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Files posted by GenericUsername29
Saboteur Faceplate
By GenericUsername29 in Player Models
The Imperial Saboteur in Jedi Academy originally had a visor covering his face, which was removed very late into development. This mod just brings that visor back. It's not the best, but I guess it works alright?
- Whenever the saboteur goes invisible, his visor turns to a bright almost white color as he switches. I'm pretty sure this is because the visor is made with shaders, because if he's holding a weapon with a chrome shader over it for example, the same thing happens.
- I couldn't figure out how to give the faceplate twosided culling or something, so the visor will appear invisible if you're viewing the saboteur from behind.
Rebel Reskin
By GenericUsername29 in Skins
This is a reskin of the rebel soldier, meant to make them look a bit more militaristic and well equipped. I mean, I'm pretty sure these guys are supposed to be dominant over the Imperial Remnant at this point, yet they're running around with the same outfits they had back in the small rebellion days. I guess it doesn't matter really because if I remember correctly, the rebels never appeared in Jedi Academy's main story...But they are in the multiplayer. So there's that.
Speaking of multiplayer, I made some team skins for this too, so that's good. I even went the extra centimeter to make some custom icons for them.
So there's a new rebel reskin for you guys. Have fun, I guess.
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New Death Music
By GenericUsername29 in Audio
Somehow I came across this beautiful piece of music from a game named "Total Distortion".
After hearing it, I thought, "Hey, I should totally replace the death music in Jedi Academy with this."
Don't ask why. But I did.
So yes, there you go. Nice new death music. Unlike the original death music, which is pretty short, this song goes on for a little while...So it won't stop playing until either the song ends, or you load up a new map/restart the mission. I mention this because it's not a glitch, it's intentional and I found it funny that way.
Have fun with this abomination, I guess.
Imperial Worker Reskin
By GenericUsername29 in Skins
Like the Tie Pilots, I felt the Imperial Worker's textures weren't that great, so, again, I added in some more detail. This time I went with a sort of rubber texturing, like that of a hazmat suit. I also added some semi-transparent splatters throughout the suit to make it look a little dirtier. Though I didn't stop at extra details, I had to make some design changes too!
The suit is now orange rather than the yellow-ish color it was before, and I've also added some text on the suit, an atomic symbol on the back, and a Galactic Empire logo on the ear piece of the helmet. Those last three I thought made the suit look more industrial, I guess. No clue why I went with an orange color though. So yes, there's another Imperial reskin for detail. Have fun with it, I guess.
Tie Pilot Reskin
By GenericUsername29 in Skins
I felt that the Tie Pilots had a pretty bad texture job. The suit itself has no real texture and it's very flat. Really, the same can be said for every texture. The helmet looks okay because of the chrome shader applied to it, but everything else doesn't look that great.
So I decided to go through and add some nice texturing to the suit. I added a cloth pattern over the bodysuit, and changed around the life support textures a bit, and changed a few other things as well. All together, I felt it made for a nice replacement to the tie pilots.
Black Wookie Bowcaster
By GenericUsername29 in Guns & Explosives
The Wookie Bowcaster is interesting here. For whatever reason, it's a silver-brown color, and the bolts are green, unlike the films, in which it's black and fires red bolts. There are a few mods that change the bolts to red, but to my surprise, none that made the bowcaster black, from what I could see. Not even in Ultimate Weapons. So this is a fairly simple skin just to have that.
Kyle Reskin
By GenericUsername29 in Skins
There are a lot of Kyle reskins, because Kyle is awesome. So, why not add another Kyle skin? Here's mine!
I really just wanted Kyle to look different from Outcast, since it's been like, 2 years since the events of that game, and here Kyle's still wearing the same clothes. Now, because I love to over-complicate things, I decided to put together my own skin, rather than just download one already made. This is the result. Some nice blue, almost black pants, a black and brown shoulder pad, and some rather fabulous brown boots. Also a green lightsaber. I think a green lightsaber suits Kyle.
Oh, and I've added a slight spec shader to Kyle's belt, so it's sorta shiny now. Yay.
And, this skin will replace Kyle in singleplayer. No team skins, just the default one. Have fun with yet another Kyle skin.
Reborn Reskin
By GenericUsername29 in Skins
Last time I gave the Reborns a nice new voice, to make them more threatening. So we got that out of the way, what would be something else to help make the Reborns a more threatening enemy? Well, a new skin that doesn't have really bright red would be nice. As it turns out, there aren't really a lot of Reborn reskins, at least, not of the new Jedi Academy ones. So I made one myself. I'm not really sure what I wanted to do with them going in, aside from darker colors, but they came out with shiny armor and looking kinda medieval. So that's nice. I made both red and blue versions that are in the story, so you won't have to worry about fighting a dark red Reborn, and then a few minutes later fighting a Reborn with non-shiny armor and bright blue clothes. Anyway, enjoy the mod, I guess.
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Alternate Reborn Voice
By GenericUsername29 in Audio
Like the Cultists in this game, I feel the Reborns aren't all that threatening. For one, their clothing is far too bright, but that's an entirely different mod I'll get to. Another thing I wanted to do? Change their voice. Now true, their voices still are a tiny bit more threatening than the Cultists, but why not change it some? I decided to edit their voices then, and I thought it would be nice if they all had a sort of voice modulator sound to them, inspired by Batman in Batman V Superman and the TellTale game, and Kylo-Ren. So yes, all Reborns now have a voice modulator apparently, and it's amazing. Here's a quick little video that gives a glimpse of their voice.
New Melee Sound Effects
By GenericUsername29 in Audio
This is a fairly small mod, which changes the punch and kick sound effects to sound a bit more brutal and powerful. I took the sound effects from Batman: Arkham Asylum. Here's a nice little video with all the sound effects in it.
And that's really all I have to say...Enjoy the mod, I guess. Remember, if you want to have melee for yourself, you need to type "iknowkungfu" in the dev commands menu.
Human Mercenary Reskin
By GenericUsername29 in Skins
My previous Human Mercenary Reskin was alright, but I decided to go and fix it up some, and add some nice new things. He now has shinier armor, the Flap Shader works (Yay) and I've also added Team Skins. They'll never show up in Singleplayer (Which was the reason I made them, actually) but there they are. I also added some nice Icons for them all. I feel they look quite nice, but they might be a bit too busy. I dunno.
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Alternate HUD
By GenericUsername29 in Cosmetic Mods
I didn't care for the original HUD in Jedi Academy, it seemed a bit busy. This was actually one of my first mods, trying to change the HUD. For some reason I'm only just now getting around to uploading it. So yes, the HUD is a bit more simplified, and I also changed the "Use Item" image so it doesn't have the Mario glove-looking hand, and instead just a circle and "Use". I feel this makes it look better...
This doesn't replace the HUD for vehicles though, just the usual one.
By GenericUsername29 in Skins
I wanted Star-Lord in this game. Nobody had previously made one though, at least not on this site, so I made a fairly gross reskin of the Imperial Worker, and added him. Now, the big thing that would've been a problem was getting the duel-wielding pistols, as no enemy in the game has them. I found out, that by giving him Class Reborn, rank Captain, and a blaster pistol for a weapon, then he would duel wield pistols. Although the NPC also has to be an enemy to the player for that to work. For some reason.
And so Jedi-hating Star-Lord was born! We can just say he's the Cosmic Outlaw version of Star-Lord depicted recently. That works. He also has sounds, yay. They are straight from the MMO Marvel Heroes. Keep in mind that I don't have every possible sound for him, only a few. I think I got most of the more important ones though.
His outfit is based on the Annihilation and Thanos Imperative costumes, not the movie costume. I mostly did that because doing the hair would look very odd with the Imperial Worker's head...
To spawn him in, type "npc spawn star_lord" for the default blue and white skin, and "npc spawn star_lord_thanos" for the black and red skin.
Also, it seems that doing playermodel star_lord doesn't give you the double pistols, just one. So that's kind of a disappointment, but at least the NPC still has them, right?
(Okay I'll stop talking now)
Cultist Reskin
By GenericUsername29 in Skins
I found the original Cultists in Jedi Academy to be a little boring. They're really not threatening at all (Though their voice helps with this along with the design) and their clothes is all one color, basically. Green for grip (I guess because they both start with a G) red for drain, blue for lightning, and then orange for saber apparently. Sure, they have some black, like those weird things on their back that looks quite a lot like suspenders, but I'm weird, so that's not enough black for me. I need MORE.
So I did that for some reason. While I was at it, I added yellow eyes to help make them look more threatening. It's kind of hard to see them in-game, but they exist, so that's good..I guess...
This replaces all the default Cultists.
Edit: Added a purple skin, due to a request, and it also looks pretty nice too.
Blackhole Trooper
By GenericUsername29 in Skins
This is a Blackhole Trooper, a black-suited Stormtrooper that can be close to invisible for a short period of time due to a cloaking device. It has an NPC, which has all the stats of a regular Stormtrooper, but they behave like a Saboteur. So basically, it's Stormtrooper+Saboteur cloaking device.
To spawn the NPC, type "npc spawn blackholetrooper".
Note: This is a reskin of the default Stormtrooper model, not any of the improved models. (I'm so sorry...)
Human Mercenary Reskin
By GenericUsername29 in Skins
Now, first off, I will say I don't mind the color brown. There are times when brown is nice. Brown hair and eyes can be good, I can't deny the beauty that is chocolate, and it sure would be strange if the bark of a tree were neon blue rather than brown. But sometimes, I feel there is too much brown in a design for it's own good. For example, the Human Mercenaries of Jedi Academy. Everything they wear is brown. Brown coat, brown shirt, brown pants, brown mask, and even their goggles and bandages have a tint of brown in them. So I decided, "I should change the colors up a bit". So I did, but also discovered that the Human Mercenary and Lannik Racto share the same model. (Well, except Racto has a different head) So I also took the textures of Racto and modified them to my liking, and applied it to the Mercenary.
So yes, colors on the Human Mercenary are now more varied. They now have silver goggles with red eyepieces, and dark blue pants similar to that of jeans, because I guess people wear jeans in Star Wars now. Wonderful. They also have more of a gray coloring to their...Well, I'm honestly not sure what they are. The sort of armor-looking thing they have on their chest. I don't know if it's armor, actually. What is that?
Racto design dissection aside, this skin replaces the default Human Mercenary.
That's all I have to say, and I should really stop rambling about such a small mod, so that's the end of this description.
Rebel Officer
By GenericUsername29 in Skins
This here is a Rebel Officer, as the title says. He wears a red shirt rather than blue, and has the red team Rebel helmet as well. I'm not sure if the red is EU canon, but there it is...He's also got a bullet proof vest, because a vest designed to stop bullets is totally going to be useful against blaster fire.
The fairly terrible skin comes with an NPC, that wields an Imperial Heavy Repeater. Basically, the point of this mod is to have a commanding rebel for NPC battles. You know, you have the Stormtroopers and you can spawn in a Stormtrooper Officer too. I wanted the Rebels to have one as well.
To spawn in the Rebel Officer, type "npc spawn rebel_officer"
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