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  • Modding Interests
    General Modding
    Jack of all Trades
  • Gaming Specialty
    Capture the Flag
    Full Force
  • Operating System
    Windows 10

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  1. https://www.hackerrank.com - very diverse challenge site, allows java, cpp, python ruby.. you name it https://www.youtube.com/user/NVitanovic - pretty good channel that introduces some basics of cpp Also, numerous coursera courses are available https://www.coursera.org/courses?languages=en&query=programming
  2. looks like someone gave halo guy a cape to me
  3. sydow

    Sound Bugs

    i noticed a sound problem too a few days ago, all of the weapon sound effects are 2-3 times louder than before. I think that the sound file is being played more than one time, sometimes I can hear it being played twice with a slight delay. also anyone know why alternate attack sound for the blaster also plays the primary sound? it becomes rly obvious in openjk but its in the original MP as well
  4. In Lugormod, I betatested some new "powers" to use for a coder, including destruction, cloak ,stun, slow, body, etc. most of the powers mentioned in this thread. it didn't work out on an active server and made combat pretty damn tedious. the only people who liked the additions were TFU-loving kiddos, aside from them everyone else despised it honestly, only powers i'd be cool with are destruction and blindness if you balance them right
  5. what do you mean by moving it to MP? if you're just gonna be making maps it wouldnt be a mod anymore, just a massive df2-themed map pack
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