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Everything posted by SomaZ

  1. @@DT85 Crazy, eventually SP handles this differently. I'll check that tonight. Can I get a copy of your code to check it?
  2. If you need a start for the refraction rendering: https://github.com/SomaZ/OpenJK Needs a lot of optimiziation though and some stuff of the vanilla refraction rendering is missing. Eg the wobble effect, refractive surfaces are not sorted in the right way and so on. Maybe someone finds a better way of doing it. Right now it uses another framebuffer, which is memory consuming. The shader is poorly written.... and so on At least it doesn't look to bad.
  3. Sorry, no news so far. I was very busy the last weeks. @@RAILBACK I'd love to get some help with bubbles and fishes. ♥
  4. Oh, haven't even noticed that there is some google doc. I want to participate if there are still some people interested. I can't change anything in the doc btw. Only readable for me.
  5. Looks good, but imo you should use an environment stage for some stronger highlight. Right now it looks pretty dull. Also, the scratches along the edges are to continuous and repetitive for my taste.
  6. SomaZ


    I'd say it's a light entity, but it doesn't get computed while compiling but in real time in the game itself, like the saber lights or light emitted by blaster shots.
  7. I know it sucks, but I can only say: I'll release it when it's done. Some models are still missing, I want to fake the water caustics, add moving light shafts, make it playable (means adding propper collision to everything, add pickups, some spawnpoints and so on) and then add rend2 support (maybe later). So this could still take some time. :/
  8. Some WIP:
  9. Thank you for the kind words. There is still a lot to do, but progress is steady. I guess I will start tomorrow with fixing the models since some normals are messed up, also adding the missing pipes and adding the railings. I'd love to add my terrain to the map, but it is one very large model (in model scale not file size or polycount) and I'm not sure if the model formats of jka will allow such a large model. Maybe anyone has an idea for a solution without separating the model in little pieces? It has only one 4k texture. I don't want to make the terrain a cubemap, because I want to fake caustics on it.
  10. So, as promissed here is some WIP of my fake spec shader. I think it looks kind of cool.
  11. You probably are right. But first lets see who want's to participate and who gets the map leader. I agree on Lazarus as the leader.
  12. Hm, ok, this makes me a bit sad. Then I have to finish my shelter map myself. Then this will only be a duel map, but I'm ok with it.
  13. @Darth Futuza Love the pictures you gathered. (especially the ff one and the fusion reactor ones ) Sounds would be great as I have no idea about this. So, goal of the shelter map would be to make a great ffa (maybe ctf?) multiplayer map. So story is irrelevant. Theme: underwater shelter near an underwater volcano License: Other players may modify and share this work so long as they provide credit to the original author(s). Workflow I had in mind: Everyone gets 1 week to contribute map parts. If needed you can get up to 3 more days (maybe between other contributors phases). Texture,shader and sound improvements can me "submitted" until every contributor finished their parts. The latest contributor gets 4 days more to compensate the time he is missing for improvements. Before the release every contributor gets the chance to enter a discussion about the final map to match the contributors expectations. If the map leader disagrees with a point, the complaining contributor has to "obey". WIP pictures are welcome so every participant can contribute or indicate problems. Oh btw. @Lazarus are you in too? Maybe we should summon some mappers here?
  14. Something I noticed and that bugs me. Nevertheless a great model. Can wait for a finished version. Edit: Never mind, I should read the full thread before posting..... GJ Archangel, great model.
  15. Great idea Lazarus! I would offer my shelter map (since I haven't much time to make more rooms and stuff) if someone is interested. I got some time this week so I would work on it this week to complete the "ceremony room" with shaders and stuff. It got two different doors types and 3 are placed in the room (you can see them in the WIP thread in UE4). I'd love some help with it to show the power of rend2 (the map should look awesome in vanilla too, that's what I'm currently working on) and what we can archive with it. I can help with rend2 shaders and textures if someone wants to map but has no clue how to supply the fitting textures. Theme is an underwater shelter. The story in my mind behind it is not Star Wars related, but that doesn't matter, right? Is that ok for such a project?
  16. First, I think we won't get the permission to supply cmake. Then, you really want the user to mess around with the path variable, if the cmake install fails to set it right? (yea, I got that problem once. Now I know what the PATH variable is ) Calling cmake via c++ is no problem, since this is a command line tool. Did a similar thing some time ago. Only the configuration could be a problem. gcc should be no problem either. Though, wouldn't it be easier to simply download the latest compiled files? Set the gamedir in the launcher -> download -> unzip -> copy/overwrite files -> good to go -> profit?
  17. @@skew Great, another one who's interested in helping with the renderer. To the SSAO. The random function isn't the problem imo. If there would be blur applied to the rendered image it would look ok, i guess (thats what the "big" engines do, if i remember correctly). You could look in the ioquake3 repository for some enhancements. They reworked their ssao some months ago. https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3/commit/93e1feaaad19fcc97459b8fd15492b1ff3551bc3 Have you looked at the c code or only the glsl code? I could use some help with other effects if you are interested. I implemented some refraction prototype that could use some work to get the vanilla parity of this effect. E.g. the wobble effect is not implemented.
  18. Damn, with parallax my fps drops so hard. The game tells me I have like 35 but it feels super choppy (got a gtx980ti). Nevertheless it looks great. Good work man. I started my own map for rend2 testing purposes but I've no experience with mapping for JKA. Learned the basics I guess, but I never looked into scripting and the fx stuff.
  19. Oh, you misunderstood me. I "know" how to write shaders. The problem is that the specular pass computes the light reflection based on the vertexes and not based on the screen pixels. The result is a not very accurate specularity unless the model is crazily tesselated or very small (like a lightsaber). So my idea was to fake the spec shading somehow. Easier question. When I use an model with transparency, does the environment stage get transparent on the transparent parts too? Second one, can I use a dublicate model on the same position with some kind of sorting to be "on top of the other" without z-fighting?
  20. Hey, I was just wondering if its possible to make some kind of specular shader working for models. Since the standard shader just works vertex based, its kind of useless for bigger models (unless one tesselates the object). What I thought of is an environment mapping stage with the specular map as an opacity value for it. Has anyone an idea how to archive it? Or is it even possible? Maybe doubling the model and use the transparency for the "decal/reflection" model and use the environment stage there? Thanks in advance.
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