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Posts posted by Randorando

  1. Not dead, still working away... I've been having delays, as every time I try to work on it the south pacific has another natural disaster and I'm off to do relief work.  :shrug:


    Here's some new WIP shots, ignore the very weird colours as JKA brightness is a very odd thing and makes the screenshots look very different then what it looks like ingame.









    SomaZ, DT., Jolly and 3 others like this
  2. Well, I was supposed to be working on the Boc duel map, but after seeing the quality of @Ramikad maps I decided I needed to work on my artistic and creative skills before tackling a map that appears in cutscences.





    So keep in mind these screenshots are both heavily WIP and also a rediscovery of skills/techniques.






    I decided to create a vertical slice of 'Lost planet' to establish the feel/look of the level. So far I'm at least happy with my first attempt, expect many, many changes, especially in the lighting/mood of the level, which I feel is wrong for the level right now.






    Temp textures, Temp models, and WIP geometry.












    Thoughts, comments, ideas and especially criticisms welcome.








    dg1995, SomaZ, therfiles and 3 others like this
  3. Of course, Well I use GtkRadiant 1.5 as my primary tool.


    As for the blockyness of my examples, that's one part WIP and one part because I was basing my design from JKFII


    Unfortunately I have no real modelling experience, I usually make models by constructing nice as I can brush/patch work and exporting it as an .ASE, a rather inelegant solution I agree.


    As for event scripting I can just about manage moving the camera in a cutscence and I have a basic knowledge of Shaders, light emissives, skyboxes, phong, and material properties. 


    I have attached a copy of my Yun map, the .Map file is inside the .pk3




    I have not attached that Maw map as it's really just an experiment in skyboxing, the geometry is very hack/slash. If I was assigned that level I'd start again.


    If you have any other questions just ask away. But a question to you, if I was taken on board what level would you have me work on. Maybe I can cut together a WIP while we keep talking.




    P.S. That map is basically free for anyone, take it if you wish :)

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