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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. Please don't use a meaningless title like help.
  2. Right, I didn't think about the alpha map and how it's mapped to the terrain... yeah, changing its dimensions when deleting brushes is probably a bad idea. I have no idea which version of EasyGen I used, it's whatever was once available at http://wolfenstein-city.4players.de/dlman/download.php?id=276 - which is now a dead link. I don't know about the raised brushes... They don't have any special shader compared to the rest and they're not part of some entity that may move them, right? (Well that would be crazy...) Must be some kind of glitch then, the question is where from.
  3. It may be easier to do the removal of the unwanted parts in Radiant since you can select stuff inside or touching a brush there. Not sure about the textures, been ages since I used easygen... I think it may have been a matter of using the right shader templates, may have been something with Q3Map2 or Ydnar in its name? I seem to not have easygen installed anymore so I can't check. That is, if you want to use multi-texturing. If you just want 1 texture across the whole terrain it's just a matter of setting it during export, and if you did that it's probably one of the typical texture problems - not running sv_pure 0 in mp (and texture not in a .pk3), invalid texture size, unsupported texture format (like progressive jpegs) or incorrect compression on pk3 files. As for weirdly positioned brushes, see if there's an option to align the map to the grid at export and do a brush cleanup in radiant.
  4. You may not have a proper system.shader with a skip shader. Does the skip texture in the texture browser have the outline that shaders like areaportal have? (Or can you shift-click it to open its shader?) Actually, this should be easy to spot ingame as well. If you approach the door from the other direction, is there a brush with skip written on it visible inside the door? Unless only Q3Map2 can't find the shader due to being incorrectly set up, but JKA finds it...
  5. I suggest using 1.6, which is based on 1.4, not 1.5, and has a couple of nice fixes like being able to save new maps in Windows 7.
  6. /*QUAKED NPC_Vehicle (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) NO_PILOT_DIE SUSPENDED x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY NO_PILOT_DIE - die after certain amount of time of not having a pilot SUSPENDED - Fighters: Don't drop until someone gets in it (this only works as long as no-nw has *ever* ridden the vehicle, to simulate ships that are suspended-docked) - note: ships inside trigger_spaces do not drop when unoccupied CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy set NPC_type to vehicle name in vehicles.dat "dropTime" use with SUSPENDED - if set, the vehicle will drop straight down for this number of seconds before flying forward "dmg" use with NO_PILOT_DIE - delay in milliseconds for ship to explode if no pilot (default 10000) "speed" use with NO_PILOT_DIE - distance for pilot to get away from ship after dismounting before it starts counting down the death timer "model2" - if the vehicle can have a droid (has "*droidunit" tag), this NPC will be spawned and placed there - note: game will automatically use the one specified in the .veh file (if any) or, absent that, it will use an R2D2 or R5D2 NPC) showhealth - set to 1 to show health bar on this entity when crosshair is over it teamowner - crosshair shows green for this team, red for opposite team 0 - none 1 - red 2 - blue teamuser - only this team can use this NPC 0 - none 1 - red 2 - blue teamnodmg - team that NPC does not take damage from (turrets and other auto-defenses that have "alliedTeam" set to this team won't target this NPC) 0 - none 1 - red 2 - blue */Just read the description in Radiant? You set npc_type to the name as defined in the ext_data/vehicles/*.veh files.
  7. Don't you ever use brushes for round stuff! That's what patches are there for.
  8. That texture makes it pretty hard to see what shape that thing has... I suppose it's a cylinder? How did you create it?
  10. default_scale is for the editor. Okay, then you may have to adjust the paths in scripts/user*.proj...
  11. I'm not sure, but I think you can't quite change all the setting for 1.6 from the editor itself, look at ja.game/local.pref and games/ja.game in the radiant install directory, I think one of them (probably the latter) has some paths in it, too.
  12. Basepath should be GameData, not base, it's the path where base is located, not the path of base.
  13. Q3Map2 can't find the textures when compiling and thus assumes a (very small) default size. Supply the correct fs_basepath, or, if you're compiling from GTK Radiant, set that up properly.
  14. Length is not an issue, it's always a fixed 64 characters maximum, as long as you don't exceed that you should be good. But why don't you use a .skin file for texture changes? Looks like you changed some other value besides the texture paths in the model though, maybe you didn't overwrite the bytes but inserted some? If it's of any help, here is the file format definition for glm. Oh, I got Ninja'd.
  15. Do you think that may be because such a huge project is hard to pull off? If so, you may want to consider that before starting one yourself. Also, you may want to elaborate on your idea some more. "Jedi Knight 4" is somewhat vague. (And before you ask: No, I'm not interested to join, just giving some tips.)
  16. Credit where credit is due - I did not write that, I merely link to it.
  17. MD3 is mostly used for static meshes, though they can have per-vertex animations but those get pretty huge. GLM is for models with skeletal animations - mostly players/npcs/3rd person weapon models. These have external animations in GLA files which can be shared between GLMs, which means you only need one set of animations for all humanoid characters. Both MD3 and GLM support Tags. For models in your map you can use MD3, but the compiler can also handle .ase, .obj, .3ds, .lwo and more, but out of those only .md3 files can be animated. For players you have to use .glm and creating those is pretty darn complicated. For weapons you need a .glm for 3rd person and .md3 files for the first person model. First person weapons get around the problem of animations getting huge by being split into one file consisting only of the tags and others that are attached to it in code, but this method can't be used in maps.
  18. Right. You're just using a horribly outdated version of the plugin. Where did you get that? I thought I added links to the latest version everywhere... https://jkhub.org/files/file/1413-blender-264-jedi-academy-plugin-suite/
  19. Are you sure those "broken pieces of triangles" aren't just the tags?
  20. With a little work it's possible to make it work in vanilla, but for mods you need the cooperation of the creators - the Pi is ARM, right? That needs to be specifically compiled for that architecture then.
  21. No, my blender importer imports weighs, if you use that it's just a matter of re-UVmapping it. That's still quite some work, especially if there are multiple LODs, but it's manageable.
  22. If you mirror your model, including the UV map, the texture will be mirrored, yes. You need to edit the UV map to change that. Whether that would be a tough job depends on lots of details.
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