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Everything posted by Didz

  1. Didz

    avi instead roq

    OGV, like AVI, 3GP, ASF, FLV, MKV, MP4, and many others are just container formats for audio and video. You can have any format audio and video inside them, and all audio and video formats (including RoQ) require codecs to play them. ('Codec' is basically just a name for "code that can encode and/or decode a certain file format")
  2. Yes. If CentOS is what you're comfortable with, go with that.
  3. Many of UU's features will crash on OpenJK because it's a different engine and UU relies on the memory layout of the engine being consistent. It could even lead to data loss if you're not careful.
  4. You've already answered these questions from the original post :blink:
  5. Yes. 1. Found out about OpenJK on #jacoders after the source was released 2. I'm a developer... 3. No 4. Easier way to distinguish whether the basejka or OpenJK game DLLs are running. Maybe not require +set fs_game OpenJK if you want to use the OpenJK game DLLs by default.
  6. Didz


    Awesome The "compatibility" I speak of is just to remove the engine hooks needed to patch exploits if the engine that's loaded isn't retail JKA 1.01 (be that OpenJK or some other engine). My solution would be to compare a hard-coded hash of known runtime assembler for a certain function in the retail JKA 1.01 engine (say Com_Printf), and then compare the actual runtime assembler hash for that function with the hard-coded hash. So if the hash for the function matches what's in the code, you can be sure it's the basejka engine and your engine hooks will be safe to place. (As safe as engine hooks go anyway...) I used this technique in my MMProxy server-side proxy mod for Makermod, to ensure it was running on top of the real engine. (Otherwise the engine hooks would surely fail)
  7. Didz


    Compatibility with OpenJK is a simple if statement for their engine modifications. No idea why this takes so long.
  8. It's better than 2010, but why use an older version? :blink:
  9. Agree with Raz0r. VS2013 has better Intellisense support
  10. Yeah sure, go ahead I got tired of seeing the broken sprites playing Makermod for years... Changing flattened to vertical just means the sprites will always stand upright, and won't be affected by weather (which wasn't fully implemented in MP). This will mean the plants won't bend with the wind in SP, but I wouldn't notice such a detail anyway.
  11. What you should actually do is save the following code as Base/shaders/z_fixedterrain.shader (create the shaders folder if it doesn't exist) textures/quicktrip/desert_0 { q3map_shadeangle 150 qer_editorimage textures/quicktrip/sand q3map_material Gravel q3map_nolightmap q3map_nonplanar q3map_onlyvertexlighting q3map_tcGen ivector ( 1024 0 0 ) ( 0 1024 0 ) { map textures/quicktrip/sand rgbGen vertex } { clampmap textures/quicktrip/shrubbery2 surfaceSprites vertical 20 32 200 1200 ssVariance 0.4 1.5 ssWind 0.75 alphaFunc GE192 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA depthWrite rgbGen vertex } { clampmap textures/quicktrip/shrubbery1 surfaceSprites vertical 18 32 80 2000 ssVariance 0.2 0.5 ssWind 0.25 alphaFunc GE192 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA depthWrite rgbGen vertex } { clampmap textures/quicktrip/shrubbery3 surfaceSprites vertical 30 28 140 1600 ssVariance 0.2 0.3 ssWind 0.5 alphaFunc GE192 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA depthWrite rgbGen vertex } } This ensures you don't modify your assets pk3 files (Which you should never do!). I'm pretty sure you can package this method into a new pk3 too.
  12. A sadistic Australian designer has created a monsterous font to fit all of everyone's font needs. http://comicneue.com/ I actually like these new fonts. I'm sure it could spruce up some websites and professional letters. Thoughts?
  13. Ah, I didn't realise g_humanplayers was an OpenJK-specific info entry. This method won't work for Raven's game servers then.
  14. There's no website at master.jkhub.org with a server list.
  15. Don't bother A bot can already just make a list of master servers and interact with them over UDP directly. A web list doesn't make it easier for them.
  16. By your first sentence, you probably mean jacklul's already existing server list for JKHub Master Server which isn't hosted by me. And on the second one, I think that the GameTracker issue was just an easy way for bots to grab server hosts from many different Q3-protocol based games in order to spam getstatus at them with a spoofed IP address to flood a target. I don't think it was related to any on-demand refreshing feature that GameTracker used.
  17. JKHub Master Server rebooting for maintenance, you might see shortness of servers on the list for a up to 10 minutes while the servers have a chance to heartbeat again. (This is not related to the #heartbleed vulnerability all over the internet today)

    1. Didz


      PS: There goes the 295 days of master server uptime

    2. Circa


      It was worth it I think. :P

    3. eezstreet


      Would be neat to keep track of statistics like this. :o

  18. This is possible in a couple ways. 1) When querying servers for their information, the server will return the number of actual human players vs total number of players. This means a client mod can tell you how many slots are taken up by humans vs bots. (Servers could fake this information if they're so poor that they need to do that) 2) To actually hide the bots from the player list will require guesswork based on the players with 0 ping though. This could hide the server host from the list if the server is a home server.
  19. Just to clear this up properly. Jedi Academy doesn't use Qtracker or GameSpy as master servers at all, those are only added in by some server owners in their configuration files. I think the JKHub Master Server already supports JK2. If it doesn't, I can just enable the protocol. EDIT: I've now enabled JK2 support on the JKHub Master Server. It should work with 1.03 and 1.04. Just set sv_masterX to "master.jkhub.org" as you would with JKA.
  20. I use Windows 8.1 at work and home myself and I'm pretty used to its quirks by now. I boot into the Desktop instead of Metro, my most used apps go in the taskbar, and some lesser used but still important apps are pinned to Start (metro). If I need to get at any app, I'll most likely press the Start key and start typing the app name to get it, that way I don't have to use the mouse. Also you can launch any of the apps on the taskbar by simply doing Start + <0-9>. I don't use any of the metro apps, there are always better versions of the software available for desktop mode. Windows 8.1 runs a lot better than the Windows 7 I had on here before. It's much more performant, and boot time (from complete shutdown) is less than 10 seconds.
  21. Pakscape isn't the most robust archive tool out there. 7-zip can create ZIP files, so all you need to do is change the extension from .zip to .pk3. 7-zip will open your .pk3 files as long as you set Windows to "Open With" 7-zip.
  22. Sorry about yesterday's downtime of the JKHub master server, a "zero-day" exploit affected our provider's control panel and attackers got in and wiped every server from the system. More info from our provider: http://pastebin.com/pzDBqkbE

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