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Everything posted by Jango40

  1. I highly doubt they will care a slightest bit about this, but you never know
  2. It looks amazing. after 29 pages and over a year, you are wrapping this up with a completely awesome-looking starkiller. You started so many times over, I have no words. Simply, such amaze wow No, but seriously, you didn't complain that we laughed at this even one time. My level of frustration would be over 9000 if I were you, but you just laughed with us. Keep up the good work man!
  3. Aaaand here goes the 6th headphone since 2011. Always the same way, with a coble getting broken inside and I have to buy a new one. I think it's time to buy a wireless headset, like I did with my mouse.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. eezstreet


      orrr stop twisting up your cables like a woglodyte

    3. Jango40


      And that was no backup cable, it was a cable for smartphones and crap.. I feel retarded. Now that I'm using the cable I was supposed to use,the quality is much better. rofl

    4. Onysfx
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Onysfx


      so AOL sucks...never used it...and unfortunately, have no idea what you're talking about either.

    3. Circa


      I wonder how old that page is. Probably made and never changed since the 90's.

    4. Jango40


      That page was last updated on 20th november '98, before I was born lol

  4. is it possible to play these through JK2 or JK3? I know that they use the same modified Q3 engine.
  5. Everyone is hating Oblivion.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. eezstreet


      Skyrim is kinda...eh. Predictable, repetitive and fairly unbalanced. But that's just me. I'd much like to see Fallout 4 over a new Elder Scrolls MMO any day of the week.

    3. Sentra


      Ohh, hell yeah, Fallout 4 ftw.

    4. Circa


      Haterz for days. Skyrim is awesome. Oblivion was okay. Fallout 4 would be SICK.

  6. My ping doesn't ever get lower than 98, for some reason. Some people say that I stutter, but everything seems smooth for me. any ideas of what can cuse the problem?

    1. Onysfx


      Yes. The jedi are taking ovah your computer.

  7. I love going to listen to my favorite song on youtube and be greeted by the top comment ''what a gay song''.. Seriously, these changes WILL kill youtube, they can't keep doing this for an eternity.

    1. spior


      Because this definitely didn't happen before. Just download the mp3, yt audio q is shit anyway.

    2. Akimoto


      Google+ should die a quick death...

    3. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      Google+ is fine, forced integration is not.

  8. such forum. wow i hav such froum to. http://shininglapis.forums1.net pointles hsitfroum. wow such amaze
  9. did... youtube change again too?

  10. But it's in the same series, so still 5th or 4th game.
  11. One thing better with JKA maps is the fact they had a more varied atmosphere. Many different worlds, and each felt different. JKO maps didn't have enough variety IMO.
  12. slaughter fashion designer liek animals

  13. One could easily remake this Ongree skin into a Rakata.
  14. This is Bob spam might actually work. Some videos have the old comment system back...

    1. Onysfx


      I agree with you. WHAT HAVE THEY DONE! Google plus? "Hey guys, come check out this video"...duh WE KNOW THAT! We need the old comment system back!

    2. Jango40


      Don't forget ASCII dicks lol.

    3. Onysfx


      ^Oh yes lol.

  15. I never thought that they would decide to revive a game like Age of Empires 2... If only that happened with this game...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MoonDog


      There's a lot of love for the Jedi games, but the "world" has moved on.


    3. Circa


      I can see Dark Forces and Jedi Knight getting a remake. But none of the others.

    4. Onysfx
  16. In MB2, it's looked on as an unintended easter egg.
  17. If you want to ban e-cigarettes, you have to ban Nicotine patches and gums too. Actually, e-cigarettes are probably a much better treatment... and many studies show that it is actually beneficial to health. I'm not ''smoking'' them and I probably never will, but come on....

    1. Omicron


      Best thing to do is to just not start smoking in the first place.

    2. eezstreet


      I highly doubt that e-cigarettes are any good for you. All that it involves is water vapor (optionally flavored) and nicotine (which is also optional). Saying that e-cigarettes are any good would be a bit ludicrous.

      Though, I really don't understand why people hate them. I think they hate most of the fedora-wearing, hipster snobs associated with them.

    3. Akimoto


      None of the smoking companies want people to get access to E-cigarettes.


  18. There are plenty of EU players, probably more than americans... Maybe it's just a bad time for europeans to play? Try to do this in the weekend.
  19. what happened to spibot

    1. spior


      I can bring him back if you want.

  20. My acer aspire randomly scrolls up sometimes, but stops when I press ctrl. It's really annoying, any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circa


      Don't buy Acer. :P


      But really, that's strange.

    3. Onysfx


      Reminds me of my old laptop. The mouse would go crazy and constantly scroll to the upper right of the screen. It's probably something inside your laptop that got knocked around.

    4. Jango40


      Ok, fixed it. I found out that the pageup was being spammed by my computer, so I disabled it using KeyTweak. (Pulled the key out before and checked if anything was wrong, but didn't find anything that could make it happen.)

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