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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. B) Don't judge until the method is fully used bro. Your getting there, but it still has some more work to do. Getting this to work is very tricky. Great idea! We can't really discuss this until I have at least 1 level done. Imma workin'
  2. That would work, but that would severely limit the camera paths and force us to do a 360 angle, rather than an actual path.
  3. @@eezstreet The method places the menu above the map, so whatever the lighting was, it is preserved. The example is fullbright because the test map was only basically compiled for testing purposes. Also, 2D work looks great. I mean look at Skyline, look at afiNity's work. It's all great. I have nothing against 2D menus, I've made TONS of them. For JKB, Secret Santa, and many other mods, I've used 2D. Using this method will be something NEW. Like I said before, this is an optional plugin, so users against the look/performance dip can really take the 2D menu. I understand your fears, I feel them too. 2D is trusted and true and this method is new and relatively untested. So lets wait until we pass judgement on this before we even have one map done.
  4. Shoot me a PM sometime. It will be a little bit tricky to explain
  5. 3D Elements are used all of the time in menus. I mean JK2 even uses 3D elements, along with KOTOR.
  6. Hello! Great to have you here at the Hub!
  7. This is what I like about the Gold Pack. We want to "improve" the game. But how is that possible if everyone has different ideas of what an improvement is? That's why it's essential to make as many choices as possible so everyone can have a choice that will hopefully satisfy them. So will we add a basic 2D menu? Maybe. It's all about what people want. People seem to have shown some interest in this, so I'm gonna pursue it. And it looks pretty. B) Yep! No code required! Theoretically and practically, this should work with no code edits. However, some edits could be main to customize or streamline some of the problems that will arise (ingame commands still working, etc), I still encourage you to try it out! You won't be disappointed! If the desired map is fully optimized, the additional load time should be minimal.
  8. Awesome! Yeah, the whole texture alignment thing always worries me. Don't the models disappear too? The only reason this may be a bit tricky is that the areas I'd recreate would probably be fairly large and recreating all the texture scales for that area will be tough. I'm definitely open to this, as this will drastically cut loading times!
  9. I guess we'll agree to disagree What I refer to do as graphically enhanced is a menu that looks better. I wouldn't say this is graphically inferior to 2d or ROQs, as this will look much better and allow motion and crispness from the game itself. Sure, performance wise, it may be inferior, but I consider an enhancement to be in this context is something that will drastically overhaul the current menu and create something totally unique and look a lot cooler.
  10. Well done on the new options, @@Circa! Much better!
  11. Thanks! I got an access denied on the page though
  12. Nominated. My goal would definitely be this. Unfortunately, without all the .maps, I can't add many of the ents I'd need to really make it work, but I'll use scripts to do as much as I can ! Glad you guys are open to the prospect. I've been shut down many times when people use the arguments that this is an FPS and not RPG and the two should never be put together. Glad y'all disagree.
  13. That would be the biggest problem with this idea. Unless I can get my grubby hands on the original .map files for every single SP map to cut away unneeded parts, I'll have to use the original map and add the cameras in via script, meaning the load time will be a bit longer. I get the argument that the load time is longer, but I think the pay off is worth it and, like Chalk said, "a breath of fresh air". Plus, the idea is to make some wicked installer that allows the player to choose what features they want installed, and if the players are turned off by the longer load time they can simply opt out of the UI portion of the mod. Thanks man Agreed, but having the option for those who want a more graphically enhanced menu is definitely something we want to provide. And plus, the Gold Pack exists solely to push the boundaries of SP and make the game better. And, for those who don't want the longer load, they can just opt out of it. This has the potential of being incredible! Hope this works out. The technique is just nifty because it doesn't require a video to be made every time a change is made or for every map. It just adds a whole new level of versatility, while unfortunately sacrificing load time. Sounds really cool! Would require some code edits, but definitely an interesting idea. ^ Thanks a lot for all of the feedback
  14. Basically. So start up time would be start up time + map load. Thanks! Hope I can get it to work!
  15. Yeah, it would really spruce it up I think. Something new for a rather boring main menu And yeah, I'm willing to help other mods get this implemented.
  16. Yeah. I got inspiration from that a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago, but the biggest challenge was getting it into SP. Brings back memories though
  17. YES. Place that in your base folder. Then, in the console, type "playermodel rosh_penin_huge". This will only work in SP. You can look like any NPC by using "playermodel [npc name]". Example "playermodel kyle", "playermodel luke", "playermodel rosh_penin", etc. I only scaled Rosh to 500. Hope that's big enough. lol
  18. A very curious design you've got there, @@CaptainCrazy...but really cool! That's really impressive! Can't wait to see some textures!
  19. You can use the "playermodel" command to look like an NPC.
  20. So as I mentioned, I'm gonna try to make a menu with a real time map behind it. I was thinking of what map would be cool enough to use, then I realized - Why choose? Wouldn't it be cool if the map behind the menu was the mission you last were on? For example, if you just were playing on Hoth, you would be treated to sweeping camera pans of the arctic tundra. In the corner it could say "Current mission: Hoth" and you could click for more info about Hoth and the mission. I'm still thinking about how to fully implement something like this, but would this be cool? BTW - here was the "map behind menu" concept I refer to.
  21. This is something I've always wanted to implement into JA. The classic dialogue selectors (inspired from KOTOR) are something I've always wanted to bring to JKA. Above is a concept I've created a while back. Since then, I've found much more efficient ways of doing it. I'd love to maybe find places where this could be used and put it in JKA. For example, on t2_rouge (Coursant) it would be cool if you had the choice of what to say to Racto, the gang boss. You could use the following option "[Mind Trick] You will tell me what I want to know." in order to skip the droid battle, if your MT level is high enough. There are tons of possibilities for this. I wanna know - is this something you'd like to see? And if so, where and what could it be used for? This had the potential to be REALLY cool.
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