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Posts posted by RecklessJames

  1. God damn it, I f**king knew it. I knew it was going to be something really stupid and small I had overlooked.... so yes it was debugged, and here is why. So I completely forgot (and didn't even notice at first) that the build created a completely different output folder separate from the debug builds. I kept taking my compiled content out of the debug folder instead of the release folder lol... I also just now went into the game just in case and yup everything works perfectly!


    Like... I'm sure I would have found out eventually but I really really hate spending a long ass time on an issue trying to figure it out by myself (so I can learn better) until I eventually decide to ask someone for help, and then I find out the solution by myself shortly afterwards... that always happens it seems, lol. I think one of my main problems is that I focus way too much on details and way too much on advanced things when it comes to modding content or figuring stuff out. As a result I sometimes forget to look at the bigger picture! Oh well... I really appreciate the help, as well as any other help I would have gotten if I hadn't found this out just now lmao...

  2. Hmm I see, is there another possible way that something could become debugged unintentionally? Or a way to determine if I'm using debugged content?


    Also here is proof, lol.  And when I build it I select "Build>Build Solution".




    I've also made absolutely sure that there are definitely no other .dlls or mods interfering with this... whether they are within the "Base" folder or "OpenJK", and I've also experimented with placing jagamex86.dll in multiple areas just in case.


    Btw, also using Windows 7. Forgot that info heh

  3. Hello! Hope this is the correct area, it seemed most relevant to me. Recently I downloaded @@eezstreet 's AI Workshop mod. Only very recently have I first delved into building/compiling my own .dlls and .exes, with the desire to edit code in the future. Eezstreet offered the source code within this download so I figured it was the perfect time! Before making any changes at all, I wanted to simply recompile the proper files just to see if it would turn out fine before I waste time changing any code. Well as it turns out its a good thing I did this test, as I have indeed been coming across problems.... but it isn't just this mod alone, I later learned my issues happen with all builds I do. Whether its OpenJK vanilla, OpenJK custom, other people's mods, etc.


    As for the specific issue, I'll now elaborate on what the exact problem is with this error. So with the AI Workshop mod, it works perfectly fine... all maps and savegames load up with no issues at all, and the mod itself is working properly! Anyways I went ahead and recompiled the given source code using Visual Studio Community 2017, and yes I made sure it was set to "Release" build and it is not set to "Debug" mode (a common mistake I've read about).


    When I load up my saved games, I suddenly get this error every single time:



    When I click "Ignore" then it goes through about 3 or 4 similar errors before giving up and crashing. First thing I found odd was, again, I made absolutely no changes whatsoever. I compiled "jagamex86.dll", "openjk_sp.x86.exe", and "rdsp-vanilla_x86.dll". Next I tried to mix it up a bit, compiling only 1 of the files or 2 of them but same result no matter the combination. So then the next thing I thought of, maybe it doesn't like my save files? So I tried to load up a map instead (yavin1b specifically) and..... it worked! At least at first... because next I tried to load a modded map and I get this same error. Pretty much any map that isn't vanilla Jedi Academy gives this error.


    Here is the line its pointing towards, within code/game/g_navigator.cpp, but I'm not sure whats wrong with it lol!

        if (CHECK_START_SOLID)
            // Try It
            if (!MoveTrace(Start, Stop, Mins, Maxs, 0, true, false))
                assert("ERROR: Nav in solid!"==0);
                gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: Nav(%d) in solid: %s@%s\n", type, pointName, mLocStringA);
                delayedShutDown = level.time + 100;

    I'd like to compile something that runs at least 90% properly, know what I mean? Haha! Eezstreet's download works perfectly fine on modded maps and savegames, so I don't see why it shouldn't work when I build it myself without making any changes.... therefore I'm sure there must be something I'm doing wrong. The next question is.... what am I doing wrong? Its very frustrating because I feel that I'm so close to being able to edit certain content, yet this is something now preventing me from continuing. I want to edit .dlls and such so that I can tweak the game for my own personal tastes; additional force powers/weapons, more lightsaber color choices, RGB lightsabers as well, increased cap for the dismembering limit, increased NPCs/vehicles, menu editing, and much more. Or perhaps just do experiments with the game and come up with something I wouldn't have thought of before! So yeah I really hope someone with more knowledge than me can shed some light on this! I'd really appreciate it! Thanks for reading.

  4. I'm glad to hear that you fixed your issue!  It reminds me....  am I the only one who finds it annoying that OpenJK installs a folder into Documents/My Games?  When I first used OpenJK, it took me the longest time to even know this and it makes things very confusing as literally every other mod goes into GameData haha.  Also changing the names of "autoexec" into "openjk" and making two of them (one for sp and one for mp) also made me really confused at first for quite awhile.  Issues with resolution, dismembering, etc.  I got around this by using a program that does "symbolic linking" allowing me to put my OpenJK folder inside GameData (where it should be) but also tricking it into thinking its still inside Documents/My Games!  lol... also my "autoexec" file is one single file that exists in 4 or 5 places at once under different names, very useful for multiple mod folders!

  5. @@Langerd @ Here, try these settings in your "autoexec" (or whichever you use) and please tell me the results!


    set cg_dismember 2

    set com_blood 1

    set g_dismember 100

    set g_dismemberment 3

    set g_DismemberProbabilities 0

    set g_SaberMoreRealistic 3

    set saberdamagescale 1000


    Setting the probabilities to 100 only works if the NPC's probabilities are also set to 100 or higher... otherwise it gets overridden and won't always work. BUT setting it to 0 negates all of it, and completely ignores probabilities altogether meaning anyone can be dismembered no matter what. After tons of trial and error, this is what I came up with that ensures it works. (and also looking at lots of tutorials and doing experiments lol)


    The only other reason why it wouldn't work is due to dismembering limits within maps. After a certain point, spawned NPCs no longer have dismembering due to an in-game limit that's built in or something like that. You'd need a custom install of OpenJK that increases this limit I believe. (although I can't help with that as it involves coding, someone else will have to help with that sadly)

    Siegfried likes this
  6. Recently I've been sorting through all my playermodels and have been coming across something that's really been confusing. After various testing of taking models in and out of the game, it seems to produce completely random results (at least to me).


    I tried to test if it was based on each model file size, model folder size, amount of model files, amount of folders, amount of skins, whether a "playerchoice" text file exists in each folder or not, whether they are listed in "MENU" strings or not, and so on. It seems no matter what, it is extremely inconsistent for me. Sometimes it only shows the default 6 models, sometimes it shows nothing (and crashes), sometimes it shows up to 50 or more models at a time. I know that it has to do with editing the "MENU" strings file as I mentioned before, and I also know that it has to do with the text file "playerchoice". But not all my models have that file but they are sometimes selectable and sometimes they aren't. Sometimes models would push out other models (so they don't get listed), and other times it completely ignores the strings file flat out.


    It's very confusing... if someone knows how to properly list models within the character creation menu then I'd appreciate it alot! And yes I followed a tutorial for it already. I should also mention that all models are fully working too. Fully working for bots, NPCs, as a player (when using the console), and etc. Also no other .pk3 files have models inside them and such except for the one I'm using (and Assets of course), I made sure to remove any variables that would conflict with these. My main goal is so that it lists the proper playermodels as selectable but its very confusing to figure out what does what so far...


    Edit: Okay I sorta figured it out I think after doing some experiments. Basically it seems the game doesn't read the sizes or individual folders so much as it focuses on the names of the folders and the amount of letters total among the playermodel folders, and uses that to determine a limit. A combination of this, the load order, plus the playerchoice.txt determines what gets listed in the game selection. There's more to it but w/e I give up over thinking it, lol. It just gets very confusing when you have a large amount of models lol, but I got it now... so people can ignore this!

  7. @@katanamaru recently decided to try out what you said before and nothing works, I'm following this tutorial: https://jkhub.org/topic/10156-creating-an-original-humanoid-file-unique-to-one-or-more-characters/?hl=%2Banimation+%2Bhex

    I used notepad, notepad++, a hex editor, etc. Pretty much changing any line within a .glm file causes the model to refuse to load and instead uses a default stormtrooper model in its place. So, any ideas?

  8. Yeah, I'm sure such a thing is very possible... but only if someone has the patience/time to do so. I have neither unfortunately, lol! But figured it wouldn't hurt to throw ideas around, never know who may stumble across this thread and take interest one day! ;)


    That being said, let me share one more video that inspired this idea the most! (and very funny too, lol)


  9. Oops forgot to post an update here! But yeah wanted to say that I haven't been noticing it happening much anymore lol.... I guess it really was just that specific Jedi and a few modded characters, but once I ignored it I kinda forgot about it tbh haha! I also tested it without OpenJK and noticed it would still happen sometimes. So yeah, who knows!

  10. Forgot to mention, I am using OpenJK btw.


    @@AshuraDX Yeah, normally that's what I would notice too in the past... seeing it with custom models sometimes. But today was the first time seeing it with a base character.

    When I first had noticed this, it was with the "jedi2" NPC while I was testing something unrelated. After repeating similar actions a few times, I noticed it kept happening! Worst case (and most noticeable) was when it goes to the extreme of duplicating an entire body on some occasions, lol.


    But I recently did some new tests and I think I may have learned a few things, although still a bit random to really tell. But I think it may have something to do with the hidden lightsaber styles (the ones you can only use with cheats or editing files) since I tested for about 30 to 40min on a few different NPCs using different styles and noticed it gave varied results. The forbidden styles seemed to produce the issue more often on different types of NPCs I think... at least seemingly at first, because whenever I tested on that specific "jedi2" NPC again then it seems to happen very often regardless of what style I use... very puzzling lol. For Stormtroopers in particular the most I could get was a duplicate arm and that's it, no matter what. Oh yeah and it seems to happen when attacking the upper chest area.


    Here are new screenshots I took:








    So yeah... still not sure what's causing it but all I know is that "jedi2" seems to do it the most out of the handfull of NPCs I tested, it also happens a bit often with other Jedi depending on lightsaber style used. Custom models too (which I find normal and expected). As for the lightsaber theory, that could also just be a coincidence and not a cause at all... I would have to cut up people for hours to really narrow things down tbh, lmao! And again I removed all mods to see if that made a difference and also reinstalled my asset files, same results... only thing I haven't done yet is test it without using OpenJK. I suppose I'll try that tomorrow and I'll share any results...

  11. Hello! Recently I've noticed this strange issue in my game (using OpenJK). When dismembering characters, sometimes theres a chance that a body part will actually be a full body which causes two dead bodies to appear (or sometimes multiple heads/arms). Sometimes I noticed this with modded NPCs and figured it was glitches with that... but then I'm noticing it happening with default NPCs too, such as Jedi. I removed all modded content to see if it would stop and it has not. Has this glitch always existed and I just haven't really noticed until now?  If it's possible to remove this then that would be nice, at first it was funny but now its getting a bit too frequent...


    Here are some screencaps:






    Its really frustrating to replicate btw since its completely random but happens about 1/3rd of the time, and just enough to be annoying imo lol...

    dg1995 likes this
  12. Yes that is completely doable. You have to use a hex editor to make the animations and player model reference each other. There's a tutorial on the site to do that.


    The downside is that the modded character will not work in cut scenes. Cut scenes reference specific animations that the newly hexed character can not.


    I used this with my backhand animations, Link animations, and Toshi did this with his Yoda model. I learned by opening Yoda and seeing how he did it.


    Oh I see, thank you very much for the info! What was the tutorial called?

  13. Okay so... my game is completely ruined and I have zero ideas/people to turn to. My last thread on server issues got ignored so let's hope this one doesn't get ignored either since this issue is FAR worse... but now my game simply cannot read config files at all. I've done everything to try fixing it, everything. Want to know how this happened? All I wanted was to delete saves, but old saves kept reappearing... a minor issue yes but I wanted it to stop doing that. I noticed that Steam cloud was on, so I turned it off... and thus my game was destroyed forever. Only minutes before that I've been playing the game for weeks but now it simply 100% refuses to read any and all config files no matter what... and yes I turned it back on, but now there is no turning back. I already made a Steam discussion about this too: http://steamcommunity.com/app/6020/discussions/0/2595630410180669759/

    So far I've done the following:

    - Remove all mods/custom content.

    - Verify integrity of game cache.

    - Uninstall the game.

    - Completely remove the games folder and then uninstall it.

    - Rename the config files.

    - Add the config execution into a shortcut.

    - Add the config execution into Steam launch options.

    - Double check "Documents" and "AppData" for lingering installs/files.

    - Double check if the game is installed in two areas, and it isn't.

    - Restore previous versions/backups of the game folder with cloud turned on.

    - Restore previous versions/backups of the game folder with cloud turned off.

    - Restart Steam, restart PC, etc.

    - Check if "read only" was unchecked or not for these files... they are indeed unchecked this entire time.

    - Try to execute the config files within the game itself.


    So far the only thing that has worked is changing game options inside of the game itself... and that's it. No more custom settings, no more CVARs, no more widescreen, nothing.... and now it is simply stuck this way no matter WHAT. As you can see in that Steam discussion I've extremely confused and upset, I have NO idea why it's doing this and this might be the end for me regarding this game if I cannot get this fixed... I REALLY need help, I hope someone can help cause I'm completely lost now.


    And the funny thing is... it did exactly what I wanted it to do, it did indeed delete those saves like I wanted. Too bad the game is f**ked now!

  14. You guys know all those different battle simulator type indie games popping up within the past year or two? Wouldn't be awesome if there was some sort of mod for Jedi Academy that sets it up like one of these? JK3 has been presented in other forms in the past, like a fighting game so this could technically be possible I think. For those who aren't sure what I mean I could post some videos of some of these types of games.





    (look, lightsabers! lol)



    Basically how I imagine it is this... you're flying around in like an editor mode and basically have a menu with all the different types of NPCs (custom NPCs addable too) and you place them on different areas of the battle area/map. Once ready, you begin the combat and you get to watch everyone fight eachother! Even better, being able to jump into the battle yourself. I was thinking this could be based on SP instead of MP, so it would be based on NPCs and not bots. Now... maybe we wont be able to do 1000s of NPCs cause I doubt the game could handle that haha. But maybe at least.... 100 or so? I dunno, but anyways that's my idea I had in mind so there ya go haha! Maybe someone will love this idea, who knows!

    Jeff and the_raven like this
  15. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I was wondering it there is a way to enable your own lightsaber damaging yourself? Similar to how if you brush against enemies and it could damage them. If this doesn't already exist in the game, is such a thing possible to code? Maybe it would trigger depending on lightsaber swings (like if you hit your leg by accident) or if you mess up with lightsaber throwing... stuff like that!


    I'm just asking simply out of curiosity, cause I think it would be pretty funny to enable this (plus realistic saber/dismemberments) and try to play through single player like this lol!

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