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Everything posted by Daedra

  1. I have contact with Thomas Szakolczay, so I will message him and show him this thread, maybe I can get him to join up and take part in this.
  2. It looks good, though that skybox could to with some higher resolution imagery. 4 Stars from me!
  3. This is not a converted soundpack, but it's every ripped spoken line of the main character Rex from Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon. You can get an idea of his voice here: Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/jrspy0ccspau44i/rrr.zip The lines are very cheesy 1980s action style. Maybe these can be used in a mod or something.
  4. I did give a warning of spoilers, so you have been warned. Here is an image I put together because I was inspired by the ending of Rogue One. This can easily be cropped to 1920x1080 if you want to use it as a wallpaper.
  5. Every time I see Rosh I just want to cut his head off with my lightsaber. Aside from my hatred for that thing, nice skin! I will definitely use it.
  6. I knew some people that were able to get an early copy of Rogue One at the Cinema they work at. It was honestly fantastic. I only watched it in regular 2D though, so I will definitely go back when it "officially" releases and watch IMAX and 3D versions.
  7. The story was great and had it's own unexpected twists. There are scenes from the trailers that we don't see in the movie though, such as Stormtroopers walking through water. I wrote a full review on Blu-Ray Forum, so I'll just quote myself; First off, so you can get an understanding, I am the sort of Star Wars fan that disliked the prequel trilogy (though there were some good parts about it such as Darth Maul and the whole ending battle). I always loved the unaltered original trilogy. So. IT WAS AMAZING! Here's a few things you should take from this: - It is a darker and grittier movie than any other Star Wars movie, and you would easily think it was an R rated movie, even though it's only PG-13. If I were to judge it, I would say that the movie is much darker then The Empire Strikes Back. - The plot is on point, everything that happens has a reason and everything is justified so you are not left wondering or questioning "What the hell is going on?". - Visually, this movie is a feast. I'm not even kidding, you've seen the trailers, you could say that the visuals are "out of this world". Seriously though, there are a lot of practical effects, I would say more than what The Force Awakens had, though don't get me wrong, there is still a LOT of CGI involved. - The score is breathtaking and made me tear up a number of times throughout the movie. Easily a better score than The Force Awakens, it matches more to the style of A New Hope/Empire Strikes Back mixed together. - Reshoots were definitely not an issue with this movie at all, and if you had heard the rumors of what people said about this movie being toned/watered down for being too gritty, then you'd be right to believe it. It doesn't feel toned/watered down, but this movie must have been so much more darker than what I watched for it to be required to be toned/watered down to the state it's currently at. I would easily say if this movie had not been watered/toned down, it would have been an R rated movie without a doubt. With all that being taken into consideration, Rogue One is the BEST Star Wars movie I have ever seen, and as my own personal preference, find it better than The Force Awakens, and even the original trilogy. I will EASILY rate this movie 5/5, and as for a ranking, here's mine: - Rogue One - The Empire Strikes Back - The Force Awakens - A New Hope - Return of the Jedi - Revenge of the Sith - The Phantom Menace - Attack of the Clones It did premiere yesterday.
  8. After seeing this movie I can easily say it's probably the BEST Star Wars movie to ever be created.
  9. So I've seen Rogue One. I love it more than TFA, and it's better than the entire original trilogy.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheWhitePhoenix


      In that case, I guess the only complaint, is that (BTW this is a rumor I heard) the creators of Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors allowed the directors to use them for the movie. But oh well. Maybe Kyle and Jan would be brought into canon another way. :/

    3. Onysfx


      After my disappointment in 7, I won't be seeing this one in theaters. I'll wait till it comes out then see it.

    4. Daedra


      That's a VERY unwise decision. You will not be disappointed with Rogue One.

  10. 322 downloads

    INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: place the zombieskin.pk3 file in your C:\programfiles\lucasarts\jediacademy\gamedata\base directory. DESCRIPTION: A reskin of DT85's stormtrooper to look like a zombie stormtrooper. This is only a single image, packaged into a .pk3 and can ONLY work together with Langerd's Zombie Stormtrooper mod: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3096-zombie-stormtrooper/ BUGS: None. COMMENTS: Download and enjoy. note that you must have JKA installed in order to use this mod. PLEASE NOTE: This skin will replace the skin that Langerd's zombie stormtrooper mod uses. That is all, enjoy!
  11. I solved it by using OpenJK instead of regular JKA.
  12. This mod by default uses the black story mode hilt for every color. If you wish to add the color you want to a different hilt, you must go into the .sab file and find the saber number color you wish to use. Then you simply change the hilt model name to the hilt you want (to find the name you can go to the .sab file of the hilt you want). Here is an example: I want "saber_1000" blue color as Darth Mauls Staff. I go into the .sab file of Darth Mauls saber, and copy the hilt model name, for example "dmsab1". I then edit the .sab file of this 28 Colors mod, and find "saber_1000" and paste the model name "dmsab1" and save it. Now when I use "saber_1000" in-game, it will be a blue Darth Maul staff saber.
  13. To be fair people did vote for that bright wallpaper to be used. Clearly the vote wasn't thought about very much. Like I stated before, a night time version of that new background image would be perfect. For now I'm using the old theme.
  14. You are forgetting that your request is to have a file that is updated periodically. That just won't happen. The best thing you can do is this: 1. Go through ALL models that are available for JKA. 2. Pick out your favorites. 3. Download ALL of your favorite models that you want all-together. 4. Create a "New Folder" on your Desktop. 5. Unzip EVERY .pk3 file into the "New Folder". 6. Go through ALL the files within the "New Folder" and make sure nothing has the same name or uses the same source files as another mod does. 7. Put ALL files within the "New Folder" into a Zip file. 8. Open the Zip file, then go to File>Save Archive Copy As> Then save it as a .pk3 file. 9. Put this supersized .pk3 file into your Base folder. 10. Run JKA, and load a map. 11. Spawn EVERY SINGLE MODEL from the .pk3 you made, and make sure nothing is conflicting or have any errors (The Console should tell you if there are any issues with the model once you have spawned it, usually in Yellow lettering). 12. Make any adjustments that the yellow text tells you (if there is any), and make the final adjustments for everything to work flawlessly without problems. 13. ??? Profit.
  15. If none of them conflicted and worked flawlessly without any errors all-together and you had a computer with enough memory to store it then sure it could probably work just for the purpose of the Base folder being "tidy". But your request was to have one file, and then and continuously update it whenever there's a new model. Tell me; would you sit through 3 hours of unzipping the file, to add ONE new model, then sit through ANOTHER 3 hours of zipping it back up, just for the sake of the Base folder being "tidy"? I know I wouldn't. But if you can find the time for zipping/unzipping it then that's great! Mostly because it is your request for you only, and I don't think other people would do that, they'd just stick to keeping the separate .pk3 files in the Base folder.
  16. Sure, I can do that for you. Just let me know when you have sent me a supercomputer that can process it all at ultra fast speed and also when you have setup an ISP Service that is a million times faster than the current fastest ISP in the world, then i'll get right on it.
  17. No offense, I am sure many people are happy with the JKHub 2016 Theme. However I prefer the older one so I'll continue to use that, mostly because it's darker and that is easier on my eyes. Perhaps a nighttime version of the background image used in the 2016 Theme would be better for my eyes. Heh. To each their own.
  18. I have an idea. Remove ALL of your .pk3 Mods from your base folder, but keep the Starkiller Saber pk3. Then see if it still does the same thing. If it does the same thing, then it is definitely something wrong with the Starkiller saber. However if you notice that it works fine, then one of the .pk3 files you removed was conflicting with the Starkiller Saber mod which made the crystal white.
  19. There's one person who will know how to help you. @@AshuraDX .
  20. You could try changing the color of Blade2 in the .sab file. Take a look at the .sab file in my download here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2273-28-new-saber-colors/ It should show you the basic layout of changing the blade colors on the same saber. If that fails, then it is definitely the Shader and this should help you a bit: https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/173-basic-shader-file-writing-tutorial/
  21. I'm not sure how the glow works. If it was me trying to figure it out, I'd start with the shader file first, and .sab file second.
  22. Yeah it's just a matter of altering the .sab file but I couldn't be bothered. But cool glad it worked out for you.
  23. selecting model_root works well for changing the Z Axis of the POSITION to a -5 to place the hand in the right place, like so: That screenshot is also my finished version. As for turning it around, I altered the Y Axis of the ROTATION to 180, but you have to select the entire model with "A" first. Once it's rotated you have to press "A" again to deselect it then you can export it. I forgot if that was model_root or not, but I am 80% sure it was model_root. I have made the backhand version of ALL available colors, which you can obtain by using these commands: saber Starkiller (Default Red color) saber Starkiller_blue (Blue color) saber Starkiller_green (Green color) saber Starkiller_purple (Purple color) saber Starkiller_yellow (Yellow color) saber Starkiller_orange (Orange color) http://www.mediafire.com/download/w6484yx6ec9lu3r/starkiller_saber_backhand.pk3 Understand that if you use these, it will conflict with the regular non-backhand versions that @@AshuraDX made, so you can only use one or the other, not both.
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