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  • Gaming Specialty
    Competitive Play
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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Enthusiast (2/10)

  1. Xyclaeth and Ensiform I got some business ideas I Will discuss with you in private (Free-wise) On IRC
  2. Major versions should be kept for major changes like the ones posted above. .1 decimals for smaller bugfixes .01 decimals for bugfixes affecting the bugfixes above etc?
  3. Shadzy

    Master Server

    This sounds right!! One thing to note is that.......... never-mind, not bothered to say in-case its misinterpreted by morons who took it down in the first place
  4. FFA because thats how you replicate star wars
  5. Haven't you heard the word?? All Jedi take 3 hours to become Jedi grand masters hahahaa
  6. Whatever happens I am in 2 minds about interviewing slider. Better judgement says no, but if we are filling interviews.....
  7. Would love an interview with someone in the game dev world and how you would get thier opinion on JKA, if they had one that is! Like devs or others who help into other kinds of games or something?
  8. Dope other than the game server, what else would you need out of the VPS?? If you need someone who you want to setup the server with JA++ and openjk for you, I can help with a good provider I know and have been using for some time! Where would you like the server/vps located?
  9. Replacing the jamp.exe Renaming existing one to jamp.exe.old and grabbing openjkx86 and renaming to jamp.exe should work because UU just looks for an exe in default location, worked with me when I tried it many moons ago!
  10. Up the shut fuck to this Circa wtf??
  11. Pick ubuntu
  12. Shadzy

    Mac OS X Builds

    Does it take a lot of effort for these kind of OS's are does it require active developers?
  13. Dont be tempted to turn off UAC just to play this game, as there are ways around it! Compatibility mode to Win 7, plus run as administrator, should do it most of the time!!! (Or Openjk )
  14. Mog PM me for assistance been running into windows 8 issues since 2 weeks ago, anything in the way I can help, post here so I can assist and ofc WB!
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