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File Comments posted by zOrg

    Galactic Senators Pack

       2,244    21

    Oddly nobody noticed it yet (does anybody actually download files here AND try them out? lolz....) there is a bug in shaders file. More precisely a missing bracket in SenatorAang/cape section which causes saber blades to be completely messed up in MP (notice not in SP), so............. well, whatever. Fixed it myself.

  1. Great job, but.... as far as bringing all Star Wars material into the game is admirable I still don't get it what people (who download it) do with it? Especially nowadays. They don't do any mods (like conversions where they could use new models), they don't do any movies (where they could create a new story with the help of new models), and lastly they don't even use it in multiplayer (when I enter to the few remaining servers, no matter how much stuff I download most of the peeps are still Kyles, they don't use new or iconic characters, they tend to use their own custom built and never released models/skins), therefore my question is WHAT'S THE POINT? Are there any other uses that I'm not aware of? I can't believe people just download it and use when playing with bots........

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