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    Art, reading, gaming, friends.
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    Windows 7

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  1. I beg your pardon? I beg your pardon?
  2. Some of you have probably seen me on here before, and I just wanted to offically throw this out here that I am open to take requests for artwork and am willing to assist in writing story related material. I am versatile in creative related areas, but particularly art and writing. If anyone of you requires either, hit me up. https://imgur.com/a/SVXia - My artwork of reference.
  3. For a bit of color Made friends on For Honor by not attacking the enemy at all! Perfect lag times Sitting on your problems My noble knight Playing as Spider-man in JKA! Gargoyle A piece from my " Jiraiya vs Batman " Story A piece from my unnamed story The fire rises
  4. I decided to go about stylizing all maps except for vijun(?), to give it a colorful, warm, watercolor like atmosphere Sentiental Korriban Tatooine Taspir
  5. More attempts at perfecting my photoshop skill. Here, I pull assets from Garry's Mod ( My primary source of creativity ) into JKA. What I do is sometimes modify the original image in order to better serve what I copy into it. In this case, I added sun flare, and I shadowed Batman's lower legs to give the illusion that he is bending his knees. For more detail to JKA, I lowered the reslution as much as I could on Garry's Mod to give it a lower graphical level for believabillity. BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER
  6. The folowing is a theoretical fight between Kylo Ren and Ahsoka Tano, in the eariler episodes of the Clone Wars TV show.
  7. More stuff! BEFORE AFTER
  8. Sorry for the EXTREMELY late reply. I forgot my login information and was busy busy busy. I intended for the story to be relatively open. It could be anything, though I am not interested in making humor oriented content. The tools that I'd like them to use is just one thing - the game. I'd hande the editing. However I was looking for a writing partner to help craft a story together. They'd essentally be one half of a director - me being the other half.
  9. I know some others have done this before, but I've long since wished to do it with my, and another's, take on creative storytelling. ( To the Moderators, if I posted this in the incorrect area, please feel free to move it with apologizes from me ) What I need is a partner or more to help guide a story driven narrative based on the Star wars Universe. This would be a team effort, and I'd need some confident and dedicated people. This isn't a huge project, just comic strips with screenshots that are edited via photoshop. When or if someone wishes to partner up, I will then inform them of the various tools I have to enhance the product of our choosing. Also, though I appreciate good enthusiasm, please read the original post before replying. It is essential that you do so you know what you're getting into Peace
  10. Phenominal job. I've been waiting for a Krennic model!
  11. So this is stylized in heart to For Honor, a game that I would like to have soon. Looks sweet. I remodeled the.. Imperial Gunner? to look more like a Shogun. This is probably the most complex thing I've done yet for a singular character in photoshop. Before After
  12. By all means! I am no modeler, however. That's up to the experts And thanks
  13. Thanks This is done with no trickery, just using the tools given to me by photoshop. No copying and pasting. I shall call it.. Shadow King
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