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Posts posted by CaptainChar

  1. Ive played as male characters in most games, lately female, they usually get better designs over males it seems


    Anyways, back to Geth, we need an armada to due battle with, im all in favour for them replacing the stormtroopers

  2. The castle has been an issue for me as well, texturing wise, its from a canceled portion of the vampire blood chronicles mod, and repetive textures Is an issue I was trying to avoid.


    Rainbow road, has a light emitting shader, but I might change the actual rainbow to a TGA with alpha layer , and see if I make it transparent with a small glow


    Current castle in the graveyard map: (actual player view)


    Azatha likes this
  3. The sides are solid, like the original game, its actually caulk with a TGA image as the star rail, however there is plenty of high hills etc where some air shoving can occure, and there might even be a chain chomp that goes against the traffic,


    The Graveyard, might have an SP and MP optional selection, Survival, the map is designed for NPC spawning out of sight of the player, I wanted to make an SP map originally with trigger spawners, and the map would have shifted its maze like walls depending on how fast you were etc eg, if you were doing a good time, the map's internal timer might make the layout shift on the fly, to make the more difficult spawners forced to trigger on you.


    Rainbow Road N64, first turn: (needs some texture calibrations still)


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