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Status Replies posted by spior

  1. Started up "bacon's makermod" lets see if it even works.

    1. spior


      Nope, people just play on servers they know. I get some traffic in my server. A day doesn't go by without someone joining, that's for sure.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  2. Anyone happen to know how I can play yt videos on my phone in the video player app? Stream them if you will. :|

  3. Anyone happen to know how I can play yt videos on my phone in the video player app? Stream them if you will. :|

  4. Anyone happen to know how I can play yt videos on my phone in the video player app? Stream them if you will. :|

  5. Started up "bacon's makermod" lets see if it even works.

  6. Started up "bacon's makermod" lets see if it even works.

    1. spior


      Realistically speaking, there's not much more to do in makremod as a player.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  7. ¯\_(シ)_/¯

  8. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

    1. spior


      Because you're acting like a friend, Flynn :]

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  9. school tommorow i wish i died

  10. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

  11. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

    1. spior


      You really SHOULD be more social though. Helps in life and generally makes you happier (if you think you're happy now, you'll be even happier with friends to hang out with).

      You just have to step out of the box and not limit yourself to the people in your school :]

      Also, assuming you're American, ignore women completely. You have been warned.

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  12. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

    1. spior


      It really depends what kind of job you get @katanamaru

      Where as you don't get to pick your teachers or (most of the times) partners.

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  13. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

    1. spior


      The only people that WOULD ever want to do it again are the reason why it sucked in the first place :D

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  14. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

    1. spior


      I still don't agree though. At least that's fair and square. You have no/a shit job, you have no money, you can't pay bills. In school you have to deal with constant injustice all the time. And you can't do shit about it either.

      I suppose not being able to find a job in this economy isn't exactly fair, though.

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  15. shit man this distortion is making me wet myself

    1. spior


      Well that may be, but in the studio they really did a shit job at mixing.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  16. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

    1. spior


      I plan to get a job I at least have some interest in.

      I don't see how bills and job are worse than school, the way you describe it.

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  17. shit man this distortion is making me wet myself

    1. spior


      I can't figure out if you're sarcastic or not, as I really have no idea what most of this means...

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  18. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

    1. spior


      It's all fun and games until teachers grade you based on their feelings >:|

      Go fuck yourself, history teacher.

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  19. shit man this distortion is making me wet myself

    1. spior


      I can't really argue with that as I have 0 knowledge of guitar AMPs and the likes. I'm still rocking an old acoustic.

      But still, one of the (if not THE) biggest metal bands who have been going strong for 30 years can probably do it better than that :D

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  20. shit man this distortion is making me wet myself

    1. spior


      Some artists seem to do the opposite though.

      See: Metallica :|

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

    1. spior


      I don't really understand when people say stuff like what Bacon said.

      The part about HS that I hate the most is the obnoxious people and borderline dictator teachers, not the learning part. I suppose those would double when I get older?

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  22. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

    1. spior


      I am high school and I can confirm this.

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  23. Well I WAS planning on getting back to Maul, but it's been so damned hot the past few days :\

  24. Well I WAS planning on getting back to Maul, but it's been so damned hot the past few days :\

  25. Well I WAS planning on getting back to Maul, but it's been so damned hot the past few days :\

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