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Everything posted by Pickles256

  1. CAn you please do ahsoka's saber and shoto from this mod? https://jkhub.org/files/file/2411-ahsoka-tano/
  2. I don;t see teh zeb and sabine files in his dropbox tho, are they under one of those "month" packs?
  3. Thanks!This is a goldmine of stuff!
  4. This link is down too EDIT: NEvermind found that you had the dropbox
  5. Download link is down? Also may I make a suggestion for one of you next models?
  6. Oh cool! Do you have a link?
  7. Hey are you still doing these?
  8. Nevermind I got it figured out
  9. (Sorry for the 2 back to back posts) @@Hunter33 has a sabine but to be honest it's not great and I can't find a Zeb model, would love either!
  10. I tried but no change, the model and everything loads fine except no animation change
  11. Sorry I meant there was a backhand animation in the file and says it's included but doesn't show up in game
  12. Last thing sorry, how do I use that cool backhand animation?
  13. Ah good to know, thank you
  14. How do I get the backhanded animations? EDIT: Nevermind I figured it out
  15. Nevermind found them, Why don't you guys put these up on the actual website for more to see?
  16. Just found this, why don't you guys put this up on the actual site?
  17. Looks good! Can I have a download link? Also same to your ezra?
  18. Would love a rebels version of ashoka!
  19. Notify me if you end up doing this please! (Same with that other replace mod for the praetorian guards, BTW did you see what I was saying about possibly using the alt model for them, if so thoughts?)
  20. Could be ventress with the mask from @@Kualan 's mod. Yeah that could be cool!
  21. ...no? This isn't about mods just that I use them? I just load save files. I'm asking if anyone else plays missions with alt player models for mini campaigns
  22. You are right I was a bit rude unnecessarily and I do apologize for that but overall I think the poster was still acting a bit entitled themselves
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