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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Anyone want to test the skin out let me know, any suggestions or critics would be helpful since I don't know much about this guy.
  2. I started working on it https://www.flickr.com/photos/112335994@N05/11903726104/player/11f81c246d
  3. Jeff

    Admiral Pellaeon

    Yeah I looked to see if they had a Clone Wars version of him but I couldn't find a picture, would've been nice to have both versions
  4. Jeff

    Admiral Pellaeon

    It wasn't what I imagined at all either, so when I looked on Wookieepedia I was suprised, and had a good laugh. Something about the mustache.
  5. Jeff

    Admiral Pellaeon


    This is my skin for Gilad Pellaeon from the EU. It was rather easy, and I'm suprised it hasn't been done before.
  6. I love it. Any single player missions set from the original trilogy are awesome.
  7. I can play the Radio
  8. Jeff


    Awesome job, this made my day.
  9. Yeah I was looking to make a skin of him, but it never would've turned out anywhere near as good as this.
  10. I think another problem with this is: being a player not involved in a clan (Like myself) I wouldn't mind playing in something like this but I don't belong to any clan.
  11. I like the idea I'm just not sure if you would be able to get everyone to play every match. What happens if team "A" shows up for a match but team "B" can't.
  12. Awesome I'll help with the BOT, NPC, and Sound files if you want
  13. Here's what I have, not the best it needs some work.
  14. I've tried to attach a picture from Modview but I'm an idiot and can't figure out how to get the pic in my post.
  15. No problem I probably should've been clearer.
  16. I haven't released it so how would you know? I made a Pre Vizsla skin without releasing it
  17. I made a phase one skin awhile ago but to be honest it doesn't look to good.
  18. Wow that is impressive. It has a new feel yet sticks to the original. Love it
  19. Jeff

    Rebel Vanguard

    Yeah I love the Battlefront games and still play them from time to time
  20. Jeff

    Rebel Vanguard


    This is my skin for the Rebel Vanguard from the Battlefront game.
  21. Yeah that's my hang-up as well.
  22. I'm thinking of starting a Lobot skin anyone have any ideas on a base model too use.
  23. You got my DL too.
  24. Looks really good to me, I just think her skin might be a bit too dark.
  25. Jeff

    Bultar Swan

    Version (v1.00)


    A skin of Bultar Swan using ST_Female_Jedi_Customisation made by Scerendo
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