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Everything posted by Lancelot

  1. I was thinking about how to make both Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast even better. So I thought a configuration tool for both games would be cool. If you are wondering what I'm talking about, let me explain: For Half-Life 2, there's a mod called "Cinematic Mod". It's goal is to provide a whole lot of visual enhancements and gameplay improvements. It includes a tool where you can choose a bunch of options, some of them aren't even in the actual game. And it looks like this: http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/279/278287/cm2.png On top of that, there's a "Character Pimper", which looks like this: http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/279/278287/cm1.png You can choose how the characters should look like. It offers newly designed characters and the original versions of them as well. Just for the record, my idea was inspired by that mod. I thought a configurator like this, with a whole lot of new options, would be a great addition for Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast. And I think the character tool has potential. Imagine you want to change the default Stormtrooper to a better version. All you have to do is to open the configurator and change model. The same procedure would be also great for weapons and lightsabers.
  2. As you know, there are three stages of the regular mind trick. The first one just stuns the enemy, the third stage makes the enemy fight for you. And if you type setforceall 4 (or higher) in the console, you can control the enemy. In my opinion, it should be like this: First: Stunning an enemy. Second: Makes the enemy fight for you. Third: Controlling an enemy. Unfortunately, the enemy control has some issues and needs to be "cleaned up". It just doesn't feel like you are actually playing the character and the weapons. And the weapons are going insane when you fire them, dropping the ammo immediately. On top of that, the blue camera overlay is annoying. I know, I think the enemy controll feature wasn't intended to be officially in the game (hence the cheat), but it's still fun. It would be great if someone could improve that force power.
  3. There are many programs to do that (Blender, Maya, 3D Studio Max for example). But trust me, the whole process is much more complicated than you think. If you never modelled before, it may be very difficult for you. You need the skills and the patience to do that.
  4. I played Jedi Academy with my Xbox 360 and PS3 controllers, just for testing. It's not that bad, but it needs a lot of optimizations. Both controllers have 8 buttons plus 5 extra buttons (Home, Select, Start and L3 and R3), two Analog sticks and one D-Pad. But it still feels like it itsn't enough to play Jedi Academy properly. It feels this game wasn't even intended to be played with a controller, but supports them anyway. In my opinion, this game needs a lot of improvements concerning modern controllers. It needs a seperate menu specifically for controllers, where you can configure the buttons while keeping the keyboard/mouse settings unaffected.
  5. I believe I'm not the only one who wants a better widescreen support, especially for HD displays. Clearly, there are mods with widescreen options, but they were designed to work with Multiplayer. There are also console commands for it, but typing them in gets annoying after a while. Well, since the source code is out, I thinkt it's time to finally add widescreen options for both Singleplayer and Multiplayer, with enhanced graphical options and stuff. I mean, this game looks just plain ridiculous when you play it on a HD display.
  6. I wanted to request that, too. Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast should have a wider support for modern day controllers, because the controller presets in the game are outdated. And there are still gamers out there who prefer controllers.
  7. Awesome pack. Finally, a good version of the Stinger lightsaber has been made. I don't like the original one.
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