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Everything posted by eezstreet

  1. one of Raven's best games imo i declare that this thread has not enough rend2 for the rend2 gods to be happy
  2. need to install Visual Studio.
  3. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/145-compiling-openjk-win32-must-read-for-new-coders/ once you get it compiling fine, make an edit to that file (NPC_spawn.c @ line 228), and then recompile. your new jampgamex86.dll will not have the vehicle shield you mention
  4. put a // at the beginning of that line, compile the code, done.
  5. Comment out this line: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/blob/d3a6d2b9b9d2e967676dc2c9f738254b54524ab2/codemp/game/NPC_spawn.c#L228
  6. Keep me informed with your progress. I'm interested to see what you can do.
  7. melt an ice cube.
  8. inb4 "PORTING ZOMG"
  9. @@DT85: make sure that the ext_data/weapons/default.json gets put into a PK3.
  10. @@DT85 should be fixed now.
  11. Why do we even need to change them? I think it's fine quite honestly. I thought the original point was so that people who wanted help could find it easier. Though I think maybe @@Boothand is right, the description/title could be a bit confusing to new people.
  12. @@Xycaleth: would this perhaps be related to a similar edit I made to fix the SP renderer?
  13. It's Radiant. But made in GTK. Hence, GTK Radiant. It should be referred to as Radiant, not GTK. There could also be all kinds of other Radiants, like Qt Radiant, Unity Radiant, etc. SO MUCH THIS.
  14. You can turn all of that "useless garbage" off, and the mod is a lot more lightweight than most other things (just add a DLL + the settings.ini to gamedata, works in any mod + SP + JK2 + some other games too)
  15. I think I fixed it. @@DT85 do a pull/recompile and see if that fixes it (you'll probably get a Com_Error)
  16. It'd be weird for stuff like WIP.
  17. That's really stupid. That mod is just a repackage of like 10 different mods anyway, as I recall. (a million voices cry out "use the QEffects!")
  18. That mod is pretty bogus anyway, I would opt for something like QEffects if you're really hankering for some sort of "graphics improvement"
  19. has nothing to do with modding assistance.
  20. mate. its Radiant, not GTK
  21. I'm not sure I understand the thinking here. You want to show people how great JKA is, yet there are tons of projects out there which exemplify this and go even further than that. Why are you concerned with just a few models? Furthermore, why are you interested in modding if you don't want to get your hands dirty?
  22. Do tell. Also, just because something takes years of learning doesn't mean you can't take up something. It takes years to master modelling. It takes years to master coding. It also takes years to master level design and aesthetics of maps. It doesn't mean you can't figure it out or get better at it. Moving outside of your comfort zone is something that happens a lot in modding. And if you don't know what something means or how something works, you can always feel free to ask about it, instead of disregarding people as simply not helping you.
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