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Everything posted by Kane

  1. im not a video-editor, and too lazy to make videos. if you want i can send u strafing/fullforce demos. only videos i have are crappy ones on xfire lol http://social.xfire.com/video/50da4c
  2. best players ive ever encountered were myself, blueknight, source, and loda. top 4 players overall in jk2/jk3 in terms of strafing/fullforcing/guns/ctf/sabering. that video is quite inaccurate since they were after every1 else left strafing. currently 15 people play on ups defrag server and those times are irrelevant. never heard of rem, dash was a decent strafer but not even close to being one of the fastest lol
  3. Check if they have a server on the same host as you. It's an old bug but with an old version of makermod and some directory bugs you can view all the files/folders on the host machine, and I assume if they put sv_allowdownload 1 they could just download them off the host, unless your host doesn't allow downloads regardless of server cvars
  4. Yeah I agree with ignoring them, which is what the server owner I talked to was doing, however they are launching ddos attacks with spoofed getstatus packets, which is very hard to block, even if you rename getstatus packets, the sheer bandwith used for the ddos + if they switch to other packets will still lag/crash the server. I am collecting information on them as I see them (logging ips/usernames/addresses/names) but it's hard to take action as they're all from europe, oh well though. I'll install openJK in the meantime
  5. I'm sure most of you have encountered these script kiddies in the last few months, that buy shell-booters or use old exploits that still work because of the old game engine to crash servers. What's a recommended response? Server protection doesn't do too much as it's easier to crash a server than protect it, considering how effective udp packet spoofing is. there are also exploits to dodge flood protection on a server. Does JKHub have any ideas how to counter these kids, maybe through taking legal action or logging their IP's and getting their information? Taking down their servers is illegal, and that's not really recommended, but it's quite annoying to deal with skiddies who crash servers and then talk big. Wish ravensoft would make jk4 and just move from q3 already :/
  6. I think I just went blind from all those colors
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