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    Modding, Mapping

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  1. 150 downloads

    ffa2_v2.bsp FFA2 V2 by Method & Westbam Tested on EternalJK & vanilla jamp.exe Should work in JK2 as well (Not 100% sure) ------------------------------------------------------------- + FFA, TFFA, Duel & Power Duel Support + Botroutes Support + Weapons & Med/Shield + .map source file (maps folder) ------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: Extract the archive and put .pk3 file into GameData/base folder ------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS: - Vic Hatecraft (x-sith Temple map) - textures - JamyzGenius (Kotor2Onderon map) - textures - Pande - Some things from his unfinished FFA2 Korriban - mjt - help in discord - Team Solum - beta testing -------------------------------------------------------------
  2. 172 downloads

    greathallv2.bsp TFFA version from The Great Palace FFA/Duel maps by Method & Westbam - Access to bridge with auto-jump pads - Medpacks & shield added - Fast Saber-Only CTF support for lol's, Duel & Power Duel - Botroutes Other maps: https://jkhub.org/files/file/4023-the-great-palace-ffatffactf-multimap-6-maps-in-1/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/4009-b2b-method-westbams-mapbundle-1/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/4068-ffa3_duel/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/3839-hoth-assault-ffatffaduel/ ________________________ Authors : Method & Westbam Gametypes: FFA/TFFA/Duel/Power Duel/CTF Release Date: May 2023 ________________________ INSTALLATION Extract the archive and put .pk3 file into GameData/base folder ________________________ CREDITS & BIG THANKS: Szico VII - textures/shaders/models from Atlantica map MaceCrusherMadunusus - textures/shaders from Kamino map and overall help/tips AngelModder - Jedi statues models from Jedis Home 3 map Plasma - textures/shaders from Starkiller Base map Shadow Stone - textures/shaders from Jedi's Home 1 & 2 map Langerd - Darth Vader model from statuary hall duel map and some textures used from a map Cloud City SP mission
  3. 179 downloads

    = FFA3 Tatooine - Duel Version = Simple re-make for Duel Gametype & small FFA/TFFA fights in FFA3 main area with little edits. ________________________ FFA3_DUEL.bsp + New custom textures + Open roof with little modifications + Duel/Power Duel gametype support + TFFA support; Max. 3 v 3! (otherwise, if more players spawnpoints gets bugged in beginning and -1 kill) + FFA support + Botroutes support + .map Source file included! - No Weapons added! Tested on original jamp.exe, openjk.x86 & eternaljk.x86 ________________________ Authors : Method Gametypes: FFA/TFFA/Duel/Power Duel Programs used: GTK Radiant 1.5 & NetRadiant-Custom Release Date: December 5 2022 ________________________ CREDITS - FFA3 Legend & JKL map plugins (few things taken from it and edited) - Westbam for levelshot and testing - Ravensoft/JKA developers for original FFA3 map ________________________ INSTALLATION Extract the archive and put .pk3 file into GameData/base folder ________________________
  4. Nice to see these duel versions in here ; ) - method
  5. 426 downloads

    Based on the siege hoth map. * .bsp name: hoth_assault (replaces version 1 that was bugged) * .map source file included * FFA/TFFA/Duel map. Duel gametype with different spawnpoints. * No Botroutes. ________________________ Author : MD Gametype: FFA/TFFA/Duel Release Data: 12 May 2021 File Version: 2.0 File Name: hoth_assault.zip ________________________ Installation Extract the archive and put the hoth_assault.pk3 file into GameData/base folder. Also you can use console to start the map type: /map hoth_assault NOTE: If you are using the original file i uploaded before, this one replaces it! Credits - ~#mad. - ^BLITZKRIEG! (kata and wrg for ideas and finding bugs, etc). - Raven Software / the creator of original siege_hoth map.
  6. Version Beta


    Old topic for some info/comments: https://jkhub.org/topic/3213-bespin-streets-platform-v1-jk2-sp-map-remake-for-jka-mp/ Started in 2013 by Me and Shinja (teamne0n), heavily modified (some screenshots old): It needs some texture/light/brush fixes etc, UNFINISHED. You may modify how you want though give some credits for us and original author, some pro mapper make it look like in movies
  7. I am very interested in this one, gonna try it for sure in the future.
  8. I used to be in EoC Team before, is Stoiss/Serenity still together in this one? Looks nice nowadayz. Cheers
  9. Tatooine City V2 (FFA3 Remake) highly modified idea of mp/ffa3, built from scratch: http://forums.filefront.com/sw-jk3-modding-mapping-editing/323199-tatooine-city-v2-angelmapper.html Where to download? Or never got released? Still contacts for Angelmapper? TELL AND SHARE! (Last image is the main of ffa3)
  10. Well yeh, but it's pretty big map, isn't it just easier to copy & edit Yavin Temple/Yavin Courtyard and Final map together. But once again, it's very big map and I hate walking/jumping to long distances, maybe few teleports would be better then.
  11. Hey, no it's not gonna be an improved version. Basically this is mix of Jedi Outcast SP Levels Yavin Temple/Yavin Courtyard. TRJA map is nice, though it's way too big and "messy" in my opinion for normal-sized multiplayer maps. I wanna keep this simple and normal size, and kinda similar like the JO Singleplayer levels, but still better and focused more on multiplayer gameplay. Although, I could make an improved version of TRJA, If I get permissions, but I am pretty sure I don't have time because so many unfinished projects et cetera... EDIT: What do you mean underground last level? JO Final map (the one you fight with Desann?)
  12. Most of people knows the JK2 Singleplayer Yavin Temple/Yavin Courtyard map, and some people asked me about this one already. Well this is my little old project i started working again for Jedi Academy Multiplayer and it needs a lot of working/fixing/texturing/lighting blabla yet. Screenshots with test .bsp compile (no lights really that much or anything else) ;/ looks so bad atm. We'll see If I'm gonna ever finish/release this one, or perhaps I give the .map source files for someone to finish it, lol. *beep beep* Link for Screenshots: http://share.pho.to/9aWem For the Mappers: Let me know if anyone of you is interested in this one, so maybe we can work together. (Who has experience or have at least decent map/project)
  13. So how it's going and you gonna release it or? Maybe you should release some other maps too if you have projects, would be nice to see.
  14. That Lady Luck ship is basically copy from JK2 SP, and nothing special. Everyone who can map and decompile it from JK2 and edit it (rescaling etc) but still it's very poor made comparing to this one.
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