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MoJo JoJo

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    General Modding
  • Gaming Specialty
    Capture the Flag
  • Operating System
    Windows 10 Home

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  1. There really is not much events or things involved in my spare time to really give a good introduction of myself. (Can I really call this an introduction?) I do have a fascination with computers and computer games and do like to edit how games work, but am very limited in my knowledge of computer programming, so I’m not really able to do so without a lot of help. I’ve not had access to my computer(s) for over a year now due to staying at someone else’s house while trying to find a new place to live, so that’s alot of why I’ve not been on this site much. So like I mentioned above; I don’t have too much going on most of my time, I basically have too much free time to know what to do with and difficulties finding other hobbies. I figured I at least should say something about me for a change rather than popping up occasionally needing help with something game code related. I’m sure this wasn’t a very detailed “introduction” of me but hey, I did best I could which I guess is what counts. Peace.
  2. Wow! I don't know how some people can make maps so wild like this and not just go crazy after awhile. I can't even make a simple box-shaped room without losing my mind to some extent. I guess it's just a talent some people naturally have. Nice map bro!
  3. MoJo JoJo

    Training Shrine

    Everytime I try to start this map (in SP or MP) the game crashes. Any reason why?
  4. Yeah I have this problem too, not really sure how to get around it other than the way you did by simply increasing MAX_SABER_VICTIMS limit.
  5. Just read the bug report. Apparently the original JKA did have this problem after all, and I had never came across this until now.
  6. Weird how I never noticed it in the Base JKA, but I do more of the NPC spawn stuff in SP anyway so yeah, not really much of a problem.
  7. If enough different NPCs are spawned in MP the game will crash. Some maps take a little less than others to cause a crash depending on the map size and number of entities already in the map. I've been aware of this problem for awhile now and it happens even on the latest code. This sounds like it's related to a skin/model parsing problem (that's just my guess anyway). Is there any speculation on what might be causing this?
  8. Oh man, I will so download this when it comes out! Looks uber kewlz.
  9. I came across the tutorial on how to add in the force fall power and I got it to work fine in MP and SP. The problem is in SP, velocity doesn't affect fall damage so even if you're falling down slower (by using force fall) you still take as much damage as you would if you were falling at full speed (not in MP though), and you also take no more damage if velocity is higher than normal (again, not like this in MP). I tried JK2:E Redemption and noticed that fall damage was actually affected by velocity rates- much like in MP. How was/is this done? Thanks in advanced for answers. Edit: Does anybodee know?
  10. Lel yeah, a prosthetic arm was exactly what I was thinking of when I saw it. Doesn't look quite like that when your using a weapon that's held by two hands- certain ones like the repeater, rocket launcher, flechette etc.
  11. I was clearly the only one having this problem even after the fix, so some other unknown flaw had to of been causing this. Either way, I've worked around it, lulz.
  12. Been awhile, but I'm posting this just to clarify that I pretty much have no problems at all with maps loading up now, as I just fixed the areamask error(s) to. I just removed the check in the code that was causing it.
  13. IMO, the TrueView 1.0 looks the best (looks more realistic).
  14. If you compiled the whole thing, you generally have only three files for Jedi Outcast generated and compiled. You have openjo_sp.x86, rdjosp-vanilla_x86.dll and jospgamex86.dll. However for OpenJK, both Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy require an additional file named SDL2.dll to run, which may be the file you're needing, if so, you would find it by opening the OpenJK-Master folder and then click on the lib folder, then there will be a SDL2 folder, open that and there will be a bin folder and in that there will be two folders x64 and x86 and they both contain a SDL2.dll file. I'm not sure what the difference is between the two but right click one of those files, click copy, and then paste it into your Jedi Outcast GameData folder. If the problem is not from missing the SDL2.dll file then I'm not sure what the files are that are not being created.
  15. Do you have VS2013 and Cmake installed already? I'm not very good at giving step by step instructions anyway but I assume you've read the compiling instructions on github haven't you?
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