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(DON'T MOVE THIS) A Common Issue with Weapons

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I seem to have an issue: I am unable to use my Jedi Academy weapons by pressing left mouse button, which somehow acts like mouse wheel down now. in other words, my sabres will not swing and my guns will not fire regular shots. Even after I added and removed three NPC and SP skin files and one menu customizations pack and reinstalled my copy twenty-three times, nothing changes. Is there somehow an error the game enacted? Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Simply set all options to default in the options menu. That should set the controls straight again.


First of all, calm down.


1. This Ideas & Issues section is for forum related stuff only, not for Jedi Academy or Jedi Outcast.

2. Use your previous topic. Circa didn't move it for no reason. He simply moved your topic to the appropiate section, which

is the Jedi Knight Tech Support section.

3. Circa has any right to move topics or keep them where they are. He belongs to the JKHub staff after all.

4. If you proceed with your behaviour, you will be either ignored or, in the worst case, blocked from this forum.

5. Nobody, not even @@Circa, wants to anger you. We would like to help you, but please behave appropiately.

This is a forum, not a schoolyard.


Please, and I mean that most sincerely: Use your previous topic, the one Circa moved to another section. Anything else won't bring you any quicker solution, even if you

start 60 more topics like this one.

Caelum, therfiles and Circa like this
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I'd delete this since it's a duplicate thread but @@therfiles and @@Lancelot's posts are worth keeping in.


But seriously, your threads are moved because you're posting in the wrong section. I moved it to the right one. In fact, I told you to post in this section before you even created a thread, and you posted in the wrong one. Its not a personal attack, I'm just keeping things organized. Its to help your thread reach more views from the people that post in this section regularly, offering their help.

Smoo, therfiles and Lancelot like this
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