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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. You do have to create splits, nothing changed if you're using my Blender plugins. It sucks, but it's that way. What you don't need to do is separate every single triangle, which I assume is what you did leading to that explosion in vertex count. Don't do that. Only create cuts where necessary - in places where the texture has cuts. You can use a UV Test Grid texture to see the cuts in the 3d view.
  2. I started creating a video tutorial on playermodel creation but got stuck when I had trouble modelling hands - I'll try to give that another try soon, maybe I'll get further this time.
  3. There's a UV seam, you need to split the meshes at UV seams. It's something the exporter should ideally do automatically, but it can't.
  4. My crawler was made specifically for the jk3files page and I have no interest in adapting it to anything else. I used Scrapy, which made it fairly easy; here's my source code in case anybody wants to study that instead of the docs.
  5. There were a couple of Iron Man skins on JK3Files, but this is the best looking imo.
  6. The XL Engine can load the levels, maybe contact the author for information about the format.
  7. I gave it a try and yeah, while held the blade is invisible but the hilt is not. I vaguely remember having seen this before, but I don't remember what causes it.
  8. Is there a place for documentation? I suppose there isn't much available yet, but if there's a wiki page somewhere you don't need to write it all yourself. I'd be interested in playing around with this a bit, and I might as well document it while I'm learning it.
  9. What do you mean by fix? Make the lightsaber visible when holding it? That would probably require a proper hand tag on the player model. Or make it invisible even when thrown? Then you'd probably need a custom saber with invisible blade & model.
  10. I can't imagine there being LOD. Typically you'd handle vis by placing antiportals, not sure if that happened here, far too few people know about proper vis setup.
  11. That's pretty neat, though yes, very tedious. Ideally you'd still place light_junior throughout the map to create a proper lightgrid so the "dynamic" lighting works (on playermodels, first-person weapons etc.), but the amount of work gets pretty obscene. I suppose with a plugin they could be exported as well? They're basically evenly spaced light probes.
  12. What you're talking about sounds highly exaggerated to me, but I totally get not being active any more - I haven't produced much in the last years either. Still sad to see you go. And everybody else please shut up about not wanting women in your Star Wars. If you need to share your bigoted views, create a separate topic in nonsense; I don't feel that's a productive discussion in this thread.
  13. This does sound like a bug in the code, if I find some time I'll look into it.
  14. The argument is that without some form of updater/version check people will never update, so that's kind of important to have asap.
  15. That looks useful, though it's only a plugin, and I'd probably need to update my plugin to take advantage of this.
  16. Plenty, I imagine, though I can't remember what I used 10 years ago and it wouldn't be quite the same anyway. Maybe start with the Blender manual?
  17. It doesn't need to be a separate folder, simply extracting the files into base works as well. But you will have to unpack the .gla file as well as the .glm you're importing, keeping the directory structures intact.
  18. Fair point. For your ordinary Mac user we should really just work - it must be possible to include libraries in an app bundle since everything else works, so let's just do that.
  19. I'm not saying it doesn't work, and after 10 years I'm used to it, but it's not intuitive for beginners.
  20. Homebrew is pretty much the go-to package manager on Mac, yes.
  21. Off the top of my head, a mix of both common criticism and my own experience: The whole UI has a steep learning curve; being fully customizable has its drawbacks.When in object mode, one undo erases all the changes made in edit mode. From a programmer's point of view I can see why this is, and I occasionally use it to my advantage, but it makes it really easy to lose work.The reference counting resource user system is really weird to non-programmers as well.Right click to selectCan't edit vertex normalsCan't weight emptiesCan't display vertex indices let alone set themMore stuff I'm forgetting
  22. You're wrong. That's what animation.cfg is for: defining how long each animation is.
  23. Because otherwise the problem space is too large to calculate in real time.
  24. Path length is no issue. But the Program Files folder is read-only in recent versions of Windows; I'd guess that's the issue here. I think Microsoft would have you put your files in My Documents or thereabouts; just keep the .../GameData/base structure so the importer can guess the paths correctly.
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