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Fire Phoenix

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Posts posted by Fire Phoenix

  1. Yeah you can still do it although you have to specify NPC side first. For example: /npc spawn stormtrooper light_side StormieName

    List of side names: light_side / light_side_follow / dark_side / dark_side_follow / neutral_side / free_side / solo_side

    Maksman and Arthor like this
  2. If you want the server to show on internet list you need to do something called port forwarding. To do that you need to enter your router / internet device website ( in website adress type ) . When you're on the site, find applications & gaming section or something with ports. You should be able to see a list of programs and some ip options. In empty space put jampDed.exe and add port 29070 for both UDP and TCP. This should allow you to create visible server.

    As for the problem with textures, you need to put server files outside KotF / Jedi Academy files. Lets say your game is located in D:/Program Files/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy you can put it in D:/Program Files/LucasArts/KotF Server. DO NOT mix server files with game files.

  3. Greetings!

    First of all, sorry for my english, if you have issues to understand what I want to say, just mention it.


    I just checked models / skins, and I noticed there isnt Droidekas. And im wondering why. I know, Droidekas uses different mechanic (rolling) but, there is a mod called MB2, and they already did the Rolling mechanic, so it would be possible. Maybe is there any chance to talk with their Dev team, and ask them to give Droideka's source code? I mean it would be so useful to write rolling mechanic from Zero, if there is already a working one.


    Hope you can understand, what I wrote :D

    That would be nice but I doubt mb2 would share any parts of their code. They chose not to publish their code so it's impossible to see how they did it. However just as Lancelot mentioned there already is a droideka vehicle on certain maps like tradefed. Also you can spawn them yourself using /npc spawn vehicle droideka command in console. That's the only one we have unfortunately.

  4. Hmm Class_Galak_mech is about a monster class for all SW monsters like Wampa and play as monster? It wll be cool and play as AT-AT too.

    Most vehicles in SP are broken and only work properly in Multi Player that's why I didnt include them in NPC spawner.  You can still spawn them through console however. To do that type /npc spawn vehicle ATAT but as I said don't expect much. The camera is f****d up and there is not much we can do about it since this is how it's always been in the original game.  At this point I would strongly suggest using multiplayer if you want to use vehicles.

    Maksman likes this
  5. We're not going to implement manual blocking sorry. And other mods aren't going to work with KotF because they use diffrent engine and it's not possible to make two engines running at the same time.

  6. Time to dig up the old topic. I have chosen the maps for KotF : Alzoc3 Capital , Ancient Outpost , Apcotyl Temple , Casa de los Parias (lol) , Coruscant Speedway , Mos Espa outskirts , Tatooine RPG. These maps will come to KotF with the next update. The reason why I left some maps is beacause they were too casual (  Back To Roots , Jedi Pyramid, The Quad ) , too large ( D Skull Airship , EuroCorp Citadel ) Noobish and weird looking (rpg_wayland , carida academy , asteroid77 ) or simply didnt suit my taste ( twilight manor, Asteroid H5 ). Either way it was fun to review all those maps ( especially casa de los parias xD ). Some of them I've seen for the first time so thank you again for the list @@Onysfx . I look forward to review more new maps in the future so feel free to put your suggestions people.  

    Smoo and Maksman like this
  7. Approved. Thank you for all suggestions, they were very helpful. The approved models will be in the next update. But for now on we are closing models updating process. Feel free to post more suggestions though. However they will not be taken into consideration for the upcoming update.

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