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  1. Resistance Trooper from Ep7- Kitbashed base officer with new head. Hopefully this will be finished fast since there isn't much left: Helmet Detail: Not much to go buy for this skin, but the Black Series action figure was pretty helpful
  2. Also where can I find the latest rend2 dll file? Thanks in advance.
  3. Times have changed, and not for the better. Eezstreet summed up the situation pretty well. I'm pretty sure most of us saw this coming once we figuired that DICE was gonna make SWBF. I'm more confident about Visceral's Star Wars project.
  4. We got a deluxe decapacitation scene where the goofhead officers are (thankfully) killed off. But at the same time all the comedy/funny scenes have too much jar-jar in them. The show is aimed for kids no doubt but it doesn't maintain the uniform balance that allows it to be enjoyed by multiple age groups. I think season 2 will improve on this.
  5. inb4 hurr durr xsi is bestest!!11!
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