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Status Updates posted by ChalklYne

  1. DragonBall Z: Battle of the Gods. That's all I'm saiyan

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChalklYne


      nope. i just got super baked i couldnt tell the difference

    3. DT.
    4. katanamaru


      That's the newest movie's title? Is it out as a fan-sub?


      Is it good!

  2. i wish we could like "likes" on here..we would have a conundrum.. let that soak in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChalklYne


      there should be a limit... i can like that you liked my post, but u cant like that i liked your like

    3. Onysfx


      We need liking in status's too...actually no, because then no-one would comment xD.

    4. Circa


      I actually am planning on adding status liking soon.

  3. currently writing the greg_bergen virus

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChalklYne


      eternal? could you really ban bob? isnt that against mr bergen's rights as a member? he did nothing to you!.. he liked 1 post!

    3. ChalklYne


      oh wait you talking about banning me?! ha! poo on u therfiles! hows bout that XD maybe this will change your mind... poo on you x2. strike me down and i will become more powahfull than you could ever imagine! ill outlive you anyways therfiles its just genetics. on top of all that... onysfx is about to take office as supreme chancellor. he'll just resurrect me. and if all else fails... i still have my secret weapon... codename:Robin.

    4. ChalklYne


      I win therfiles. I always will. oh yeah... and poo on u x3...Join us therfiles... learn the ways of the dock side... before it goes too far and reaches level poo on u x4

  4. I love you JKHub. On a creepy level.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChalklYne


      And beyond. Come check out my van JKHub... I got a new bike in there for ya. Do you like candy?

    3. AshuraDX


      ...and I allmost spilled my coke over my keyboard XD

    4. JKHub


      I like candy...

  5. I now have been driven to drink

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. therfiles


      As long as your not driving drunk

    3. Onysfx


      Are you drinking because your unhappy?

    4. ChalklYne


      I never drive drunk nor am I unhappy XD I drink with chicks, and lately there has been an abundance of them. HERE is the best part, I hang with chicks and make them sit and watch and critique my modeling XD Good times.

  6. My little girl got all "Excellents" on her kindergarten report card, and scored an average of 15 points higher than needed on her DIBELS testing =D. So happy. Time for some rootbeer floats!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChalklYne


      Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills. It tests Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Accurate and Fluent reading, and Reading Comprehension. She needed at least a 189 and got 290

    3. Circa


      What a genius.

    4. katanamaru


      Drinks all around!

  7. I pulled an all nighter and finished something killer... expect pics in a bit, im geeked.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ramikad


      Sherlock mode on: considering it's most likely TFU related, and coupling that with your need to create a shader with rust / dust over shiny (metal) parts... it could either be a construct, or Raxus Prime. Or something related to Raxus Prime. Because I don't recall much more rusty or dusted stuff in TFU aside from that cursed place.

    3. Bart


      where are an pics?

    4. Bek


      That's what she said.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChalklYne


      Sweet. I just saw a few things I havent seen before and was hoping to use them. Thank you!

    3. minilogoguy18


      ^ladders don't work in the vanilla game. I THINK they may be trying to implement them back in OpenJK.

    4. Archangel35757


      @DT85 - imported the SOF2 ladder code in his fork & it works. We just need the 3D player animations.

  8. Anyone know how to show higher resolution images in the texture editor of softimage? They look 256 or something and i got tiny points id like to adjust correctly.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChalklYne


      Omg thank you

    3. minilogoguy18


      I'm shocked, didn't think you ever touched the program Psyk0Sith lol.

    4. Psyk0Sith


      I might have, a loooong time ago.

  9. I have been seeing u guys a lot lately on other platforms... unity forums.. substance painter forums... hyperspin forums... ive ran into a bunch of you elsewhere and lurked in the shadows

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ramikad


      I seem to remember you were on some Wiki, Raven. There might be something there about you - it was about the time you challenged me to find out more about you :P

    3. the_raven


      @Ramikad say what? o_O If you find a link, do throw it my way, because I really can't remember this :(

    4. Onysfx


      Heh, ya I've run into JKA people on emulation type of places. We're a much tigher group than we think.

  10. Odd that Ive never seen a mario kart jedi style on here. Seems easy enough

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Daedra
    3. the_raven


      Star wars super bombad racing? <.<

    4. Psyk0Sith


      There was a speeder racing mod in the works a while back. It probably died. They scaled vehicles down so the maps would be race friendly.

  11. Zbrush is creating disgusting seams along my uv cuts. After searching it seems like a common problem. Anyone concur?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DT.


      No idea - I don't export normals from Zbrush. I use either Substance Painter's built-in baker or xNormal

    3. Psyk0Sith


      Difficult to tell without seeing the assets but i would not use Zbrush for baking. Xnormal would be a better choice. However you could bake a world object space map in Zbrush and convert it to tangent with handplane, it might get rid of the problem. Start a thread if you need more in-depth help.

    4. ChalklYne


      Thank for the info!

    1. Circa


      Kind of an old video. I don't think any other news has been leaked regarding the plot however.

    2. Onysfx


      If Rosh Penin is in it...

    3. ChalklYne


      he'll be played by justin beiber

  12. The cake is a lie.

    1. Onysfx


      Keep calm and carry on the test.

      There will be cake...or rather...you will be cake...

    2. ChalklYne


      I'm about to finger pinch choke everyone on this site as reparations for u and i getting no powah

    3. ChalklYne


      Then... they will all know the true powah of the dock side!

  13. Why the HELL didn't I get more into coding? The fbx-glm converter thread has me mesmerized =/ Amazing work there fellas

    1. spior


      Coding is hard to get into, but when you do oh man

    2. ChalklYne


      Ha! Fighter ninja'd me XD

    3. Fighter


      Was testing something :P. Anyway, you should start learning!

  14. I just got every character model from TFU in DAE format for references. Very cool.

    1. DT.


      Now where did you manage to find that? I was combing the net for plasmid's rips but he's taken them down.

    2. ChalklYne
    3. DT.


      That's really cool. :D

  15. I got Arkham Origins and really want to give it a spin, but swore I would wrap up some things here first =( I am my own slave driver XD

    1. Bacon


      you aren't missing anything even if you don't play it. I was hoping for someone else to take the stage as "main" villain...but yet again always the same.

    2. ChalklYne


      I see... Well, I just like the Batman storyline in general. that does blow though

    3. Bacon


      Good story on how he started out and became Batman since this is based on his first year I believed it stated. Seeing Killer Croc and compare to Asylum. 0-o

  16. Theres few things that compare to that exhilerating *ding* you get from assimilate compiling correctly

    1. Archangel35757


      ..you mean Carcass right? ;) ...and yes-- the success *ding* is nicer than than sound when it errors.

    2. ChalklYne


      I wasnt sure if the ding belonged to carcass or what... but shes a keeper

    3. DT.
  17. Question, Ive seen things about jka 30,000 polygon limit or something. Does that include map brush polys?

    1. ChalklYne


      What is an estimated max total tri per level. Including characters on screen? Hiw does vis and cull range and area portals play into this?

    2. ChalklYne


      Or do i just kinda make it til i break it lol

    3. Ramikad


      I'm not sure, but I believe the limit is only related to brushes. I don't think models count towards that limit. But then again, I may be mistaken.

  18. a>
    1. Bek
    2. Barricade24


      A chocolate stormtrooper! How was I not aware of this?

    3. Onysfx


      Very nice!

  19. I dont always get a zbrush crash... but when I do... its catastrophic

    1. Bek


      Chalk's all about that high-poly life.

    2. AshuraDX


      ctrl+s is your best friend mate

    3. Bek


      And if that doesn't work, alt-tab will always be there.

  20. Does anyone here use zbrush?

    1. the_raven


      Just regular brush, thank you. Oh wait, you're not talking about Build Engine, are you?

    2. Psyk0Sith


      Sure i use Zbrush.

    3. minilogoguy18


      I try to but teh dude above me would be a way better person to ask about it lol.

  21. The site's looking nice =)

    1. the_raven


      What do you mean? Did they sneak onto the new version when i wasn't looking? O_o

    2. ChalklYne


      Not that I'm aware of. I was exploring under the influence and just thought it looked nice. They should go back to letting us submit backgrounds every month or so though.

    3. the_raven


      Good point, that last one.

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