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Everything posted by Dexter987

  1. Just a head https://jkhub.org/files/file/2809-xebys-dark-apprentice-tfu2-starkillergalen-marek/ with this head https://jkhub.org/files/file/2818-starkiller-galen-marek-outfit-pack-for-jka/ "galen training head" lol
  2. I believ it can be fix....but don't ask me how?lol ps:Thexan model from the same serie can be use in sp with edit reborn saber....
  3. Because i get "collision error " in sp.
  4. no news for these incredible work!!??
  5. very good now i really need galen head from tfu2 skinpack!
  6. Yeaa but no it's not the emperor i trigger .... i dont find the page sry....
  7. There is a way to make it work with the clone wars stance v6?
  8. sry got it "X2 is the Jedi, X1 is the villain. I may actually make a Falon Grey model myself... hmmm..." from https://jkhub.org/topic/5134-jeffs-never-ending-wips/page-15 it's about X1 vilain "sith"
  9. It's about X1 and X2 jedi or somethink from previous pages...
  10. I heard about x1_sith.pk3 and a failed link.Any news about this?
  11. I am waitting for somethink else but nice job. look good...
  12. What about somethink like this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=600596739 or that https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=603884889 ? How far it is possible to make this port.? What makes the complicated?
  13. Any chance to get the sith assassin armor from TFU
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