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  1. Thank you for your kind words! Not really. I felt motivated to try something on my own because of the nearly complete lack of pureblood models. On top of that, I’m not a big fan of the Sith armor aesthetic seen in SWTOR, which gives me even more reason to kitbash my own models rather than just relying on ports. I want to move on to other projects, so I might as well wrap up my previous works before they get lost in the depths of my hard drives. Since I've got some free time finally, here are the completed WIP's that I've been teasing in the past months : There are still a few issues here and there, but if I checked everything correctly, the most glaring ones have been fixed. Npcs/Playermodels : GHW_Jedi_b or GHW_Jedi_g : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g1u4yo835nxfft3oc0bda/GHW-Jedi.pk3?rlkey=wurp7wy9w3l6j0y4tzhe9t4n0&st=y109hc4l&dl=0 Dreadgiver : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uupjy62jnrawx3rn6jyh0/Sith_Dreadgiver.pk3?rlkey=wex2b4ifl9ex2d6wso75qcd8j&st=0o4ttnrn&dl=0 Sith_consul : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ccpnnl2uoepp4hbslgn7q/Sith_Consul.pk3?rlkey=usj4twx6bn23r1hftm7mjw72x&st=isxqiody&dl=0 Adas_heir : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9jlwqziy99q9cvqt6x2wn/Heir-of-Adas.pk3?rlkey=li56g0q9gv3nh9xcn5dd21rr9&st=wmhloztk&dl=0
  2. *WIP* The Dreadgiver
  3. It reminds me of the bar seen in Tron Legacy
  4. 37 downloads

    Installation: Drop the ".pk3" file inside your "base" game folder Npc/model & weapon name : fremen fremen_cape fremen_hook Credits: Xuss on Sketchfab for creating the Fremen hook model, I've merely ported it. "Dune - Sandworm riding ritual" The Punisher for the cape
  5. Upgraded and refreshed version
  6. *WIP* Sith Consul
  7. Regarding the ground maps, your best bet is probably the vanilla t2_trip map. I also really like the coruscant one, where you have this underground racing tunnel. And when it comes to the space combat ones, here are some that were linked in a older thread with essentially the same question : Venator Star Destroyer https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Academy/Maps/Multiple Gamemodes/121473/ Battle Over Coruscant https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Academy/Maps/Free For All/44537/ KOTOR Flight School https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Academy/Maps/Free For All/19743/ KOTOR Flight School Final https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Academy/Maps/Free For All/76372/ Deathstar Trench v2.0 https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Academy/Maps/Free For All/34057/ There are also some here on JKHub : Siege Destroyer + .map file DoA Flight Arena There are probably more of them, but these ones popped up during my quick search.
  8. Sith Enforcer https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ax9eejxo6rwgvex6h1qi4/Sith-Enforcer.pk3?rlkey=yo9j1bsz0utvpj9odrf7vcztm&dl=0 Npc/Playermodel - Sith_Enforcer
  9. My personal skin for the RP group that I'm joining
  10. *WIP* Heir of Adas
  11. After so many years, we are this close to have fun on Dagobah. I'm so excited, good luck on this project!
  12. Kissai Priest of Typhojem v. II https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/b3zr6oeb1eee7c1v0bbuj/Night-Priest.pk3?rlkey=gug3q2la6r3ji56cx23wnz6oy&dl=0 Npc/Playermodel - Kissai_P
  13. Kissai Priest of Typhojem https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/unmte9jr5tbea0sfqa3c8/Kissai-Priest-of-Typhojem.pk3?rlkey=t6ij83qpr8ceuv7uvox11inx2&dl=0 Npc/Playermodel - Kissai_T - default skin Kissai_C - crown skin I might look into it, but can't promise anything. I'm quite fickle minded when it comes to these models, as you can probably tell by the fact that I wrote that I won't be trying to rig anything, only to make my first rig two days later .
  14. Don't be so mean to yourself man, because that was the issue and I'd like to thank you so much for helping me! I didn't knew that the lack of shaders could affect the visibility of a surface. It's nice to see you here, and thank you for your kind words. I don't think some of those models are polished enough to be uploaded. However, I'm planning on redoing some of them with the better experience that I now have, and then publishing them in some model pack format.
  15. *WIP* Army of Light Jedi
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