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Captain Leeroy

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Everything posted by Captain Leeroy

  1. Are there any decent RP communities/servers out there that -AREN'T- clan based or are they all dead? I'm tired of all these RP clans, would rather just join a community I can roleplay at freely.
  2. Captain Leeroy

    Nug's Skins

    Neat. I particularly like the Ben Kenobi one
  3. Unfortunately no, but it does have new sounds.
  4. Version Final


    *********************************** Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy *********************************** TITLE: Darth Necriss AUTHOR: Captain Leeroy E-MAIL: Breakdown94@msn.com WEBSITE: http://w11.zetaboards.com/RPG_JediAcademy/index/ FILENAME: zzzz_Darth_Necriss.pk3 FILESIZE: 4.87 MB DATE RELEASED: 14th July, 2014 CREDITS: Thanks to the author who made Darth Talon. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Just put the zzzz_Darth_Necriss.pk3 into: 'Jedi Academy/GameData/Base' folder. DESCRIPTION: This is the final version of the Darth Necriss skin which I have worked on for quite some time. Much like Darth Talon, only this time she has more armour and clothing. Makes her look a bit less... 'slutty'. Darth Necriss is a fictional character from once of my previous roleplaying communities. (Also a bonus robed skin included) BUGS: None THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  5. I'd join but I don't like the idea of it being a clan. So no thank you.
  6. Same colour scheme would be nice, also something that goes really well with the forum. And possibly a holographic effect like the other art work?
  7. What the hell? Lmfao, I guess he is right. I'll delete this and re-upload.
  8. Let me post a link here for you: http://w11.zetaboards.com/RPG_JediAcademy/index/
  9. What? No. This is my personal skin. It had nothing to do with Naruto. Lol
  10. Version Version 2


    A Mirialan Jedi Padawan who lived during the Old Republic Era and one of my favourite self made characters. *********************************** Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy *********************************** TITLE: Sasha Vendark AUTHOR: Captain Leeroy E-MAIL: Breakdown94@msn.com WEBSITE: http://w11.zetaboards.com/RPG_JediAcademy/index/ FILENAME: zzzz_Sasha_Vendarkv2.pk3 FILESIZE: 2.81 MB DATE RELEASED: 6th July, 2014 CREDITS: Thanks to the author who made gweth kelia. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Just put the zzzz_Sasha_Vendarkv2.pk3 into: 'Jedi Academy/GameData/Base' folder. DESCRIPTION: This is the final version of my Jedi Padawan Sasha Vendark skin which I have worked on for quite some time. (Even though it's nothing special). However, it has never been uploaded before and I decided to share my work. Not the best of skins, but something interesting and new. BUGS: None THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  11. It's called RPG Jedi Academy This is what the current banner looks like, but I think we can make a better one if anyone is willing to help: http://i912.photobucket.com/albums/ac321/OptimusPr1me/Jediacademy3_zpsd3f95238.png
  12. Version Final


    *********************************** Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy *********************************** TITLE: Darth Celist AUTHOR: Captain Leeroy E-MAIL: Breakdown94@msn.com WEBSITE: http://w11.zetaboards.com/RPG_JediAcademy/index/ FILENAME: zzzz_Darth_Celist.pk3 FILESIZE: 1.59 MB DATE RELEASED: 6th July, 2014 CREDITS: I would like to credit and thank {NS}Headhunter{SL} for creating the original skin which I was able to use to produce this skin. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Just put the zzzz_darth_celist.pk3 into: 'Jedi Academy/GameData/Base' folder. DESCRIPTION: This is the final version of my Darth Celist skin which I have worked on for quite some time. (Even though it's nothing special). However, it has never been uploaded before and I decided to share my work. Not the best of skins, but something interesting and new. BUGS: None THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  13. Yep, it was set to one. //==============================// basejka Main//============================== seta sv_hostName "^4R^5PG ^4J^5edi ^4A^5cademy"seta g_motd "Welcome to RPG Jedi Academy"seta g_weaponDisable 524278seta g_allowVote 1seta g_gameType 0seta g_autoMapCycle 1seta timeLimit 0seta fragLimit 0seta sv_maxClients 32seta g_allownpc 1 and //==============================// JA+ Admin//============================== seta jp_councilPass "xxxxx"seta jp_knightPass "xxxxx"seta jp_instructorPass "xxxxx"seta jp_councilLoginMSG "%s ^7is logged as an ^3admin council."seta jp_knightLoginMSG "%s ^7is logged as an ^5admin knight."seta jp_instructorLoginMSG "%s ^7is logged as an ^5Member"seta jp_councilAllowedCMD 1073741822seta jp_knightAllowedCMD 805306362seta jp_instructorAllowedCMD 360448seta jp_admUsableOn 0seta jp_admScript 1seta jp_admLoginEffect 2seta jp_starTrekTeleport 1seta g_allowNPC 1seta g_allowvote 1
  14. I pay for a JKA dedicated server (RPG Jedi Academy), and have enabled NPC spawning for admins in my server. Certain NPC spawns work, such as /npc spawn jawa , /npc spawn rebel , and /npc spawn stormtrooper - however, a plethora of them do not work, such as /npc spawn trandoshan , /npc spawn saboteursniper , and /npc spawn tusken. I have no idea as to why this could be, and my fellow admin theDoge was the one who brought this to my attention. I'm assuming there's some minor edit needed in the server .cfg or something, but like I said, I have no idea. Any and all help would greatly be appreciated. SIncerely, -Captain Leeroy
  15. Hello. I have recently had to uninstall my adobe photoshop and won't be able to install it again for a while, so I was wondering if anyone here would kindly help me make a banner to go with my forums for my RP server. If anyone is interested, add me on xfire: Breakdown94
  16. Very interesting... I will pop by
  17. Do you have any idea when a release will be made? I keep asking Tendrone and all I can get is 'soon'. I'd have a specific date.
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