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Fire Phoenix

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Posts posted by Fire Phoenix

  1. Honsetly I have no idea what you're guys talking about xD. Anyway, here's the vehicle properties: 

    name droideka1
    type VH_WALKER
    numHands 2
    hideRider 1
    killRiderOnDeath 1
    lookYaw 45
    lookPitch 45
    length 60
    width 60
    height 60
    centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0"
    speedMax 500
    speedMin -80
    acceleration 8
    decelIdle 10
    strafePerc 0.5
    bankingSpeed 0.0
    rollLimit 2
    pitchLimit 0
    braking 10
    mouseYaw 0.003
    mousePitch 0.01
    turningSpeed 6
    turnWhenStopped 1
    traction 100
    friction 100
    maxSlope 0.7
    VehicleScale 70
    mass 10
    armor 450
    toughness 10
    model droideka
    skin default
    radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/atst"
    explosionRadius 400
    explosionDamage 1000
    explodeFX "ships/ship_explosion2"
    explosionDelay 2450
    soundOn "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_close.mp3"
    soundOff "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_open.mp3"

    weap1 droideka_red_laser
    weap1Delay 80
    weap1Aim 1
    weap1AmmoMax 120
    weap1AmmoRechargeMS 400
    weap1Link 0

    weap2 droideka_blue_laser
    weap2Delay 1400
    weap2Aim 0
    weap2AmmoMax 25
    weap2AmmoRechargeMS 3500
    weap2Link 2

    weapMuzzle1 droideka_red_laser
    weapMuzzle2 droideka_red_laser
    weapMuzzle3 droideka_blue_laser
    weapMuzzle4 droideka_blue_laser

    cameraOverride 1
    cameraRange 150
    cameraVertOffset 20
    cameraPitchOffset 15
    cameraFOV 100
    //This just doesn't work on levels with fog, so... leave it off
    cameraAlpha 0
    //cameraPitchDependantVertOffset 0
    shields 1000
    shieldRechargeMS 2000


    Make it absorb every weapon shots. I've noticed that when I change VH_WALKER to VH_SPEEDER it works but it needs to be VH_WALKER to move like I want.

    Ion Weapon Code:

    name droideka_blue_laser
    projectile 1
    ionWeapon 1
    saberBlockable 0
    muzzleFX "vehicles/droideka/IonBlaster/muzzle_flash"
    shotFX "vehicles/droideka/IonBlaster/projectile"
    impactFX "vehicles/droideka/IonBlaster/flesh_impact"
    g2MarkShader "vehicles/droideka/IonBlaster/wall_impact"
    g2MarkSize 16
    loopSound "sound/vehicles/weapons/ionblaster/ionloop.wav"
    speed 2500
    damage 170
    ammoPerShot 1

  2. I dont have a problem with purple waves but with this invisible aura below. I tried to use the cloak shader on shield but it looks like cloaking in cg_rendertotexturefx 0 instead of 1 and it is not enough for me.

    CG_Rendertotexturefx 0: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/401/2w2b.jpg

    CG_Rendertotexturefx 1: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/802/iiav.jpg
    As you can see the character cloaking effect is changes however droidekas shield does not
    Any idea how to make the shield look like character in rendertexturefx 1? I would be very thankful for help.

  3. I dont want to cloak droideka.. I just want the cloak shader on its shield effect. I know it's gfx/effects/cloakedShader... but I dont like that. I need 100% transparency shader. Check the droideka picture out again and under these purple waves in left down corner there's an aura which looks like cloak. So could you help me writing the shader for this transparency cloak effect?

  4. Hey there! I'm planning to make the new clone wars series in JKJA multiplayer. I have everything that is needed... Mods, actors , maps etc.. but everything I need is a good models creators support. 
    List of Models I Need:
    Clone Officer http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111219190855/clone/images/0/09/Zak.jpg( I would be glad if someone would make a model with headphones and without ;p and diffrent textures of suit)

    A random republic lieutenant or captain (make more heads if you could)
    A droid commando head in clone armor (and a clone helmet model md3 and an animation of wearing the helmet and taking it off)

    and the last thing would be something like a wall or catwalk but pure plane (md3)  so that I can remap it on lugormod outside the ship and put a roq file into it so it will look like the ship is moving(make 3 or 4 of them with a diffrent shaders if you please ;p)
    That is All I need atm, but if someone could make a super battle droid model and an arm gun to it (best if someone could remodel or modify bryar) and a gun animation so that it will look like movies.

    Also a new droideka shield shader http://media.screened.com/uploads/0/2789/326781-q_destroy.jpg something like this and a cool shield hit absorb shader.

    I know it's much but these Clone Wars series will be something professional so everything must be properly made. It will bring people back to JKJA multiplayer. I would very appreciate your help and support.



    Fire Phoenix

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