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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. woah , tone down those surface chips a lot , they look way to sparkly atm othwerwise that's not bad , I'd add a lil more dirt in those cavitys
  2. http://handbrake.fr/ should do the job
  3. wow , I never had trouble with xnormal
  4. nice work , I guess you'll now switch to nDo2 to create the stock&grip details ?
  5. Strange - now I too have the same wierd lit from back thing in both , SP and MP as you can see both AT-ST's are lit stronger from their backside even though their alignment in the world is completely different and this doesn't match the direction the sun light in that area is coming from in any way , they are also completely uneffected by any other light sources in the map nor the lightsaber's dynamic light which is pretty odd, in my opinion
  6. nice idea , I'm digging that - I could throw an unstable saber blade fx in the mix if there's enough interest i'll get some screenshots later as the ones I currently have are taken with a model I can show as of now
  7. nope glm , weighted to Jose carlos Throwable stuff asset skeleton , and @@Xycaleth it looks perfect in modview , would oyu like to have the mesh to take a look at it yourself ?
  8. in Photoshop I'd have done this using a seperate masked layer , Gimp can do that too and this is pretty useful if you wanted to blend 2 textures together aswell as you can allways change the way the 2 textures blend by editing the layer mask
  9. The Normal maps display correctly in every program I looked at them sofar aswell as the mesh normals, the only thing thats off is the strange lighting bug which only appears in Jedi Academys multiplayer, base JA and OpenJk, while it's lit correctly in Jedi Academys Singleplayer. So I guess there must be a difference in how the renderer renders models in jasp & jamp
  10. @@Xycaleth yep, otherwise it wouldn't render correctly in Substance and jasp
  11. @@OmarFW yup everything up to date
  12. soooooo do you plan to create a highpoly mesh to bake Normal maps from or will you take the route I took with mini's AT-ST ?
  13. Some more testing revealed that my static model is shaded correctly in base JA SP while the wierd "lit from back only" issue appears in base JA MP aswell really strange
  14. @@DT85 @@Xycaleth Thanks but sadly the Lighting problems still persists : -normal maps don't react to dynamic lightsources (could also just not have been implemented yet) -the model is only lit from one side , it's probably some wierd exporter issue again though but I don't know what could cause something like this Any ideas @@Psyk0Sith ?
  15. @@Xycaleth a Geforce GTX460 - it should actually support GL3.2 so far all maps I tested except, Rift, worked fine
  16. shoutout to some people who might be able to help here : @@eezstreet @@Xycaleth @@DT85 Rend2 is giving me some funky results : textures/models/atst/st_m { q3map_nolightmap { map textures/models/atst/gray rgbGen vertexLit } { stage normalparallaxmap map textures/models/atst/st_n } { stage specularMap map textures/models/atst/st_s specularReflectance 0.25 gloss 0.1 } } Ingame : This second shader , appears to work as it should ingame but sadly it looks like the model is allways lit from the same side , as If I baked a lightmap and put that on the model textures/models/atst/st_c { q3map_nolightmap { stage diffuseMap map textures/models/atst/gray blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { stage normalparallaxmap map textures/models/atst/st_n } { stage specularMap map textures/models/atst/st_s specularReflectance 0.25 gloss 0.1 } } As you can see it's allways only the back side of the model that is lit , I tried r_forcesun 2 and it had absolutely no effect on the model EDIT : the lighting issue also appears with the vanilla renderer - no clue what's going wrong here
  17. Wat. https://www.dropbox.com/s/oepfv4ean8ssflk/Screenshot%202014-08-08%2003.04.03.png Funny , happened whn I loaded the Rift ffa map in MP any clues ? I'll provide anything you might need to troubleshoot
  18. An idea that came up during my chat with @@minilogoguy18 a few minutes ago we were able to do that on good ol' jk3files (Rest in Peace) so probably it'S something we could try The External content thing is nice but it's not really the same
  19. I could get a static version of the mesh ingame , but you'll have to wait for mini to see the actual animated model ingame
  20. @@Archangel35757 - I might just do that , didn't really spend a lot of time on the frosty version
  21. It has some snow and ice crystal forming around all edges and in cavitys aswell as all over the surface , the image doesn't show it too well I guess
  22. My work here is done , now it's @@minilogoguy18's turn to get those sweet animations done
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