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  1. Hello everyone ! A little post to say we're going back on it ! , already done some things, screenies tommorow! I've updated the first post, check it out !
  2. Large pic! /!\ Main hull done, reworked alot of things to make the ship smoother, interior is done, texturing now 1244 brushs for now! Feel free to suggest or let us know what you do think about it
  3. I cant put that much pics, pre-early-alpha-of-the-dead. http://www.noelshack.com/2015-24-1434059753-sans-titre.png Editor view, no textures at all for now (pink thing it's Caulk, System texture, too long to explain ^^, green is.. green) 1040 brushs for now, cockpit incoming! Inspiration : http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/334/b/6/star_wars_ship_by_samize-d5mmlkc.jpg There a lot of details on the hull, i cant be so accurate with GTK, but i'll add some EDIT : Kahzmat's one is really cool, working and all, just need to be added on the map (screenies tommorow ._. )
  4. i've updated the first post so you can see what we are currently working on, screenies may come later! Thank everyone for your appreciations Feel free to suggest anything that feel missing for you
  5. Well, we tried to match textures so the whole map is quite coherent, but there is different levels the Awloom (Aulum !) is mostly designed to travel rich people and/ or prisonners and defend them against everything thats bigger than a normal pirate ship Heres why there is different levels : From hangars corridors to the bar it's the guest place From hangars up to the command deck it's the main trooper place (Awloom has got a little army to protect from sabotage) From the corridor that link the command deck to the hangars, there's the training area and the "senate" (meeting room, the one with the holo-awloom) that is darker, forbidden to guests you see. I hope this explanation is good ^^
  6. Yay it's still WIP, last .bsp he made to make screenies has got some lighting problems in the bar and prison :| (that's why there is a lack of screenies!) Luca, que dire.. c'est pas vraiment la république XD From an older version, /!\ A lot of things have changed / have been fixed /!\ http://www.noelshack.com/2015-24-1433874574-shot2015-06-09-20-25-28.jpg http://www.noelshack.com/2015-24-1433874601-shot2015-06-09-20-25-11.jpg http://www.noelshack.com/2015-24-1433874586-shot2015-06-09-20-25-52.jpg http://www.noelshack.com/2015-24-1433874609-shot2015-06-09-20-23-15.jpg http://www.noelshack.com/2015-24-1433874597-shot2015-06-09-20-23-38.jpg http://www.noelshack.com/2015-24-1433874596-shot2015-06-09-20-23-53.jpg http://www.noelshack.com/2015-24-1433874604-shot2015-06-09-20-23-59.jpg http://www.noelshack.com/2015-24-1433874610-shot2015-06-09-20-24-20.jpg http://www.noelshack.com/2015-24-1433874609-shot2015-06-09-20-24-49.jpg
  7. Important note : Green means new! Currently working on : Bedrooms : Zeo's WIP Npc Vehicle Valkyrie : Kahzmat's WIP Optimisation : Comes last First of all, my english is bad, sorry! Authors : Kahzmat : Models, Shaders, Mapping Zeogrey : Mapping, interior design Title : Heavy Frigate Aulum T-5 (say it Awloom in french xD) Length : about 400m ---Mapping--- Brush count : 11295 (outdated) Entities count : 1303 (outdated) New textures : Yes (mostly from Kamino and Fearis) New shaders: Yes! New models : Yes! (Players models) NPCs : Yep! Vehicles: Yes! (V-Wing, shuttles, cannons and turrets) New sounds : Yes! Custom Skybox : YEAH! Rooms : - Main Deck - Corridors - 2 Flight Decks - Depressurisation SAS - The Rise! (Bar with kitchen, kind of restaurant but cooler, you see. xD) - 2 cannons Decks - Prison - Armory - Corridors... - Corridors . - Meeting room - Jumping training room - Blaster practice (with movable parts and respawing targets!) - Big area so you can fly around the ship! - Real-time blaster simulation - A ship ! - A shuttle ! (Unmovable) The Aulum come along with Kahzmat's personal skin and soldiers/engineers/officers, reskins of basic JK soldiers with custom sounds More to come, stay tuned! We "may" release a test BSP so it will be easier for you to spot any bug and eventually suggest us new things
  8. Je me crée un compte rien que pour ça x'D. Salut ô "Clan FJA" (Luca? ), passe nous voir sur Skype si tu veux, on pourrait jouer ensemble! On mappe énormément et on fait pas mal de shaders et de reskins, Kahzmat vient d'apprendre le modeling, un rêve *-*. Envoie ton skype en PM! (Ou écris moi un message si je t'ai déjà XD)
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