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  1. Circa liked a post in a topic by vurt in [WIP] JK-DF2 Extreme Definition Texture Pack   
    moving along ok. there's a sky on map 2 after you take the elevator up on the roof and there's a TIE bomber.. i'd love to make that awful looking night sky better, but it's really nowhere to be found in materials\jknup. any idea how i could figure it out? maybe it can't be changed in the Remaster Edit, for some reason. i did unpack a ton of .mat files from those .gob files, but to find something that converts them to .png seems difficult. also i'm not sure its even helpful, i think the Remaster uses a different format all together for the images. 
    Anyways, all other skies are done. 260 images has been made much more detailed so far 🙂
    Here's another comparison: JuxtaposeJS Embed (knightlab.com) (better direct comparison than below)

  2. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in JK2 Server (black names)   
    JK2 doesn't natively support it, only mods would support it like JK2MV, at least that's how it is in JKA. What mod client are you running and what is the server running?
    I just tried it on my end using JK2MV. /set name ^0Circa and connected to a random server and my name was black.
  3. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in [WIP] JK-DF2 Extreme Definition Texture Pack   
    We've been considering hosting DF2 mods lately, would love to see this end up on here if that happens! Looking good! 🙂 
  4. Lancelot liked a post in a topic by Circa in [WIP] JK-DF2 Extreme Definition Texture Pack   
    We've been considering hosting DF2 mods lately, would love to see this end up on here if that happens! Looking good! 🙂 
  5. Circa liked a post in a topic by vurt in [WIP] JK-DF2 Extreme Definition Texture Pack   
    Thanks! I used Plug and Play Diffusion for those with my own model that i've trained on rock textures etc.
    Some in-game shots

    some more texture comparisons while i'm at it

  6. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in Adding sound loops to NPCs   
    Most other Darth Vader NPCs that people have made do this with the lightsaber hum looping sound. Maybe someone else knows of a better way but I think this may be the way to go.
  7. Circa liked a post in a topic by GPChannel in STAR WARS: Movie Duels (Remaster of Movie Duels II)   
    "Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all this together." Experience the epic journey of the legendary warrior, Revan, in Tales of the Galaxy Season II. Fight for the Republic, confront the formidable Mandalorian army, and save the galaxy from the relentless Sith Empire!
    Huge thanks to ZelZel for making the cinematic.
  8. Circa liked a post in a topic by GPChannel in STAR WARS: Movie Duels (Remaster of Movie Duels II)   
    So after we  announced Tales of the Galaxy Season II: Legend of Revan,lets start to show some details of the pack.
    Revan models for the story missions:

    Revan  Cathar Outfit:

    Mandalorian War Outfit

    Dark Lord Outfit:

    Some outfit for Revans alterego, Jared Starfire
    Endar Spire Soldier Outfit

    Taris Citizen Outfit

    Taris Arena Outfit

    Bounty Hunter Heavy Gear:

    Jedi Knight Outfit(s):

    Sith Student Outfit

    Star Forge Outfit:

    Dark Lord Reborn Outfit:

  9. Lfan liked a post in a topic by Circa in Adding sound loops to NPCs   
    Most other Darth Vader NPCs that people have made do this with the lightsaber hum looping sound. Maybe someone else knows of a better way but I think this may be the way to go.
  10. Circa liked a post in a topic by ZelZel in ZelZel's Archive   
  11. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in Invisible shield impact and smaller or less sparks   
    I made this like 15 years ago so I can't remember if it also works in MP. I originally made it for SP but not sure if it's the same effect in both. 
  12. PierceDoughty liked a post in a topic by Circa in ZelZel's Archive   
    Richard Madden? Looks good!
  13. Circa liked a post in a topic by Lfan in Invisible shield impact and smaller or less sparks   
    Thank you very much Circa!
    Your mod didn't work in MP but it helped me to look at the right place and what to do.
    So basically there are 2 files that need to be edited:
    in folder:
    shieldshell1.jpg with an all black image at the same size (128x128)
    shieldshellring.jpg with an all black image at the same size (256x256)

    Now I just need to come along with those sparks. In /effects/ there are 2 folders: /saber/ and /sparks/.
    Both have a lot of attributes to control the sparks but I'm not sure how they behave. Is there any guide for handling sparks?
    I want less sparks and way smaller sparks.
    This is saber_clash.efx which is included in "Enhanced Impact Effects" by kalamaray
  14. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in JK2 reborn sounds   
    I deleted the mod page years ago due to it having a bunch of issues that other mods had already done better. You can still download it here though:
  15. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in EternalJK Issue   
    The setting you are showing in the code is for the menu itself, did you turn that setting to "No" and it still isn't working?

  16. Circa liked a post in a topic by Lwkill in SWGL - Work in Progress   
    i reworked some things on my executor bridge map i made a few years ago: 

    Executor Bridge 

  17. Circa liked a post in a topic by AngelModder in AngelModders Jedi Temple on Coruscant - Knightfall   
    The great hall statues turned out beautiful in here. Still some more work to do to this hall as well. The bases of the red pillars need retextured.  
    A really awesome little statue with a secret! Admins will appreciate this one... 

    The Temple Guard Statues look amazing! New textures coming for the exterior of the temple as well in future WIP shots. 

     And now the newly placed lobby as seen in episode 2/3, all texture etc is obviously wip, the rooms been box built, now the detail comes in. 

     The opposite end of the Main Lobby backs onto the rock face of the mountain the temple is built around, this was hinted at in a book and verified when I started looking at the ref books, so we put a mountain in it scaled and shaped right so wherever you would run into it, you will; erasing what ever you don't see or use. 🙂 
    The eventual entrance to the main lobby from the great hall. 
  18. Circa liked a post in a topic by AngelModder in AngelModders Jedi Temple on Coruscant - Knightfall   
    I wish, I'm far from great. 

    A lot of changes were made, enjoy ^_^ 
  19. Circa liked a post in a topic by redsaurus in Problems with swapping from single to dual sabers mid-game   
    I put up a fix I'd looked at a while back for using the saber menu in-game "recently": https://github.com/JKEnhanced/OpenJK/commit/5f3ab22f9ffba0a888e478c3e95e2bf0ba77437b
    I don't know if it will help with all of the issues seen but it should have dealt with the previously known issues with switching away from dual sabers.
  20. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in Problems with swapping from single to dual sabers mid-game   
    Some of this are known issues, though it is not unique to JAEnhanced, it is just more common because of the menu I built in to freely switch your sabers. However I've never noticed the t-pose issue or the fast swinging. I can try your various methods to see if it can all be reproduced.
    Perhaps @redsaurus could find some solution in the code or menu to select the stances someone wants and fix the issue with going from staff to single. I believe changing those things in the menu are more limited with the existing code, causing some of these things.
  21. Circa liked a post in a topic by Linken in Progress Report: September 2023   
    So despite me saying I was taking a break from developing....

    Quite a fair bit of progress has been completed on the mod, and I'm very excited to talk about it!
    Initially coded by our amazing coder The New Order, the Dynamic Weapon System has been fully integrated into the mod and will be ready with the next update (sans bug fixes of course). The Dynamic Weapon System will allow for us to group together multiple weapons of the same functionality to allow us to use up less weapon slots for the mod, and thus in turn will let us offer up a larger variety of weapons now and in the future.
    To begin this process, most weapons which you know have been merged, and 2 new weapons have been coded! The E-5s Sniper Rifle, and the Super Battle Droid's arm cannon!

    More weapons are slated to come at a later time. We're really looking forward to bringing this to you.
    We've also received a lot of new character suggestions for the mod. Below are some that are slated to come, please remember that this list is subject to change at any time.
    Bera Kazan Jyn Erso (Imperial Disguise) By Jeff Sith Eradicator (Updated Model) By The Unguided Sith Empire Trooper (Updated model) By The Unguided Mandalore the Ultimate (Updated Model) By Zeal Baylan Skoll, By ZelZel Shin Hati, By ZelZel Nico Okarr (Updated model), Ported by Punisher Saw Gerrera, Ported by Punisher And more THE DROIDEKA
    Wait, why is the Droideka getting a section? Good question! Over the past few weeks (in fact pretty much the whole month) the Droideka has been received some very much needed attention.
    Since the mod's debut, the Droideka and Super Battle Droid have often been regarded as bad eyesores for the mod, lacking their signature weapons and overall just weren't threatening. This month I've been hard at work getting the Droideka to a place where I feel we can consider it as much more authentic and more accurate to its overall threataning nature as depicted across all of star wars.
    Please watch this video and see for yourself how the droideka operates as both an NPC and also for the player!

    There's still a lot to work on the Droideka, primarily cosmetic things, but overall things are coming along well with it.
    There are other things we are working on which we want to keep quiet for now, but hopefully this offers a taste of things to come for the mod.
    If you haven't seen yet, we did release one final hotfix for our August update and performed a full merger, so the full mod is fully up to date with everything.
    Thank you all for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.
  22. Circa liked a post in a topic by ent in JKChat A.K.A. Jedi Knight mobile application   
    @Circa Hi. I like options.
    Currently done like this, maybe it will look a bit different in the next release.
    Need more requests or bug reports - the app cannot be so well made in the latest release! x)
  23. Circa liked a post in a topic by STOIK in STOIK's Menu Design   
    Yeah, it was mostly just a fun challenge for myself to see how far I could push the UI/engine within its (mostly) original guard rails, I'm not really looking to do any sort of modifications to the engine myself, unless it was something built into a popular fork of OpenJK or something. If the means existed I would use it otherwise it's just more fun to work within the limitations. I didn't even think to digg through MB and look at what you all did just within the context of the menu files, I'll have to take a look. So far in my testing it's been great in every 16:9 resolution from 1080 up to 4k, I'm not really concerned with any legacy 4:3 situations and just running with the assumption that if you download a mod like this you're not using vanilla JA given the remaining player base is a bunch of legacy 30+ year olds.

    For sure, I understand, but if not to change then there's really no reason at all. That being said the OG UI was made in a time before any sort of established user experience practices and wrought with accessibility nightmares so while it endearing for people that have grown up with it, it is a genuine nightmare from many perspectives.
  24. ent liked a post in a topic by Circa in JKChat A.K.A. Jedi Knight mobile application   
    One nitpick I have is the Orange and Grey colors are not supported in the app so servers that use those in their hostname show as red and black like jamp would. ^8 would be orange and ^9 would be grey. Not a dire thing but maybe something you could slip in your next update. Nice job as always!
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