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Everything posted by SomaZ

  1. I disagree. They will never allow this to be released. First of all, they have their own battlefront. Making another one would be wasted time for their development team and they need another Studio to support the development, as the ea battlefront get more DLCs this year. What happens then? They have two similar games. People would get angry if they want the other game, but they don't want to pay again (EA would put a price tag on that, I'll guarantee it. Or another publisher.). Second. As far as i read galaxy in turmoil uses UE4. Epic want's royalty payments: I hardly doubt that ea (or another publisher) is willing to pay for a game developed by "them", because they have their own AAA engine. If they would make it, they would start porting everything again. So they could start all over again. Why developing a new game when the other one is running kind of fine? I really hope galaxy in turmoil will be released, but not under Disney nor ea. I'm really looking forward to some new videos of it. Let's hope Valve will do their best to get this going.
  2. Has somebody noticed the fan made remake of battlefront 3 "galaxy in turmoil"? Looks promising, but I doubt that disney will make it happen. :(http://frontwirestudios.com/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grab


      Yup. No license but Valve let them put it on Steam. Lets see what Disney will do.

    3. swegmaster


      yeah, lets see if disney ruins this too

    4. SomaZ


      They will, I guarantee it.

  3. Here you go: It's a "simple" script in the Tools folder in the latest download. https://code.google.com/archive/p/wire3d/downloads I'm not sure if this is still functional under a recent version of unity though.
  4. I thought of something like using Unity for making the maps and export them in any format you "want" to implement, as you can script the export of the map. Here is something that does the opposite with id3 maps: https://github.com/mikezila/uQuake3 The nice thing about it is that you can make lightmaps like in radiant (maybe another format or algorithm though) which is nice for interior light. There was a homebrew 3d engine for wii which used unity to make the maps and export them for the engine. The source code for the complete engine + unity exporter was available. (I can search that for you if you are interested) Another nice thing would be that one could automate the material creation (shaders) + automate the copying of the texture files for JKA, but thats just some fantasy of mine. Oh and btw. very good progress. I love to see updates here.
  5. Ok, never experienced that before. Even on websites with white background. But if it affects somebody, we should really consider leaving the bright ones out or tone them down. (even if that includes my submission )
  6. Two things I want to suggest: Could you please hide the voting results until the voting phase is over? Is that possible? People tend to pick up other peoples opinion, by seeing the current result. People can only vote if they are members since May or something like that. (Not sure if that's common in this forum, actually I doubt it, but I have seen a lot of contests where people created some fake accounts to vote for themselves) To all the people participating in this contest. May the force be with you. P.S.: For sportsmanship I wont vote for my own submission. I hope other people will do the same.
  7. Happy Towel Day my fellow hitchhikers.

  8. Cause its too hard to open JK in windowed mode and type vid_restart to check texture updates on models. (I'm just saying) @topic merging renderers would be so awesome.
  9. I'm not sure if that's only an artifact based on the implementation. I never noticed that in Unreal 4 and I only use the metallic workflow. The only thing is that I have to set the specular in the Materieal to 0.5 and everything looks like it should in UE4. (They kind of combine both workflows)
  10. I prefer the metal roughness over the gloss specular workflow. You can pack roughness and metal in one texture (only 2 grayscale layers and 2 are still free for eg. height), so its less textures to worry about. Since I work with Substance Painter its kind of irrelevant for me, because you can make custom texture exports. Also you won't need two colored pictures (color & specular) which kind of tells you the same stuff in PBR. Marmoset has a page with pro and contras https://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/learn/pbr-conversion (down at "Metalness Workflow vs Specular Workflow"). I hope that helps a bit.
  11. My first submission, if rendered stuff is ok. This is rendered with iray in substance painter 2. I took the original textures and added roughness, metallnes and normal maps. The only texture i replaced is the sand.
  12. Yey, another possibility to make another background. I wanted to "remake" a jka map (for rend2) for that contest but had to much work to do. Now there is another chance. Is an iray render of a map ok for that contest? Something like that: Haven't chosen a map to "remake" though. Wishes?
  13. its called parallax occlusion mapping with silhouettes. I guess that would be the problem solver for this particular problem. But it comes quite costly. And i think it never was really usable. The tesselation stuff with displacement replaced that immediately. nice, i will totally check that out.
  14. You are right, they called it the "Top secret tesselated toad tech". Damn, i need to check my facts before i post something here.
  15. Hm has somebody some spare time to inverse this project? Something like exporting maps from Unity. That would be so awesome. https://github.com/mikezila/uQuake3

  16. As far as I know the only engine that implemented parallax displacement on animated models is CryEngine. They called it the secret toad tech in a trailer.
  17. The only thing i know is that there is an entity flag RF_DISTORTION. And this is manually set in the game aka hardcoded. Also the vanilla renderer rendered stuff refractive only with that flag. I'm not sure what you mean with image or shader "-2". You mean in the old id3 shader files? I will investigate if the renderer sets the flag, but right now i doubt it.
  18. Ok i found what vanilla does. Its in tr_shadows. So game actually sets some stuff, but nothing really useful for an actual refraction. They simply take a part of the rendered picture (the size and middle point of the cut out are defined) and put it on the "refractive" surface. Then they have a variable to strech it. It's basicly zooming in and out with some blend modes. There is one variable which is usefull for my current implementation. It's the alpha of the refraction. But i will add the wobble/stretch effect of the vanilla render.
  19. Hm, problem is, that the vanilla refraction is hard coded for the objects. There are no individual refraction parameters for e.g. the invincibility shpere or the force pull. I will lower the effect strenght and see if thats better.
  20. Another progress video on the refraction shading. Some stuff is still missing, but i think it looks quite nice right now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLCSrBlEU3Q
  21. So, here a little teaser of what is coming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcqqBWGp4R0 Still a lot to do. And yea, the effect is too strong right now.
  22. Refraction, everything I can think of is refraction ?_?

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