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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. There's already request threads in Mod Requests & Suggestions for most of the stuff on this Thread. @@Barricade24 Is this Thread really necessary? Can you see a point in it which i'm missing?
  2. It just looks to me like you don't want to go through the Downloads section and bookmark all the Episode VII Mods which would keep you updated. But eh, whatever.
  3. Not bad at all! It could use a few in-game screenshots though.
  4. Yeah, not interested in the Clone Wars at all. But if someone gets around to making a Ralph McQuarrie Boba Fett, that would be awesome.
  5. They all have to do with Cancer.
  6. that's not in the article, that's actually whats happening, since i'm in brazil.
  7. The scientist in brazil has tested the wasp venom and it has been proven to cure all forms of cancer, but pharmacy industries are trying to stop him because they want to make large profits from the cure but the scientist thinks it should be free and has been offering the cure for free to people who email him
  8. finn http://jkhub.org/files/file/2517-finn-ep-7/ kylo ren http://jkhub.org/files/file/2452-kylo-ren-tfa/ c3po http://jkhub.org/files/file/2408-c-3po-epvii/ phasma http://jkhub.org/files/file/2415-phasma/ han solo http://jkhub.org/files/file/2381-han-solo-skin-swtfa-teaser-version/ luke (2 versions) http://jkhub.org/files/file/2471-old-luke-skywalker-tfa-skin/ http://jkhub.org/files/file/2380-luke-skywalker-skin-swtfa-teaser-version/ stormtrooper http://jkhub.org/files/file/2387-dt-stormtrooper-ep7/ elite stormtrooper (st7_elite) http://jkhub.org/files/file/2417-first-order-shadow-trooper/
  9. Kyle = Finn Rosh = Rey Mouse Droid = BB-8 Desann = Kylo Ren Luke = Luke Han Solo = Han Solo Chewbacca = keep the same one from the game. Imperial Officer = General Hux Human Merc = Captain Phasma Stormtrooper = Episode 7 Stormtrooper Shadowtrooper = Episode 7 Elite Stormtrooper C-3PO = Episode 7 Version R2-D2 = keept the same one from game.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aepPYymoevc
  11. That and @@DT85 has done a great job on the face to make it look as close as possible to how well Mark has aged with his nose shape too.
  12. Here's some better references of the bag and the straps:
  13. http://theoncologist.alphamedpress.org/content/5/3/185.full
  14. Amazing work! I'll pop a picture here of the original so people can see how it looks.
  15. I think he was also waiting for official confirmation on the robotic hand being Lukes.
  16. Because I don't want a Toshi Luke that looks like Luke from ROTJ. I want a version of Luke that looks exactly like Luke from The Force Unleashed. How can I make this simple for everyone to understand.. Here: Now do you understand me?!
  17. Looked over the tutorial. Is there any way you could provide a download for the modified SP Files to only include Force Hate? There's no way I will follow that tutorial without throwing my shoe through a wall.
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