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Everything posted by ChalklYne

  1. Obviously not for gaming. but for video editing, and for getting rough templates going to be able to model over, it looks pretty friggin sweet.
  2. I've still never played it. Just walked around a few maps viewing my mods n stuff. Half the time I don't know what you guys are talking about when referring to the game, and I don't know who the hell Rosh is besides viewing him in modview XD
  3. nice sig bro why the hell did aspyr do it? thats weird.
  4. ill have a real nice TIE fighter, TIE bomber and Lambda shuttle soon. U can have those it would be nice to just have all of the assets rebuilt for the Gold pack
  5. fully functioning whip easiest way is to wait until psykosith releases his new skeleton. Then we can model the whip to his hand with the saber tag at the end of it for collision, and make the whip out of constrained tails and nulls. Then just run the animations in softimage and let the whip animate itself. compile and you will need a .sab for the invisible saber at the end of the whip. problem is, the current jka anims don't really swing correctly for a whip. but, im sure we can pick and choose which anims are working decently and create our own saber style for it via animations.cfg. any other way i can think of requires coding. tbh... even this way, the anims will be janky as hell i.e. saber locks and transitions and stuff like that. heres what i suggest... have the whip be a melee weapon. then you only have to animate like 2 or 3 animations for him with his sword as his primary weapon. then the whip would essentially just be a part of his hand with the l_hang tag bone at the end of it for collision. Any other ways would either require coding, or look kinda dumb and not be worth the amount of effort. Melee weapons the best bet for a whip. just dont try using 2 handed lightning with it, or a bolt will be coming from the end of the whip XD
  6. Congrats gentlemen. Very badass.
  7. ill get the rotoscope back up before i uv map this time and make sure im within ranges thx good eye man
  8. Pretty friggin sweet dude. Good stuff there. @modeler would be the extreme though. Or if it showed under your name like "Retired Staff"
  9. Thanks man. But. See those blue tubes on the walls? I want each one of those sections to have it's own technical equipment pretty much you knnow? Like.. No matter what angle the camera is at, you'll always get something different I really want to kill this room. So a mixture or Star Wars and Resident Evil is what i'm thinking. Just tubes and monitors and wires and pipes and tanks and tables with surgical devices etc. the business. But I want it all to function like one room. Like.. if you've seen some resident evil scenes theres a ton of technical stuff hooked up to something organic stuff like that. That's what I mean by lack of ideas is I just have to peice the 8 walls together in a way that flows like the equipment was all made specifically for this room.
  10. i still need ideas for the walls in that room. i know the room will be small and octogonal.. but besides that floor and im pretty sure i know how i want to do the ceiling.. im at a loss for the walls atm.. i want this room to be heavily detailed. like... overwhelming technical stuff and pipes and steam and just madness eye candy. since it's the base of the whole mod like this XD Plus, until I get this lambda and TIE facility unwrapped, i'm kinda stuck where I'm at. I have almost tripled the TIE facility in size, and have one more room to build. So I plan on being busy for the next 2 weeks or so.
  11. Dude.. that is incredible. Know what i was going to do? Record the pov of SK on that table... and have him look at different objects around the room.. as the menu. just i figured using screenshots as the menu and roq's as the transitions. but dude.. yeah that is incredible. it may take me a while to figure out the best way to implement that, and the video didnt play so i just scanned through it so Im not sure exactly what all you can do. but fuckin sweet job there dude!
  12. definitely a different version now that i think about it. Since Proxy was a prototype droid specifically made for vader to assist SK... then it's going to be hard to incorporate him and still not cause any problems with the TFU timeline or possibly conflict with the third when it comes out. I wanted the main characters besides vader to all be insignificant to the TFU cannon storyline. So I'd say maybe you can fight a dark "reprogammed" proxy in the caves of Dagobah. That would be awesome actually.Since you're already fighting a dark Juno in there... So I'll still need a dark proxy and possibly one more droid for the interrogation room cutscenes explained above
  13. read the post right above yours in the spoiler and tell me if that's something you can do for a dark reprogrammed proxy. kickass that means I only have to model the medical droid. schweet
  14. Sounds good I wanted to model one of those suckers for a while now anyways. I'll probably have one up on a raised deck working controls, and one next to vader messing with the needles poking in your back and stuff from the cutscene. here's an ideal scenario for that
  15. good call thank u hey! i just went up in there... and scale-wise.. it was like a 3 foot step XD *fixed
  16. ^^I agree this would be awesome. @@Barricade24 job's yours man I'll even let you pick what kind of droid you want it to be. It's gotta make sense that this particular droid is on Kamino, and working for the Empire. Other than that just let me know what kind of droid you want to be, and there's really no dialog other than what was in the sotryline spoiler, but I'm always open to whatever you'd want to add in or whatever we end up thinking would be cool. Badass man. I'll PM you with a decent script and you can play with it how u want. Just let me know what kind of droid you pick so I can get him chiseled in
  17. @@CrimsonStrife that would be amazing man. I wouldn't mind getting notified when someone needs a modellers help or a quick texture or something. badass. @@therfiles expect a PM from me that is incredible.
  18. Im sittin around 2600 tris with everything in this pic. not too shabby... Still plenty of work to do on thinning the wing details and the small amount at the bottom of the wings that needs 2 boxes... all in all not too expensive and the thing operates great. In XSI at least.
  19. better? excuse the janky camera and lighting im just not in the mood to mess with it. saved me a bunch of geometry doing it this way =) I just need to model in new flaps for the landing gear. I just didnt like the old ones they fit weird.
  20. Ill take Death, his anims, getting him ingame and functioning, and I also wanted to do a slight variant this guy and his anims and ingames if it's cool... as It was one of my fav's and i'd like to see it operate in 3d space.
  21. I would definitely like and need that thank you
  22. no worries I can do all of that in photoshop as I recall. Thank you guys! This is going to spoil the storyline... so dont open if you don't want to be spoiled. Beta Unleashed 1.5 storyline Beta Cutscene Teaser I'll need a robot voice actor who knows how to manipulate the audio to be more robotic And maybe 3 sentences from SK that aren't currently available. A "Where am I?" "Why are you doing this?" and a "Get out of my head" or something along those lines. I can almost pull it off myself, but if anyones interested in it that thinks they could sound a bit witwery than I'd be more than happy for your help. Vader won't have any lines. Juno's just going to walk out in a new sexy outfit with a not very juno-ish sexy walk and start kicking your ass so she'll have no lines. There will be no Kota as you won't make it that far in the map. Kazdan Paratus might need a line or two. Proxy will just be in the training room as your sparring partner. No lines or maybe a few jacked tfu ones. Maris Brood might need a line or two. Besides that all the sound effects will be jacked from tfu1 and 2. it'd be nice to have some new sounds for the stormtroopers and such
  23. DragonBall Z: Battle of the Gods. That's all I'm saiyan

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChalklYne


      nope. i just got super baked i couldnt tell the difference

    3. Tempust85
    4. katanamaru


      That's the newest movie's title? Is it out as a fan-sub?


      Is it good!

  24. So I have 2 cutscenes almost ready to be rendered out. Problem though... Rendering an entire animation sequence with significant length kills my pc XD I get bsod'd almost every time. I have a decent rig, so I'm thinking it has to do with drivers and overclocked settings and stuff... Soooo.... anyone with xsi feel like bogging down their pc for a few hours and rendering out some scenes for me as they finish?Also, my rendering abilities arent exactly boss... so I'm sure the render settings will need tweaking for optimal lighting etc. Then... how do I apply sound to a Roq? If I were to use something such as @@eezstreet suggested like OpenJK as source... then is there any possible future implementation of avi's or bik's or something? If it is possible... how much work is it going to be for a coder? Just so I know how big of a doosh I'm going to be when I ask one of you. Know what would be cool? If for the Hub.. you can categorize yourself. Like.. mapper, modeller, coder, scripter, texture artists, shader specialist, animator, etc... Then you could summon all of them at once via a @coders or @animators... that would be schweet. Just dont summon them all at once... @@therfiles is this possible?
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