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Posts posted by KyleKatarn1995

  1. So the bounty hunter fight just got more exciting. I added CLASS_REBORN to the .npc file and this alien got more aggressive. Even though it doesn't have force powers, it moves around the room quickly, using flips, dodging, etc. I might even make this a duo fight with their partner with them (if there's a model for it).


    Any guesses?

    Can that be Greedo?

  2. I know there's already been a model of Emperor Palpatine, but I was really wanting the original "chimp lady" Emperor Palpatine that first appeared in The Empire Strike Back before they changed him to Ian McDiarmid. It's more fun to look back at the original 1980 Emperor because he looks so errie. Maybe someone will change the head to make it more like a female with chimp eyes. That way he'll look freaky.



    dark_apprentice likes this
  3. Well, at least what he made so far. Who knows what he did with his unfinished models? I don't think that they were as lucky as the Mohc model.


    It's incredible that we already had a model of him, but we didn't know it was there until a few days ago. It was hidden in an obvious place and was yet so far away from us.

    I don't think that we will ever get the chance to dig up a lost model of Hapslash's work again. I consider that treasure as some kind of a farewell, a last gift from one of the greatest modelers

    the whole Jedi Knight community ever had.

    Well there wasn't only HapSlash's models, but also Infinity Blade that made the Jan Ors model for the Dark Forces mod. I wonder what ever happened to that model?

  4. some screens of df

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    kyle grappling an imp. commander



    oh my god, the concussion rifle wall impact found in the disruptor fx folder :D



    if you look closely at the assault cannon reflection you can see the jedi outcast nar shaddaa shot0049_env texture :I

    Man that Assault Cannon hasn't got any textures when I played this Dark Forces mod for Jedi Academy.

    swegmaster likes this
  5. Not right away. I don't know how to animate models, but if someone makes animations for them I can code it in later. Since they work fine I'm not too worried at the moment. I just want the guns firing the correct projectiles, the stronger melee combo system (done), and more maps complete for now. Maps are coming along well, by the way.





    HOLY CRAP! I FOUND HAPSLASH'S GENERAL MOHC!   https://www.mediafire.com/?52fd5fsausa58ll


    It was hidden away in the Dark Forces source files. Trouble is he's not rigged yet. It's a 3DSMax file and some textures. Can anyone rig him?

    That's awesome!!! Now you can finally use him in a cutscene with Darth Vader! :D

    TheWhitePhoenix and Lancelot like this
  6. @@KyleKatarn1995

    Never seen that before. Maybe it's because I didn't get far in the game. I should finally play the whole game one day.


    Fun fact: Dark Forces was indexed in Germany during the 90's, but was released in a slightly censored version before that happened. It got an 18 rating, Kyle's blaster pistol was renamed into a stunning blaster (yes, RENAMED) and Mon Mothma tells in

    a mission briefing that you should try to stun the enemies to prevent casualties. But because it was still similar to Doom, the game was indexed anyway and it still is to this day. I'm not kidding.


    Luckily, Steam doesn't really care about that and offers the game anyway in Germany.

    Wow, that's really interesting. I never noticed that Dark Forces also had to be censored.

  7. Is there an Ewok model? I'd totally do that. I never knew it was there.


    Which might be enough, actually. I'll have to look at how much Icarus scripting can handle, but an Enviro Suit would be cool. Maybe I can just attach a script to the brush and see if WINTER_GEAR is active. That might be plenty, actually. I'm having a HORRIBLE time trying to get OpenJK to compile at all, so at this point I'll be doing as much as I can without messing with the source code -- at least until I can get the fool thing to compile.



    Looking at the source, it looks like it only has the SET variable. Bummer.

    I found a couple of Ewok models that you can use as an Easter Egg for the Dark Forces Mod. Have him chained to a ball. :)


    Teancum likes this
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