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Darth Sion

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Everything posted by Darth Sion

  1. This is "Jedi Academy", not "The Force Unleashed".
  2. We are.. Just trying to get permission from lervish for it.
  3. Ok, I've posted an inbox message to @@lervish. Now we await his/her response (fingers crossed).. Also, @@GPChannel.. You may want to talk with @@Plasma, in regards to his Starkiller Base map (seeing as how it's completed and is currently being used in the latest build of MBII) for use in your conversion mod. I spoke with him earlier, on Steam. He asked if you knew how to map and script, but I'm sure you can/could discuss that with him, here. Is that the extracted Kylo Ren model, created by lervish?
  4. You can ask him, yourself.. Which would be a good idea, obviously. But I'm gonna send her (I believe it's a girl, not a guy) an inbox message and ask them if they can upload their Kylo Ren to the Hub, as they have done with Old Han Solo.
  5. Well, it looks awesome, none the less! And the hilt looks a lot better too. With all due respect to Darth Martyr's version, I don't know if it was from the screenshots he took, but I always found the hilt to look and seem a bit too big. On another note, are you planning to include sounds with this saber or just the saber, itself? If not, I have the sounds already done and ripped for you if you want me to send them over to you? Just looking at Kylo's blade, I would suggest making it just a touch thicker, if you can. So it fills up the ignition part of the hilt at the bottom, as you can see from the image above. You should definitely do a TFA saber package, once this is complete, though. I know the only sabers in the movie were Kylo Ren's and Anakin/Luke's saber, but with all the work you've put into them, it'd be a real shame they don't see the light of day and aren't available for public download. This might be going a bit far, but I don't think so.. You're quite possibly the best saber blade maker, we have on the forum. So your work is extremely appreciated.
  6. That's an interesting question, actually.. I think it's just to change the base game content, so that there isn't so many breaks in the gameplay and you're not jumping through menu's at every touch and turn, as you would if it was done like Movie Duels 2. Having said that, someone needs to do a new, updated "Movie Duels 2", that includes all the original content, but just has SFX sabers included. You could probably do the Original Trilogy, too.. Aswell as the Prequel Trilogy and with this included, make the last part of the mod from "The Force Awakens".
  7. @@kalamaray Wow dude! The blade itself looks awesome! But I'd say that the vents on the side (that makes it a Cross-guard) could use some improvement. But I really like this! The colour and the actual blade isn't as intense as Darth Martyr's version. So props to you on that! BIG admirer of your Saber blades work!! Also, is there any chance of you releasing that Kylo Ren blade when you've finished it? I'd love to replace that one with the current one I'm using.. We really need @@lervish's Kylo Ren model
  8. Hey, @@AuriusPheonix.. Just an update. How's your version of Jaden, coming along?
  9. You'd have to wait until the Summer, when redsaurus gets around to updating the current version. I've put the idea forward to him (among a list of others), for things to be improved and also mentioned to him about looking at various SW sources, such as movies and other SW games/cinematics, as a reference. So right now, it's just a case of being patient. Unless of course, you wanna try and throw an OpenJK mod out, yourself and do all that coding for it. etc.? But yes, it DOES need speeding up, considerably.
  10. Just open the console, type in "helpusobi 1" and then type "setforceall 7". That will give you maxed out Force powers for everything.
  11. Awesome work! Will this have an outside to it or is it just an indoors map? I do have one request, however (if possible).. Once it's complete, do you think you could do a SP version of it? (Preferably would like it to replace the last mission in the base game and from the overall design you have here, it looks like it could work really well. If not, would it be possible to add it as a replacement mission for one of the other SP base missions in the game. As you can tell, I'm all about improving the main, base story of the game. But awesome work and it's really coming along nicely.
  12. That would be awesome!! @@GPChannel, if there's anyone out there you can put your faith in, as far as sabers go.. It's this guy!
  13. You bet your ass they will.. (If @@Scerendo gives his/her permission to @@GPChannel to do so, of course).. Consider this an informal request to do so.
  14. You should definitely look into becoming a skybox modder for the JK community. I did something similar to this for the "t2_wedge" level/map: In honesty, this community needs a NEW Skybox modder and you seem to have a good grasp (like myself) of authenticity with each map. So it's definitely something you should consider.
  15. Well, they're both old versions.. There's been new and updated versions created, since those and it's not worth going back to use them, if someone is releasing a newer/more updated model. Use some common sense, c'mon..
  16. No, that's a very outdated version and was made before the movie had hit the theaters.. So with due respect to Kylo Ren (the creator), there's better versions than that, out there.. Hence, lervish's version I posted above.
  17. Which Kylo Ren model are you talking about (link to it would be helpful).. RevanKnight's Kylo Ren is a very good, updated version.. But you're better off waiting for lervish to release their's. The detail on that model is insane. Much like the Ep. VII Han Solo. lervish's Kylo Ren
  18. Yeah, SithJCull.. I'm still trying to get his source files from him for his Coruscant map, so we can replace the t2_rogue map/mission.
  19. The front part of the hood, on the Emperor could do with adjusting and being lowered, bringing down a little, so it doesn't make him look like he has a massive forehead. But other than that, great work!
  20. You mean you're asking for the saber hilt or the blades? If you're looking for the blades.. You should look at @@kalamaray's SWTOR Blades.
  21. Well, as a matter of fact.. Raven DID rush Jedi Academy. They didn't have half as much time to make the game, as they did with Jedi Outcast. But even then, Jedi Outcast (as good as it was) could've been better. But if you wanna try and find a new Korriban map creator or someone willing to put the time in and make one, then by all means go right ahead.. But then you'd have the whole thing of that final mission and dealing with scripts/mod entities and such, to recreate the last mission on the new map. But I don't sniff at the idea, at all. I'd be interested in a new Korriban map, if someone took the time to do it. @@Langerd has made an awesome Bespin and is maybe something he could look into at a later date. The only other person I can think of would be @JCulley3D, but I think he's currently busy with some sort of VR related project.
  22. It's currently an ongoing issue with the site. Be patient and hopefully it'll be resolved soon.
  23. 2,005 downloads

    Description: One of the biggest things that's always rather annoyed me about Jedi Academy, is how the Sky on Korriban (The last level in the game, as you head towards Marka Ragnos' tomb to confront either Tavion and/or Kyle Katarn. Depending on whether you chose the Dark Side or the Light Side), is the lack of atmosphere on the level. It really doesn't convey any sense of situation or feeling of what path you've chosen, as such or where you are. What this mod does, is try to deliver just that (quite well, I might add too). It includes a NEW and more authentic sky for the world of Korriban, as you will see from many sources across the web and other STAR WARS games that include the Sith planet. As opposed to the default cloudy, blue sky that was in the base game. It also includes the very dark and ominous music of the Sith, so as you're exploring the Sith Temple (whether you've chosen "Light Side" or "Dark Side" in the previous mission, on Taspir III), it should deliver a more authentic experience, all-round. Known Bugs: None. Comments: None Credits: George Lucas, John Williams and LucasArts.
  24. Do you mean this one? I don't really know, to be honest. I just Googled "Korriban". If I could find that Skybox.. Damn! I'd snap it up, instantly!
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