With all the global variables they use it's nigh impossible to combine MP and SP with their differences into a single executable... They would have had to write cleaner code, which they apparently had no interest in.
I have a ton of coding projects I want to work on, but we'll see if I get around to any of that... What I can say for sure though is that I will go to Seattle and watch the Finals of the Dota 2 World Championship, The International.
Because it's something that might need manual adjustment ("editing", one might say), which is an editor's domain. I was thinking of Skyrim's Editor as an example, which includes functionality for generating navmeshes which can then be tweaked by hand.
There's basically a big texture containing the light information called a "lightmap", which is calculated during compilation from light entities that are not themselves included, making the process irreversible. It's conceivable to edit the lightmap directly in theory, I believe it's too much work for anybody to have ever bothered since without a proper editor (which there isn't) it's nigh impossible to tell which part of the texture corresponds to which part of the map.
It's a work in progress for use with automatic crash reports - we'll want a symbol server so Visual Studio can automatically download the correct revision for debugging. I've not yet gotten around to doing more work on that.
Are you sure there are already cuts in the geometry where there are cuts in the texture? Select an adjacent face and move it to see if there is indeed a cut.
You do have to create splits, nothing changed if you're using my Blender plugins. It sucks, but it's that way.
What you don't need to do is separate every single triangle, which I assume is what you did leading to that explosion in vertex count. Don't do that. Only create cuts where necessary - in places where the texture has cuts. You can use a UV Test Grid texture to see the cuts in the 3d view.
I started creating a video tutorial on playermodel creation but got stuck when I had trouble modelling hands - I'll try to give that another try soon, maybe I'll get further this time.
My crawler was made specifically for the jk3files page and I have no interest in adapting it to anything else. I used Scrapy, which made it fairly easy; here's my source code in case anybody wants to study that instead of the docs.
I gave it a try and yeah, while held the blade is invisible but the hilt is not. I vaguely remember having seen this before, but I don't remember what causes it.
Is there a place for documentation? I suppose there isn't much available yet, but if there's a wiki page somewhere you don't need to write it all yourself. I'd be interested in playing around with this a bit, and I might as well document it while I'm learning it.
What do you mean by fix? Make the lightsaber visible when holding it? That would probably require a proper hand tag on the player model. Or make it invisible even when thrown? Then you'd probably need a custom saber with invisible blade & model.