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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. Sent per pm
  2. I did, but the user hasn't been online since june 2017.
  3. @@SomaZ, I like that suggestion but I never tested it in Jedi Outcast - so it may break stuff and I would not recommend using it.
  4. A better solution would be to use a larger texture resolution and tile the texture half as much. Adding a diagonally moving layer would ruin the illusion of the directional flow.
  5. There is no rejected files list, they are simply deleted from the server. I can dig through my pms to see if I can find the name.
  6. I don't have that file... I just rejected the submission to our Files section as it was against the rules.
  7. Someone tried to submit a pprted version of that model to our files section a while ago. Don't remember who it was, but it already exists.
  8. Okay! I played with this a bit and it seems like my assumption was right, the problem is indeed caused by the watershader, take a look at this gallery. I made a simple map using the same fog shader and the same water shader as you used on your Dagobah map, but I also added 5 extra pools of water - each with a different shader. I also spawned a swamptrooper in every pool of water to see what would happen. If you take a look at this picture you can see your water shader, 'h_evil/lakewater' on the left in the back row and right next to it I used 'bespin/water2' which might not look as muddy but in conjunction with the fog it gives the better result. There are a few key differences between these two shaders: textures/h_evil/lakewater textures/bespin/water2 Pic with no fog and improved lighting to demonstrate the transparency difference: So I ended up making a shader that was a bit of a hybrid between the two, which I then kept tweaking for a while until I found something I liked. In the end it became a copy of h_evil/lakewater, now titled dagobah/lakewater, that I added the fogparms from the hoth/hoth_fog shader to (In order to ensure a consistent result) and after messing with that for a while I decided to slightly modify the texture colors in the shader (using rgbGen const ( R G B ) on each stage) in order to darken them and to add a slightly more greenish tint to the surface. I also made sure not to intersect my global fog volume brush and the brushes with the new watershader to avoid "stacking" the fog effects, which made the surface look very washed out and pretty much plain grey. Here's what the result looks like: and here's the shader: I hope this helps @@Lwkill @@Lancelot
  9. Or you just use cg_drawGun 0 to reliably hide your equipped gun from the view.
  10. You could use therfiles camera menu mod to turn your playermodel invisible and then pair that with noclip to get a free flying camera.
  11. Great!
  12. The best advice would be to try at least two of the suggested programs and then see which one feels more comfortable to work in to you.
  13. yeah, Blender can do a lot more than kitbashing - but few are willing to learn how to do more. I'll second Psyk0 on that. My recommendation would be 3ds max,you can grab a 3 year student license here https://www.autodesk.com/education/free-software/featured Just download a newer version if you still want to use it after your version expired. 3ds max is currently offering the widest range of plugins that support the various file formats you'll encounter when modding JKA. And we have a few members here that are very well versed when it comes to working with 3ds max.
  14. Yes and yes. Most of the users here barely use it for actual modeling though and just bash pieces of models from other people together with a minimum amount of knowdledge about what the frick they are actually doing. Tutorial wise I only know of this tutorial for custom vehicles https://jkhub.org/topic/10159-creating-new-vehicles-with-blender/ and this video series covering Frankensteining/Kitbashing but also porting of individual model pieces from Skyrim https://jkhub.org/topic/10172-blender-jka-frankenstein-modelling/ If you make your custom models and then follow the skyrim tutorial you should be able to get a model ingame. The users @@Langerd and @@ooeJack should be able to help you with the Blender related problems you may run into. If you have questions about the technical and more generic aspects of getting a character to work in JKA you can @mention me or send me a pm.
  15. I don't think that the xwing itself is causing the problem here, at least judging from the screenshots. The problem seems to be that the water is not covered by fog the same way as everything else, which creates this stark contrast between the black water and the xwing. As when you compare the xwing to the surrounding foliage around the water it doesn't look out of place. I'll see if I can figure out why this happens.
  16. Something I was playing with that will make it into a future release of Q3ME, but will be left out for the first release due to the amount of time it will take to finish. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KNit9f97iU This allows me to visualise the way the vertex alpha shader looks ingame inside of 3ds max while painting the alpha values in Realtime. which is insanely cool imo.
  17. Not actual progress but something I spent way too much time on these past few days: This is an aniamted lava shader (32 frames animmap) with vertex alpha control over the crust/liquid ratio. So this is essentially the same as a terrain blending shader.
  18. uhm. No. That's not a thing at all
  19. Guuuuys, can we all get back and try to stay on topic here? If you feel the need to continue, this debate might be better off in the Art, Media & Technology subforum.
  20. Just dropping this here EDIT: Also added 3 Point Clipping! I got a little carried away and messed with other features of my Kit and standard 3ds tools
  21. Yeah, we moved the tutorials to a subforum: https://jkhub.org/topic/10168-softimagexsi-joja-skeleton-bonestags-and-compiling-guide/ @@minilogoguy18 you should update that link
  22. @ The best choice would be Softimage XSI Modtool, it's free and @@minilogoguy18 has recorded some fancy tutorials from what I recall. Blender can appearently do it too but I havn't seen any tutorials on that and last but not least you could give yourself some cancer by trieing to use Dragon to animate.
  23. Check your pms @@Akkarin
  24. Nope, not exactly dependend But somewhat broken in its current state, I plan to remake it some time.
  25. @@Akkarin, yes I did. That one enver got a public release though after someone used it to disguise a ported model as custom work on here.
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