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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. I made a few hard egdes soft by merging the vertex normals, I tried editing their angles a little to get nicer shading with mixed results. Faces are exploded/detached along hard edges, which duplicates vertices in these spots decreasing the number of hard edges saved me 400 vertices. @@Raz0r ah, yes good old times Any chance you still have the portal mod code stuff?
  2. tris are not a problem vertex count is and I still have a trick up my sleeve that might help me here - custom normals instead of split normals should reduce the amount of edgesplits EDIT: aaaaaah, that felt good.... so that seems to have fixed my problems
  3. @@Xycaleth check out the google sheets link in my previous post and yes, depending on the weapon it will
  4. we have that for OpenJK SP the crash only occurs with the base JASP @@Xycaleth did some more systematic testing and noticed something: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OLTu9MrDbIFFQkcKWgDCxUjtbXt5ietF4Wqu1k1Tjr8/edit?usp=sharing green is fine, red crashes
  5. @@Xycaleth it's even more random! If I use the clone model as my character model instead of spawning the npc version in, me being hit instantly crashes - while a single clone npc I shoot won't crash the game EDIT: the circumstances for the crash to occur are very varied - now I could have 2 at once without problems but a third caused the crash again
  6. @@Xycaleth the error occurs when you shoot/attack one of the 2, running into them doesn't do anything
  7. @@Xycaleth compare the rendered images I supplied and you won't find artifacts
  8. happens with any LOD actually and the current clone model has 6246 verts, 7490 tris on 27 surfaces doing the math (132096-(27*4))/20=6599.4 max verts, which I should not reach but that's for a single model I guess? atm I'm only crashing with 2 or more clones rendered at once
  9. people still complain I have 2 versions for now, a high res model with 2k textures and the lowres which is the model I'm butchering atm with 1k textures
  10. the number of vertices in each surface is below 500 I guess I'll try to merge a few objects to reduce the surface count... EDIT: strangely enough the error only occurs in singleplayer
  11. yes, they are here's a list of differences that you can't take from the linked pics: Solaire: -4 Materials (2k for the whole body, 1k for accesoires and 2 sided alphamapped variants for both) -slightly different hierarch (bolts for LODs are not linked correctly, hips_x are not linked to the coresponding stupidtriangle_off) Clone: -7 materials (6x 1k for the test version (have higher res 2k versions available) and a shader based at textures/common/black with an env stage) -everything in the hierarchy is linked to the proper LOD variant Similiarities between both: -all materials have 2 shaderstages (just diffuse and spec) -LODs seem to work fine for both ingame and in Modview time fore more extreme tests... EDIT: I'm done. I'm fucking done - now a single scalped, beltless clone crashed the game it's official @@neomarz1's clones have a protective curse the crash can't be related to vertex, tri and surface count alone EDIT2: a hierarchy change didn't do the trick either
  12. this is ridiculous! compare these 2 models, I can spawn 13 solaires without lag or a crash at once, might be even more since I stopped spawning more after the 13th... while 2 clones onscreen at once crash the game
  13. @@Archangel35757 if caps are included in that count I have 49 EDIT: caps do not count towards the limit. I also tried leaving a piece out to get to the 32 surface mark and it still crashes - now with a lower tricount than solaire
  14. @@DEVISS before I can think about that this one has to work properly without crashing the game (an issue thats allready fixed for those using openjk) I seem to be close to fixing the crash though - 755 tris down leaving me with 7794 tris in total and a single clone no longer crashes the game, as soon as you spawn a second and shoot one of them while the other is still alive it crashes. Strangely I can have 20 ragdolling dead clones lieing around and still spawn&shoot another clone without problems occuring. I als succesfully tested 10 solaires fighting that single clone, Solaires tricount is 7355 so I assume the treshold for the ghoul2 error to be at around 7.5k tris Edit: down to 7514 tris and it still crashes Edit2: 7490 tris and it crashes with 3 clones on screen while 6 7355 tri Solaire models work fine - there must be another trigger for this error than just the tri count @@eezstreet, @@Xycaleth any ideas what else could be related? the clone is split into many sub objects could that be part of the problem?
  15. that's starting to get fairly difficult without destroying the UVs I could delete the sides of the knee and ellbow pad straps probably, maybe remove a few more edges at the helmet EDIT: 500 tris down, still crashes
  16. so who of you guys can get me a decent clone soundpack?
  17. well the base game drops the ran out of transform space error - I feared that that would happen EDIT: only in Singleplayer though
  18. @@DT85 summoned me I myself prefer the metal/roughness workflow BUT there is one thing the metalroughness workflow fails at - iridescence, which we probably won't need too often anyway I second this, unless you have a lot of mid values in your metallic map you won't see artifacts around material transitions That specular value you set there is most likely used as a base specular value for dialectric materials. a conversion from PBR to legacy textures is easy to perform since you can get everything you need from your bakes and created PBR maps converting PBR metal/rough to pbr spec/gloss is also no problem at all - reverting that is a bit more difficult. But converting legacy textured models to PBR is a pain in the butt, you have to cancel out all lighting information from the image which can be difficult to do without destroying detail or the base color value an automated process will surely cancel out lighter or darker values but may also lose things like dirt or scratches in the process. there also isn't anything that tells your automatic converter which parts of the texture it's looking at are metallic and which are not it simply can't be automated with just the pure legacy maps to work from. If you went ahead and hand painted a metallic map forthe legacy objects it might be possible to create something semi useable. I'll put something together that illustrates the differences between the 3 discussed systems in a minute Edit: my substance material for converting PBR to JKA materials is not yet perfect, it needs more testing and tweaking until I can say I'm happy with how it turned out If anyone wants to try it with his meshes pm me, it works as a smart material in substance painter or as a node for substance designer which also makes it useable in the free substance player
  19. first ingame test, really happy with the spec map EDIT: skin variations I'll ship
  20. shameless double post after all those adits
  21. oh, yes indeed I thought you said vert count here's what I could chop him down to without visible difference EDIT: another 285 tris down still little to no visible difference EDIT2: let's see if I can get to 7k vertices and 8.5k tris EDIT 3:
  22. yeah indeed, I'm trieng to chop him down wherever I can I got a 50% increase from the darn smoothing splits
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