly green lights a few mods, im for it, doesnt help I have permission from sega and capcom to do some mods >.> konami asked me to change the name of my former mod, Vampire blood Chronicles, cause the original was just Castlevania, but ive gotten alot of green lights and permissions,


    politics were never my thing, never were legal politics

  2. well ive been busy finishing up my death egg map, the haunted graveyard only needs to be adjusted so the moon is the main light source and some spawn points added,


    ahem anyways, how many easter eggs do you guys feel it is, then its too many?


    The death egg will pay homage to not just sonic, Dr eggman was a mad scientist, and inside is orbitiing station, there is several other things to be found, the moniters most will be interactable with either an audio clip, and possible some a video clip

  3. Entities 220: Lesson 4

    Rain and Snow (fx_rain, fx_snow)

    Outdoor maps are often complimented by a rain or snow effect. To create it, draw a brush that encompasses your entire outdoor area - you can use multiple brushes if you want. Then texture those brushes completely in system/outside. Then place an fx_rain or fx_snow within each system/outside brush. That's all there is to it! Rain! Snow!

    You can also edit the intensity of the rain or snow by adding the key count and a value. This could be useful if you want a specific area of your map to have extremely heavy rains...

    It is also important to note that weather effects do not work in MP.



    You will notice when you play that the rain seems very strange without any rain sounds. I guess that means you need to find an ambient rain mp3 somewhere, now doesn't it? (:

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