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Status Updates posted by ChalklYne

  1. I have no idea what OpenJK, JKE, vanilla, or rend2 are. The more I read Im like reeallyy??!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ChalklYne


      So i take it sculpting my whole mod and getting displacement and normals for all my models might have been for something after all.

    3. DT.


      rend2 is currently MP only.

    4. eezstreet


      Xycaleth is interested in working on an SP version though. We want to make all of the renderer code universally shared between MP and SP before we do that though.

  2. This might sound preposterous but why cant q3map take normals and displacements into consideration when compiling lightmaps on bsp's?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. eezstreet


      No, the ModView source was given out with the source release.

    3. minilogoguy18


      You might have missed it but at one time ModView was being worked on so that it could display all the 3d model types for this game. I think whoever was playing with that gave up though.

    4. DT.


      Here's better Modview code. Still doesn't support all models but it has a cleaner viewport for starters. https://github.com/DT85/ModView

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ChalklYne


      What is he talking about at 10:52?! I plan on doing exactly that?

    3. Psyk0Sith


      I believe he's talking about real time optimization think of it as reverse tessalation vs. discrete LOD (like in JA) where the models are swapped and don't require as much CPU or RAM (at least in 1996). With Quake 3 they were restricted by the vertex animation system, every player model has its animations baked into the md3 as opposed to using a universal animation file, which would've been another hurdle.

    4. ChalklYne


      Ahh i see. I thought it was pertaining to us

  3. No nonsense forums. I'm known to post nonsensical status updates though.... just fyi. Plus, I dislike shaped chocolate

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ChalklYne


      Stars aren't far, we are... The stars are right there, we're way the hell over here. Barricade... I just don't know

    3. RJA


      why stars are so there

    4. ChalklYne


      Because people are here? duh. If people were there, stars would be out here. It's a catch 23

  4. Where's our JKA convention?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ChalklYne


      I see... I was going to create my own Starkiller costume for the event but it seemed someone had already 3d printed a TFU face. He looked great... but all he kept saying was ghoul2 transform error so it was a little lackluster to everyone's experience.

    3. Ramikad


      Tch, a pity... I would have unleashed my Spoder, to get you all in the right mood for the Halloween Contest.

    4. Corto
  5. I laughed so damn hard reading the quotes thread this morning XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CaptainChar


      I must have missed that part, lol

    3. Onysfx


      Lol ya, that was good.

    4. Circa


      Haha that thread was a genius idea Chalk!

  6. Dare I say the site has been booming lately?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circa


      Well we only pay for a limited amount of viewers of this site at one time, and when that limit is reached, people waiting "in line" get an error page.

    3. katanamaru


      It's a good problem to have!


    4. Circa


      Indeed! I was very surprised!

  7. Screw it I'm playing jka today.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CaptainChar


      you mean people don't just mod the game, but play it too?

    3. Circa


      He's never played it. :D

    4. therfiles


      When it gets too overwhelming, use undying mode.

  8. Eat turkey nom nom

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChalklYne


      use the force


      lol it should be working?

    3. gerbilOFdoom


      The member ChalklYne cannot receive any new messages


      Inbox probably full?

    4. ChalklYne
  9. I am really liking Bob_Bergen's Unleashed 1.5 thread which was all his idea.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChalklYne


      Cut off 1 head... and 2 shall take it's place!

    3. Circa


      Sorry about that. He's supposed to be dead.


      *knocks him in the head with a shovel*

      *drags the body into the AdminCP*


      Nothing to see here.

    4. ChalklYne
  10. WWBBD?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circa


      HAHAHA oh wow. I'm dying.

    3. ChalklYne


      I'm pretty sure Bob would do something exactly like this the SECOND you let him out of your CP fortress...


    4. Circa
  11. Carcass Error: _always bone .glm is parented to a bone that no surface references! XD thats a new one for me wtf

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChalklYne


      I had "keep motion bone" checked in assimilate I guess thats what did it

    3. DT.


      You need to keep the motion bone though.

    4. ChalklYne


      yeah I don't know. It shows up in modview? It's a custom skele obviously

  12. cpu fan just took a dump on me. was gunna run without it for the night buy considered it not worth the risk. $5 fix in the morning

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChalklYne


      Dont really "bring it" though i was just playing =) "dont get cocky kid"

    3. DT.


      The only 'backup' I have is dropbox. I really should have a local backup like I used to 10 years ago with CD-RW + InCD

    4. Rooxon


      Well, even if you reformate the disk, you can still save the data with certain programs even after you've deleted it, but it doesn't always work.. I use Dropbox also and for studying projects and homeworks Google Drive.

  13. About 40% done modeling an unreleased character from the TFU concept art that I decided to include =)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ramikad
    3. z3filus


      I never played TFU, so I duno if this was ingame or not, this is my guess.. https://img.neoseeker.com/ca/star_wars_the_force_unleashed_conceptart_SWM9O.jpg

    4. ChalklYne


      yeah ive taken a few hacks at him. The good ol Bull Rancor. Ill most likely model him next time i feel like breaking into some zspheres

  14. Sometimes I get pissed while modding and will systematically close each window blurting obscenities at the click of each X

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChalklYne


      Yeah man. And reading that q3map shader manual is like...

    3. ChalklYne
    4. Ramikad


      I know that feel...

  15. He had a flashback mid flight and thought he was doing the Kessel run. He lost control at about 8 parsecs. I wish him the best

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. IrocJeff


      Its like the line in Last Crusade. "Fly yes, land... no!"


      Kinda like Launchpad Mcquack.

    3. Bek
    4. Mandalorian


      He's alive.. and in perfect hybernation


  16. This topic has been archived. This means you can not reply to this topic.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChalklYne


      Thank you kind sir

    3. Barricade24


      That should be most of it. Let me know if there are any others.


    4. Bek


      Chalklyne is back :o?!

  17. Does anybody have a workaround for the UV coordinates problem when exporting maps from ZbrushR4?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChalklYne


      Say you import a low res object... then subdivide it while smoothing is on... then you sculpt and do your thing... well the UV coordinates on the original mesh get warped and smoothed when you smooth the mesh

    3. ChalklYne


      So, you have to export the newly modified mesh to have the texture map be for the mesh it was intended. If you try exporting a texture and applying it to the same mesh you imported without re exporting it back out of zbrush then its normals havent been smoothed in correspondence to the UV

    4. DT.


      Export the original low poly from Max/XSI, then export the high poly from Zbrush. Then just use Xnormal to export maps.

  18. I need a script that can ctrl+z 100x everytime I facepalm.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChalklYne


      Lmmfao well plaid

    3. Onysfx


      That moment when you're looking at the code and are like...fk this, I'm starting over.

    4. ChalklYne


      Ive been deep into modeling something at like 3am... and looked around and was like... wait... wtf am i building?

  19. Life took a downward spiral after LeftEye died, and it seems at rock bottom no one can hear you try. But this muffin is delicious so...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Psyk0Sith


      Lol were you watching some kind of VH1 behind the music thingie? XD

    3. ChalklYne


      nope... shes just always on the mind. world started taking a shitter once she passed. if i had 3 wishes id bring lefteye back... make god host saturday night live... and control electrical things with my brain

    4. the_raven


      no idea who she was though

  20. i like posts 7 years later

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noodle


      There are little gems that were forgotten in time.

    3. Circa


      I bet Bob_Bergen would love some of those likes...

    4. ChalklYne


      Low blow man. RIP bob

  21. So custom rig.. bolt_r_hand is weighed to a rhang_tag_bone and all heriarchy us identical to jkas naming wise. Saber blade wont show up

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DT.


      Is the final name for 'bolt_r_hand' '*r_hand'?

    3. DT.


      Using 'bolt_' only works for running things through carcass

    4. ChalklYne


      Yeah it was the _humanoid thing. Weirdest thing. Thanks Ashura

  22. mac-n-cheeze or mashed potatoes? Would your answer change had it been shells-n-cheeze?

  23. It's my birthday bitches!!!

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